Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 90 The Worms

Si Wei had to admit that what this guy said was right.

If he really found a way to avoid losing control and falling, it would definitely be enough to change the world!

A world without fallen people means that after becoming a missionary, you don't have to worry about whether you will fall. At that time, even the most mentally fragile people will have the opportunity to become missionaries and experience that extraordinary power!

However, his approach was undoubtedly wrong.

The subject completed with blood and fear is wrong after all. This is an unrecognized method.

The bandaged man doesn't care whether he will be a celebrity or a bad guy in the future. He just wants to pursue his own truth, which is his ultimate goal in this life!

"Do you want to join me?" The bandaged man stretched out his hand to Si Wei. The hand was wrapped in bandages, but there were still blood stains on it. Si Wei couldn't imagine what he had done with his body before.

He was crazy, crazy for what he pursued, and he did whatever it took. This was the saddest thing.

A madman who is destined not to be accepted by the world can only use the most extreme and malicious methods to create a good result to repay the world.

What a dramatic ending.

Si Wei shook his head silently, "Before I answer your question, I hope to get an answer from you."

"What do you want to know?" The bandaged man's head turned back, as if he had healed his own injuries. "As long as it is a reasonable question, I will answer it, because you are the only one who can understand me."

Raising his eyes, Si Wei and the bandaged man's right eye looked at each other.

"You have the truth you want to pursue, and I also have the truth I want to know. I need to know where the entrance to the city of Haleiya is. I know very well that you know the truth, so I need you to tell me."

The art of speaking is that Si Wei's first sentence made the bandaged man realize that Si Wei is a real truth seeker, not a bastard who just uses him.

If Si Wei did not add the previous sentence, perhaps the bandaged man would still be wary of him, but now... he has believed Si Wei.

"The city of Halaya... a city of miracles, but also a city of tragedy... It's really interesting. I don't know the purpose of your search for the city of Halaya, but I advise you that the city of Halaya is directly related to their affairs. If you don't want to die... it's better to give up early."

I am an apostle of Cthulhu, what else do I have to be afraid of? Who knows what I want to investigate now is related to myself.

Si Wei thought to himself and answered: "If I sacrifice my own life for the truth I am pursuing, then I think it is worth it."

"Very good... very good! This answer is simply the best answer!" The bandage man was very satisfied with Si Wei, in every sense! "Very good, I can tell you the entrance to the city of Halaya, but if your investigation has any progress, you must tell me! I also care about the city of Halaya, but I don't have the qualifications to enter."

Qualifications? Do you need qualifications to enter the city of Halaya? Neither Norris nor Arnold told me about this!

Si Wei closed his eyes, perhaps the bandage man will never know this answer in his life.

"I will, but only if you tell me where the city of Halaya is."

The bandaged man was shaking with excitement, "The entrance to the city of Halaya is in Chadriel."

Siwei remembered this place. On the night he met the bishop, the newspaper published something about Chadriel, saying that the local area was invaded by pirates and the people were suffering.

The entrance to the city of Halaya is where the pirates gather? So, the pirates are also looking for the entrance to the city of Halaya?

As soon as the bandaged man finished speaking, a cold light pierced his chest!


The sharp hidden blade pierced the chest and bandages of the bandaged man, which were stained with blood with golden patterns. He was indeed crazy.

Norris drew out his hidden blade, threw the blood on the ground, stepped back a few steps, and let the bandaged man fall to the ground, "For you, this way of death is already quite merciful."

"Mercy... ahem... what is mercy?" The bandaged man was still laughing, as if death was just a beginning for him, "For humans, giving them death is called mercy! Everyone living in this world suffers torture and suffering, and only death is a kind of relief."

"Maybe death is just the beginning of another period of torture and suffering?" Norris ruthlessly denied him, "If there is an afterlife."

The bandaged man supported himself and wanted to get up from the ground, "Really? It seems that our definition of people living in this world is subtly different."

Norris said: "At least I won't be pessimistic blindly."

The bandaged man couldn't get up anymore. There was the word "unknown" on Norris's hidden blade. Those things and whalebone bullets had the same lethality to missionaries. With this level of serious injury, the bandaged man was basically in a coffin.

But his obsession still supported him, forcing him to hold on to his last breath, "Anyone who tries to peek into the 'unknown' is a lunatic, you, me, him... all missionaries are lunatics."

"I agree with this." Si Wei said, as if he didn't realize that he was also included.

The bandaged man kept his smile and laughter until his death, "The pursuit of truth will never stop. We believers in Him, even if we die, it is only the death of the flesh. Our souls and spirits still exist, following His steps to reach the other side of the truth."

Si Wei rubbed his temples. He would not deny other people's beliefs, but this kind of belief always felt that it had completely changed a person from the inside.

Perhaps his current research is also carried out as a puppet controlled by Him after he went crazy?

In this way, this guy is really pathetic. He has no independent consciousness at all, but passively accepts information from the "unknown", wandering on the edge of depravity and non-depravity, and has become a lost person.

The bandaged man's breath was completely cut off, and his body gradually disappeared, leaving only the blood-stained bandages and clothes, which fell gently to the ground.

"Where is the victim?" Si Wei asked.

Norris was silent for a moment, then replied, "She has been freed. She was contaminated by the Fallen. Although she became a missionary, she is always on the verge of falling. If she is not freed, she will probably suffer more."

Si Wei nodded, raised his eyes, and looked at the cold moon.

It is a little chilly today.

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