Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 92 Si Wei's Protector

The streets of Manburg City were still deserted, with few pedestrians walking around.

Joe wandered down the street with his hands in his pockets, whistling.

Unknowingly, he had arrived at the place where Si Wei and Norris confronted the bandaged man last night.

"You're really smart. This Si Wei, even if Norris was not in a dangerous situation around him at the beginning, he still maintained a considerable degree of calmness." Qiao was not stingy with his praise, "Use lies to confuse the other party. The trap problem paralyzes the opponent. Even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to handle it better than him, right?"

"Having said that, is his character so distorted because he faced the 'unknown' head-on, or because his sequence nodes have reached a very high level?"

Neither Norris nor Joe has an accurate answer to this point.

But there was only one thing they knew very well, and that was that the power of the gift in Si Wei was stronger than that of ordinary missionaries!

This preference is enough to drive any believer in Pantheon crazy. This seems to be an advantage, but if Si Wei doesn't learn to restrain his gifted power, the advantage will lead to death for him.

Joe smiled and didn't take it to heart. He believed that with Si Wei's IQ, he would realize this soon.

Before that, he had more important things to deal with.

"My friend, we all came here for the death of the bandaged man. I walked out openly, so why do you need to hide?"

As soon as these words were spoken, a man wearing a pure white mask appeared in front of Joe in an extremely strange way. The space distorts and then appears instantly.

"So, who are you?" Qiao took out his ears, "I believe that you appeared here and deliberately concealed your aura. It is definitely not an accident, right?"

The masked man looked at Qiao, and it took him a long time to say, "You give me a very familiar feeling."

Joe's expression suddenly became serious, and the masked man's words seemed to touch his secret, "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just something I feel." The masked man's voice was booming, making it difficult for Qiao to judge his original timbre, but judging from his figure, he should be a man.

"We have talked so much, do you mind telling me your purpose?" Qiao did not forget his original intention and still brought the topic back to his own problem.

"You don't need to know who I am, and there should be no more interactions between you and me." The masked man said, "You only need to know the purpose of my existence, which is to protect Si Wei."

Protect Si Wei? Which force does this masked man belong to? According to Qiao's observation of Si Wei, the latter should have never interacted with this masked man!

"No need to be surprised, even Si Wei himself doesn't know my existence," the mask said. "Not everyone's existence needs to be known. I have long been forgotten by the world. It's just an accident that you saw me. Maybe from now on You will never see me again."

Qiao felt a little suspicious in his heart, "You don't belong to the Pantheon Cult, nor do you belong to the Vigil Cult, right?"

The masked man nodded, which was regarded as an affirmative answer to Joe's question.

So, which force are they from?

Qiao frowned, "Then why are you here today? Si Wei has left Manburg City, so you, the protector, should leave with him."

The masked man replied: "You are right, I am here now just to confirm whether this guy has been completely killed."

"What? Do you think the dead can be resurrected?"

The masked man's answer was very clever, "Please don't ask such an ignorant question. As a missionary, you should be very aware of the extraordinary abilities that the power of grace can bring. Resurrection is difficult, but it is not completely impossible. In order to Avoiding this is why I’m here.”

"What now? Are you sure he is dead?"

The masked man nodded, "Yes, he is completely dead, and his soul has not been accepted by Him whom he believed in. This is really funny."

Qiao's opinion was different, "Really? I personally think this is very sad. I dedicated everything to my beliefs and truth, but in the end it ended in failure. I was even abandoned by my own spiritual support in the end..."

"Without bringing in the characters, this is the ending that all missionaries will face. The missionary itself is a tragedy."

"What do you mean?" Qiao captured very crucial information from the other party's words, "Where did you know this sentence?!"

The masked man's body gradually became illusory, and even the space was distorted. "Is this important? One day, Si Wei will realize this. Whether he can change the missionary's fate depends on Si Wei's choice. "

The words disappeared, and the masked man's figure disappeared in front of Joe.

But Qiao’s back was soaked in cold sweat!

Change missionaries' fortunes? Si Wei actually has such a mission?

At first, he really thought that Si Wei was just a professor studying Raleye culture, but as the masked man revealed the key information to him, Qiao felt more and more that his judgment of Si Wei was too one-sided.

Si Wei...who is he? !


On the ship, Si Wei held his head in his hands, and Jia sat aside, feeling the stability of the ship while reading a book.

"Pay attention to your eyes," Si Wei kindly reminded based on his real experience in his own world, "You will go blind if you read like this."

Si Wei didn't know if there was a term for myopia in this world, so he changed his statement.

"Don't worry, even if I become myopic, I will take good care of myself."

Is this what I meant by this sentence...

Si Wei didn't care when he saw Jia Ya answer him like this, but just looked at the ceiling above his head and thought about something silently.

"Jia, I want to ask you a question."

"You say."

Si Wei slightly worded, "Do you think that for missionaries, truth is really above everything else?"

Jia glanced at him and asked, "What happened to you?"

"Nothing, just curious."

Jia sighed, and without even thinking about it, gave her answer, "Even Dr. Brandt can't answer your question. Because everyone attaches different importance to the truth. You have the truth you want to pursue. In this case, you just need to pursue it in the way you want, that's all, why bother about other people's pursuit methods?"

Hearing this, Si Wei fell silent again and looked at the ceiling.

Pursue the truth in the way you want?

The world of missionaries is really extraordinary.

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