Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 91 Flowers bloom and fade

"What? Are you leaving?" Arnold looked at Si Wei, completely surprised by his proposal.

"There are still people waiting for me, and I have a more important matter to deal with." Si Wei scratched his head and estimated the time. The royal celebration was about to begin, and he needed to hurry back to the capital. , just go and meet Jia.

Bell finally chose to follow Gunric's suggestion, chose to leave the city of Manburg, and embarked on the road back to the capital of the empire.

He didn't know why, but Gunric's words always gave him an ominous feeling. It just so happened that there was no place that needed him in Manburg City, so he just chose to leave.

Arnold also provided him with a good place to go before he left, thinking that he might be able to leave the imperial agency where he was now and join that place.

Bell chose inaction, neither rejecting nor accepting.

Arnold is not planning to leave Manburg City for the time being. The Seton Bar is running well here. Moreover, the public security in Manburg City has been very chaotic recently. Maybe he needs to take action to rectify it himself, so he can enjoy his retirement life here.

Beverly still has to choose to be with Norris. Their next destination is Chadril, where they can find the entrance to the city of Halea.

At the dock, Si Wei looked at Arnold and asked, "Are you so free now? Do you still have time to see us off?"

Arnold shrugged, "My bar recently hired a temporary worker. He is very efficient and very diligent. I feel relieved to have him look after me."

Bell looked at the sea. A ferry belonging to the empire was about to sail. He also had to board that ship, so he decisively said to the four people behind him: "Goodbye. I hope that when we meet next time, the protection order on you has been removed." Canceled."

This sentence must have been said to Norris. He said helplessly, "Then just wait. I personally feel that the protection order will continue to protect me for a while."

After saying a brief farewell to the four of them, Bell hurriedly boarded the ship and left the North Sea.

"Where are you two? Which ship are you going to take to sneak over?" Arnold and Siwei looked at Norris and Beverly jokingly.

Beverly crossed her arms and turned her head away, "Who knows? Anyway, these matters are all left to him. I'm just responsible for following along."

Norris said: "When I came to Beihai, I was really in a hurry, so I had to choose to sneak across. But now that I have come to Beihai, I can contact an 'old friend'. Without him, I am not in Beihai." Stowaway."

Si Wei said: "Oh? Do you have such a convenient friend? Can you introduce him to me? It will be more convenient in case I want to leave Beihai."

Norris raised half of his eyebrows, "Arnold must know this person, so don't say such things to me. He is a former president of the Tribunal, and he must know more agency personnel than me, right?"

Arnold continued: "This is not necessarily true. Now the Trial Court and the Divine Inquisition Court are changing so quickly. Maybe I don't know anyone at the top?"

"That's your own problem. Why should I help him thread the needle?"

Si Wei: "That's so ruthless. We finally handled two incidents together, right?"

"Brothers must also settle accounts. You don't distinguish between public and private matters. How did you become a professor?"

Beverly couldn't bear it any longer and interrupted the bickering between the two, "Hey, we've talked so much, how on earth are we going to check with Lier?"

Seeing that she couldn't bear it anymore, Norris glanced at his watch and muttered, "It should be almost time..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a deafening whistle came from the sea.

The three of them turned their attention to the sea level. The mighty imperial fleet was heading towards the North Sea, coming menacingly and looking really majestic.

"Hey, the Imperial Fleet, it seems that this time the Empire is really concerned about the incident in the North Sea and suppressed it." Arnold sighed, "When did these prehistoric ape-men become so smart?"

Norris pointed to the silver-white painted ship in the middle of the imperial fleet and said, "Don't you want to know who my connections are? Just look at that ship."

Arnold and Si Wei were stunned for a moment. Could it be that this guy knew a senior military officer?

Beverly realized something and responded quickly: "This time, the full commander of the imperial fleet seems to be someone from the Privy Council?"

If the Inquisition and the Divine Inquisition are the fists used by the empire to attack, then the Privy Council is the brain used by the empire for thinking! It can be said that the most overall-oriented, commanding, and smartest people in the empire gather here to make suggestions for all actions of the empire.

This time the fleet commander... comes from the Privy Council?

Norris nodded, "Yes, the commander this time is one of the eight resolution officers of the Privy Council, named Sutton Kelith."

"Si Wei," he warned Si Wei, "Beverley and I will wait for you in Chadril. When you finish handling your affairs, come to Chadril to find us."

"Okay," Si Wei replied, "but I'm also going to find a way to sneak into the capital."

As soon as he finished speaking, Si Wei heard Beverly snap her fingers.

"No, as far as I know, your college has arranged a boat to pick you up, and Miss Greenwell is also on the boat."


Seaton Bar.

Arnold pushed open the door and walked to the bar. He looked at the handsome man standing in front of the bar and said, "Hey, maybe you have the talent to be a bartender!"

The man smiled, his soft golden hair flowing, "Stop sarcastic, did you send them all away?"

"Well, they are all sent away. Norris and Beverly went to Chatriel, and Bell got on the ferry back to the capital of the empire."

"It's great. Their next schedule can be a little easier, but I'm still busy..."

Arnold sat at the bar and looked at the person in front of him with worried eyes, "Qiao, are you really okay?"

Yes, the person standing in front of Arnold was Joe Rupert, who had been separated from Norris and Siwei for a while. He smiled and replied: "Of course there is no problem. Do you think I have a problem?" ?”

"I believe you for the moment, but why did you come to Beihai despite the risk of smuggling across the border?"

Qiao said casually: "You don't need to care about this. Anyway, I have my own things to do. You just need to take care of yourself."

"What now? Where are you going?"

When asked this question, Qiao was stunned for a moment.

Then, he replied, "Well... now... I should go to Nanyoku University, or go back to the capital of the empire to have a look? In case I meet an acquaintance, I can catch up on old times."

The worry in Arnold's eyes remained unabated, "You must take care of yourself, you know? I don't have the energy to take care of your affairs anymore."

"I understand, you don't need to say more." Joe's smile always made Arnold feel warm, "Do we still need to say these indifferent words between us?

“It’s enough to take care of each other’s bodies.

"The rest... is to do the job you should do well."

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