Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 96 Invitation from the Empire

Sitting in the carriage that had been prepared early in the morning, Si Wei did not pay attention to the two people around him, but admired the humanistic style outside the door that was similar to the Victorian era.

Bobby seemed a little excited. After all, this was the first time that Professor Si Wei greeted others so calmly, and he was the first in history. How could he not be excited? Even if he forgot that Jia was actually the first.

In the past, when Si Wei saw him, he would probably just throw the suitcase to him without saying a word, and then get on the carriage that had been prepared early in the morning without looking back.

But this time, Si Wei carried the suitcase himself, greeted him first, then thanked him politely, handed the suitcase to him, and got on the carriage.

Even if someone told Bobby that he was dreaming, he hoped that the dream would continue during the time he was separated from Si Wei.

The St. Linu Railway Station was not far from the University of South Yoku. The carriage had been driving for less than half an hour, and Si Wei saw the most famous building of the University of South Yoku across the woods on the outskirts: the Nameless Tower.

The Nameless Tower itself is a clock tower, about 100 meters high, milky white, and quite like Big Ben, with a unique aesthetic.

Every hour, the melodious bells will resound in every corner of the campus, and the bells are long and soothing.

Nanyoku University is a long-standing institution in Fulingdu. Every year, it imports a considerable proportion of talents to the empire. Coupled with the appropriate geographical location and the Nameless Tower with cultural elements and symbols, it is enough to establish its position in the academic community.

The north gate of Nanyoku University is the main gate, so it is quite magnificent, and the Gothic architecture makes it particularly eye-catching. The brick-red wall paint is very beautiful, and even the glass of the security room is a special five-color glaze.

Bobby jumped off the carriage first, then gentlemanly held Jia's hand and helped her off the carriage.

Jia actually didn't need anyone to help her. She was not a noble lady, and she didn't wear a long skirt that was inconvenient to move. In her eyes, what Bobby did was simply unnecessary.

In comparison, Si Wei had no one to help him, so he had to step down the carriage by himself.

Watching Bobby go to the back of the carriage to get his luggage, Jia muttered, "How uneducated, the professor should be the one to help."

"Okay, if you care about so many rules, your life will be boring." Si Wei calmed Jia's emotions, took out his wallet, and handed the coachman ten lems as a tip.

"Thank you, generous sir." The coachman took the banknote and said to Si Wei sincerely.

Bobby did not see Si Wei's tipping action, and he didn't look like he was going to tip. He walked up to the two and said, "Professor Si Wei, Miss Greenwell, please come with me, the principal has been waiting for you for a long time."

The security guards at the north gate saw Si Wei and bowed to him, fearing that he would be unhappy.

This is an existing case. Several months ago, because a security guard did not bow, Professor Si Wei made a fuss at the north gate for most of the day, and was finally dragged back by Jia.

Si Wei always felt that he was not like a professor, but more like some powerful person.

Walking into the campus, the atmosphere of Nanyoku University was very good. No one was playing on the road. Students either sat on the benches on the roadside with a book in their hands, or walked quietly on the roadside, enjoying a moment of peace.

There was no hustle and bustle, but Si Wei always felt that there was a lack of vitality here.

After walking along the main road for about six or seven minutes, passing one after another of large-scale teaching buildings, Si Wei and Jia followed Bobby to an office building that looked inconspicuous.

"Give me the things, you can go and do your own things." Jia stopped Bobby, and it seemed that she was not going to let him go with her.

Bobby glanced at Si Wei, and the latter also expressed his agreement with Jia's opinion.

Helplessly, Bobby could only hand the suitcase to Jia, and then said goodbye to the two.

"Let's go." Jia led Si Wei into the office building and went all the way to the third floor.

Arriving in front of a mahogany door, Jia knocked gently on the door, and then quietly waited for the response from inside.

"Come in." An old and steady voice came from inside.

Jia stood on the side of the door frame, leaving the seat for Si Wei, as if waiting for him to open the door himself.

Si Wei did not hesitate and pushed the door open directly.

Behind the door, the first thing that caught the eye was the dazzling light.

There was a large desk in front of him, and a person sat opposite Si Wei, and behind him was a window wrapped in the sun.

The office was not big, with a coffee table and two sofas in the middle, and a pot of hot tea was already placed on the coffee table.

Sitting in front of the desk was an old man who looked over 70 years old, with a kind smile, a slightly long beard, a long face, and a clear three-dimensional sense.

His hair was gray, but he did not give Si Wei the feeling of an old man in his 70s.

"Long time no see, Professor Si Wei." The principal stood up, walked around the desk, walked in front of Si Wei, and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Nilenkwei Kaodu, it's been a long time since we last met."

Siwei called out the principal's name not because he had asked Jia before coming, but because he saw the name tag on the desk the moment he entered the door, which had Nilenkwei's name on it.

"Oh, you're too polite, you don't usually call me that." Nilenkwei smiled and didn't express any doubt, "You used to be more casual, calling me by my name!"

This guy... How rude is he...

Si Wei didn't bother to criticize the original owner's habits, but instead tried to make up for his own image, "That was because I was too ignorant before. I hope I can make up for my recklessness now."

Nilenkwe looked at Jia in confusion, his eyes seeming to ask: Is this guy really Si Wei? It can't be a fake!

"I swear on the name of Your Excellency, the Keeper, that he is really Professor Si Wei." Jia said.

"Then this... is really amazing! I really don't know what kind of things made you undergo such a big change."

Nilenkwe believed Jiya's words, "Miss Greenwell, you look good. You have benefited a lot from Professor Siwei's transformation, right?"

Jia's answer showed that she was very educated, "No, Professor Si Wei has also given me a lot of academic help."

Nilenkwe's smile became even wider, and he pointed to the sofa on one side and said, "Sit down first. Talking while standing will not lead to good results."

The three of them sat down. Jiya put the suitcase on the side of the sofa, then stood up and picked up the teapot, pouring the black tea prepared early in the morning for herself, Siwei and Nilenkwe.

"The Laisen black tea unique to Youxing area, I hope you still like its taste."

Si Wei nodded, picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip, feeling the aftertaste of the black tea in his mouth, then placed the porcelain cup on the table, "It feels good, the taste is smooth and fresh, suitable for relaxing after a tiring work. "

Hearing this, Nilenkwe said in a pleased tone: "Very good, it seems that now you can really enjoy black tea."

Siwei had just traveled a long distance, so Nilenkwe did not get to the point so quickly. Instead, he simply reminisced about old times with Siwei and talked about his situation and academic research.

The former was okay, but Si Wei really had no choice but to let Jia explain it on his behalf, euphemistically saying it was to hone her summarizing and speaking skills.

However, it seems that the two of them did not conduct any investigation of ancient ruins or research on Raleye culture during this period. At most, they witnessed the true appearance of Halea's coffin, and it is naturally impossible for Si Wei to understand the words on it. speak out.

If this matter spreads, the remaining three apostles can instantly identify the true identity of the Cthulhu apostles without even deliberately investigating, which is very detrimental to Si Wei.

After a brief reminiscing, Nilenkwe finally got down to business.

"Si Wei, one week from now, someone has sent you an invitation to the empire's royal celebration."

Si Wei did not expect this. He thought he was going there with the professors from Nanyoku University, but in the end, was he the one who received special treatment?

"And the sender of the invitation... is the current ruler of the empire."

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