Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 89 Rest in Peace

Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, Bell covered his aching chest, and the bruises on his face made it difficult for him to see what was in front of him.

Bell was strong because he was the Judge.

Bell was also weak because he was the Judge.

The Judge had a dominant suppressive power against missionaries, but when facing ordinary people, his gift power was almost useless.

Now in his mind, the guy wrapped by bees was simply a dead body, so his gift power was not used on the guy wrapped by bees, but just suppressed those bees.

That's why he couldn't suppress those things.

The sequence node he was in now only allowed Bell to suppress one missionary at the same time. The power of the bees came from the bandaged man dragged by Siwei, and the night walker Heidi wrapped by the bees would not be affected at all.

Bell's intelligence made it impossible for him to effectively understand the situation, so he was so passive, and even the gun in his hand had fallen a few meters away.

Holding the dagger in his right hand, his arm was shaking slightly, as if he was about to lose the handle of the knife.

Bell rarely encountered such a difficult situation. Most of the time, he faced Pantheists or independent missionaries.

He had never encountered a case like this.

At this moment, Bell's brain was working at high speed. The monster was walking towards him with a stiff and slow pace. Perhaps only one last punch would end his life.

By then, his brain might also become a meal on that guy's plate.

With unstable breathing, Bell retreated slightly to keep his body from stiffening.

The monster crouched down and was ready to go.

The battle was tense and only a moment would pass.

Within one move, it might be determined whether Bell could survive.


A deafening sound echoed in the streets of Manburg City!


It was the sound of a gun. Before Bell could even react, the monster quickly retreated to the back and avoided the speeding bullet!

"It's not a whalebone bullet, what are you worried about?"

Norris said this easily while throwing the pistol that belonged to Bell on the ground. He wore silver brass knuckles with wonderful patterns on his hands.

The monster should have turned his head and looked at Norris standing across the street. The dim light poured down from the lampshade and gently covered Norris's head, but the shadow of his bangs also made Norris's face dark, giving Bell an uncomfortable feeling.

The bees desperately vibrated their wings, making noisy and chaotic sounds to intimidate the enemy that even they were instinctively afraid of.

"I can understand what you are saying," Norris picked his ears, "so I know very well that I don't want to listen to your nonsense at all. If I want to die, I don't need so many last words."

Bell wanted to stand up and question Norris why he came out to save the situation, but the severe pain almost made him kneel on the ground.

A slender arm stopped his falling upper body.

Baifuli's face was livid, and there was also anger in her expression when she looked at Norris.

"Don't talk," Baifuli saw Bell's desire to talk and stopped him in time, "If you say one more word now, the wound involved will be more serious. You must stay alive first, and then you can ask Norris those damn questions afterwards."

Hearing this, Bell chose to compromise and relax, but his eyes on Norris still did not move away.

The monster moved towards Norris. He walked very slowly, but every step was very solid, as if the speed might surge in the next second, and then break through to Norris!

Norris blew on the brass knuckles on his fist and blew away the dust that did not exist.

Baifuli didn't know what kind of missionary Norris was, but Bell knew that on Norris' wanted list, some personal information that had no use was recorded in detail.

Among them, only one was relatively useful.

Norris was a night walker.

This also explains why he could beat up dozens of people with Siwei in the bar. The strongest point of the night walker is physical strength, which will be greatly increased at night.

Norris is now at his strongest.

The monster didn't know what Norris was. He only knew that the man in front of him exuded a dangerous aura. This was different from the man and woman next to him. It was deadly enough.

A large number of bees fell off the surface of the monster's body, covering the sky and the moon, forming a wide black cloth.

The guy wrapped by the bees finally revealed his full appearance.

Heidi, who was wrapped in it, was already riddled with holes. Some old scars had holes. A large number of bee larvae moved back and forth in those holes, twisting their fat and bloated bodies.

The tentacle-like tongue stretched out from the empty mouth. The sides of her cheeks seemed to have been corroded by sulfuric acid, with burnt edges and terrible holes.

She was dying, but not yet dead. Those bees were still torturing his body, and the "unknown" was torturing his soul. Perhaps only those who committed the most evil in the world would suffer such pain.

Norris closed his eyes and said to Bai Fuli behind him: "You know what you should do, right?"

Bai Fuli's hand had already touched the pocket watch under her lapel, "If possible, I would rather not understand."

The bees blocked the moonlight, and Norris retracted his fist, ready.


Something is ringing.

Baifuli took out her pocket watch and gently pressed the button on it.

"Ten seconds." She said.

Norris nodded and counted down silently in his heart.

Baifuli's pocket watch is the embodiment of the power of grace. Her suppression of missionaries is absolute, but the higher the sequence node of the missionary, the longer it takes to suppress.

It takes ten seconds to suppress all bees, so she reported this time.

However, the monster did not know this, so he still walked towards Norris with heavy and slow steps.

Ten seconds, fleeting.


There was another light sound, and all the bees that had separated from the missionary stopped in mid-air.

Norris suddenly gave up his posture of gathering strength and slowly walked towards Heidi.

Bell and Bailey didn't understand why he did this. Logically, he could have pierced Heidi's chest in an instant, pulled out her heart, and then killed her.

But Norris didn't do that.

Walking in front of Heidi, Norris caught the fist that the former swung. It was a full-strength punch, but Norris took it.

Norris looked into her eyes, and fear and sadness were revealed in the depths of his cloudy eyes.

Even if the bees left his body, the larvae still filled every corner of his body, controlling her body.


She was talking, but her arm was struggling to get out of Norris's control.

"Kill... me..."

Norris saw her other hand, which was suspended in the air and kept shaking, as if forcing the arm that didn't obey his orders to stop any action.

"I understand." Norris said.


From under Norris's wrist, a hidden sword pierced out and pierced Heidi's throat.

The larvae and bees screamed and howled, reaching the depths of their souls. Norris remained calm and drew out his sharp hidden blade.

No blood splashed out, because the blood had been sucked clean by the termites. What supported her life source was a spiritual ritual.

Yes, it was the existence that Si Wei found.

"Rest in peace." Norris closed her eyes with his hands. The termites had turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air, disappearing with Heidi's death.

Those black holes symbolized her pain all the time.

When Bofuli saw Norris put Heidi's body on the ground and wanted to leave, she asked, "Where are you going?"

Norris turned his head, with unrestrained pity in his eyes.

"I have another person to find."

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