Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 95: Awakening of Revelation

"This time of the Old Council, there are two main things." The priest seemed to be in charge of the overall situation, which was far from the "equality" he just said, "First, congratulations to the professor for officially becoming the apostle of Cthulhu.

"The second thing is from some different changes."

At the mention of this sentence, Si Wei, Obsidian and Historian all cheered up.

"Something is awakening, and we need to take certain precautions," the priest said slowly, trying to make everyone present listen carefully to every keyword. "Our goal has not been achieved yet, and we cannot let those awakening things hinder our progress. Task."

Saying this sentence is almost the same as not saying it, but it can also serve as some kind of warning to keep them in high spirits.

So, the three of them made apostolic gestures at the same time and said in unison: "Truth will last forever, but ignorance will perish."

Although this is no different from a cult ritual in Si Wei's opinion, if you recite it too much, there will always be psychological implications.

What's more, it is still a mysterious "unknown". In their hands, psychological suggestion is like a toy car in the hands of a child. It can be used without any tutorial and is very easy.

"If there's nothing else, I think we can call it a day." Obsidian said, "There's no need to waste useless time."

The historian and the priest looked at each other and said nothing, "In that case, after a roll call, let's leave here separately."

"Apostle of Azathoth, priest."

"Apostle of Yog-Sothoth, Historian."

"Apostle of Hastur, Obsidian."

"Apostle of Cthulhu, Professor."

At this point, darkness... shrouded this space.

Si Wei's soul and consciousness were also returned to his body.


Vulinguo, Saint-Lino train station.

The noisy and crowded crowds are passing each other, and the magnificent station buildings make people feel the luxury of the upper class. The roar of the train sounded from time to time, and steam could be seen floating upward in the distance.

A young man stood at the exit of the train station, holding a sign with the school logo of Nanyoku University in his hand, looking at everyone passing by with slightly irritable eyes.

His clothes are very simple, a white shirt, cobalt blue suspenders and a pair of dark brown cloth boots. He has a few freckles on his face and his appearance is average, making it easy for people to miss him.

The young man wears a pair of glasses, and his smart eyes are hidden under the reflective lenses.

His name is Bobby, a student at Nanyoku University who was assigned a task by one of his mentors that no one wanted to take on.

Go to the Saint-Lino train station and meet the eccentric professor.

To be honest, Bo Bi had already thought about how he would be harassed after meeting Si Wei: there were too few people to greet him, he had to be crowded at the train station, the journey was too difficult, etc. In short, Bo Bi would not let him go. Than feel happy.

The only motivation that supported him in completing his task as a mentor was the famous cold beauty of Nanyoku University, Gia Greenwell. Although she didn't understand why she insisted on becoming Professor Si Wei's assistant, Poppy was still willing to believe that this was Jia's challenge to the difficulties and was used to hone her mentality.

When Jia first became an assistant, Poppy often saw Jia standing in front of the door of Professor Si Wei's office, seemingly standing for punishment, sometimes for an entire afternoon.

Not long after, Jia and Professor Si Wei left the school and went to other places for inspection, so Poppy didn't know what was going on with the two of them now.

In his opinion, it is estimated that Jia will have to resign when she returns to Nanyoku University today. After all, Professor Si Wei's character is not acceptable to anyone. He had at least five different assistants, but unfortunately those people resigned within a week. Some of them were also fired by Professor Si Wei himself for unknown reasons.

When he thought of Si Wei's arrogant face, Poppy shuddered and quickly threw his face out of his mind.

His hands were a little sore. Just as Poppy was about to put the sign down, he heard the familiar voice ringing in his ears, "Are you a student at Nanyoku University?"

Poppy raised his head, and Jia's delicate face came into his sight, which even made Poppy stunned in place for a few seconds.

Jiya waved her hand in confusion, and Poppy finally reacted, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, I am a student at Nanyoku University, and my name is Poppy."

"That's good. Professor Si Wei has to go to the toilet now. You don't mind if I have to wait a moment, right?"

How dare I...Bobby silently complained in his heart that if he dared to have an opinion against this professor, it would be tantamount to digging his own grave.

Who knows if this eccentric professor might do some inhuman things? As the youngest Distinguished Professor of History in the history of Nanyoku University, he is a treasure in the heart of the president. Who dares to have any opinions about him...

If Si Wei knew about this, he would probably have to find ways to maintain his role. Distinguished professor, how could he afford such an honor?

Poppy glanced at Jia. Her expression was as usual, and she did not appear to have been abused. This made him a little curious about Jia's life during this period, so he boldly asked: "Miss Greenville, what are you doing?" Where have you and Professor Si Wei been recently?”

"Do you know me?" Jiya looked at Bobby, she didn't know this guy.

Bobby's smile was a little awkward. What does it mean to be miserable? The person he likes doesn't know him at all. This is the most tragic thing.

The two of them had no intersection in life. Not to mention the different departments, Jia's grades were among the best in Nanyoku University, and she would definitely be a talent that major companies would compete for after graduation.

What about me? A poor student who was living a life of idleness under the guidance of his tutor, and who might even fail several subjects this semester.

They were completely different...

"You are quite famous. After all, you have been an assistant to Professor Si Wei for such a long time. It is hard not to be famous."

Jia understood and answered his previous question, "I didn't go anywhere, just to a few places."

This answer was so perfunctory that even Bobby was embarrassed to continue asking.

Just as Bobby was thinking about how to bring up the next topic, a familiar face appeared in Bobby's field of vision.

Si Wei saw Jia standing at the entrance of the train station in the crowd at first sight, and walked through the crowded crowd to the two of them, "I'm back."

Jia nodded.

The moment Bobby saw Si Wei, his body froze, and nervousness spread in his heart.

After all, I have helped Professor Si Wei move documents several times, and I don’t know if he will remember me.

Si Wei looked at Bobby and always felt that his expression was strange, as if he was afraid of me.

So he asked Jiaya: "Who is this?"

Okay, I really don’t remember me.

Bobby wailed in his heart. He was always a passerby in Professor Si Wei’s heart! Bastard, can’t you remember the people who helped you? Are you a super big shot?

Jiaya briefly introduced: "A student from Nanyoku University, the one who came to pick you up is called Bobby."

"Mr. Bobby?" Si Wei stretched out his hand to Bobby, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Bobby."

"Okay, okay, I understand, I'll carry the luggage..." While murmuring sadly, Bobby stretched out his hand, but he didn't touch the belt of the suitcase, but touched Si Wei's hand.


At this time, Bobby reacted. Si Wei was actually greeting him?

Professor Si Wei? ? That weird professor? ? Greeting him? ?

He raised his head in disbelief and met Si Wei's equally confused eyes.

"Professor... Professor, are you... talking to me?"

Si Wei smiled, "I don't think anyone else here can make me say this."

Oh my God!!!

Bobby's mind went blank for a moment, and then he was filled with boundless joy.

That Professor Si Wei actually took the initiative to greet him!!

This is just like the miracle of all things created by the Lord of the Guardian!!

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