The ranking competition in the fantasy battlefield is quite fierce!

Because the number of main cities is large, and the scope of activities of most warriors is limited, it is impossible to cross too many main cities in a short time.

Therefore, most of the warriors are plundering dream points around a main city.

Of course, everyone's methods are different.

After controlling a main city like Ji Luoxue, the dream points are collected in the form of “paying taxes”. Everyone in the main city must pay in, and cannot escape!

If the single is only to control a main city, Ji Luoxue's ranking can not be so high!

However, Ji Luoxue had two thoughts, and the "black snow" as the avatar of Ji Luoxue was swam in another big world!

The points accumulated by the two are counted on one's head!

Therefore, Ji Luoxue was able to lead far, and ranked eighth in the pyramid. At one time, the scenery was incomparable, and the whole Ji family felt that they had a long face!

After all, among the gods, only two of them entered the top ten. One was the first Xuanyuan morning breeze, and the other was Ji Luoxue... and the name of Xuanyuan Chenfeng fell inexplicably. After that, Ji Luoxue was the only one who entered the top ten in the gods.

The family of the Ji family was also very happy to see this scene, and repeatedly praised the successor of the Ji family.

But at this moment, Ji Luoxue's ranking quickly fell! It actually slipped directly from the seventh place to the hundredth!

The family of the family of the family is staring at the name on the pyramid, and there is a hint of coldness in the eyes...

"Someone killed Cher once!" Ji Jiajia said in a cold voice.

It’s a pity that the outside world can’t observe every move in the fantasy battlefield, but I don’t know who it is. Is there such a strength to kill his Jijia’s Tianjiao?

"Hey, can defeat Xue, this person must not be a nameless generation, I do not know what to rely on, dare to provoke my niece!" Ji family's elder is also said that the big family is ultimately domineering, this Ji Luoxue is the jewel of the whole family. How do they tolerate someone shooting for Ji Luoxue?

"I said earlier, I should let Ji Luoxue merge the black snow. I missed the strength of Ji Luoxue in the two, and I have to use this method! Another elder said with indignation.

Black snow as the avatar of Ji Luoxue, the strength is also extraordinary, the key is that after the key integration of the two, Ji Luoxue can show her strongest strength!

Whether it is a fusion, there was a controversy in Jijiayu before the dream battlefield opened!

The fusion has the benefits of integration, with the complete form of Ji Luoxue, there are few opponents in the fantasy battlefield, even those who are, Tao Li Xue also has a strength to fight.

However, the two avatars entered the fantasy battlefield, and the speed of earning dream points has also doubled. The only drawback is that the strength will drop a lot...

The final decision was made by Ji Luoxue himself!

In fact, it is indeed very beneficial to Ji Luoxue to enter the fantasy battlefield.

Just like this time, Ji Luoxue was killed by Luo Zheng. If the average person is afraid, he will lose half of the dream points.

And Ji Luoxue only lost half of her dreams, but there is no loss in the black snow, so she lost only one quarter of the dream points...

If Ji Luoxue is killed once in a complete state, her ranking may not only fall to 700, but directly fell to 2,000!

However, under the complete state of Ji Luoxue, how many people can kill it?

This dream battlefield is divided into fifty major circles. It is possible that the defeat of Ji Luoxue is also so ten people. These ten people are probably not in a big world with Ji Luoxue. In other words, she is unlikely to be killed. .

So whether it is a detachment, there is really no solution to this problem.

Some of the elders of the Ji family have argued about this issue!

"All right……"

Sitting at the top of the Ji family ancestors waved a hand.

When the voice of the ancestors was transmitted, the Ji family became extremely quiet up and down, that is, several elders, including the family, are now in danger.

"Snow is very good, not to mention killing once does not mean anything, I believe she will climb up," Ji family faint said.

"Zhugong is right. We should have confidence in falling snow. Maybe the snow is not being killed. According to the truth, there are some blessed places to explore in this fantasy battlefield. She may have encountered some irresistible dangers. The warriors who died in the fantasy battlefield. Can be resurrected, Ji Luoxue has many opportunities!" Ji Jia's family said faintly.

Many people nodded slightly...

The previous ranking does not mean anything. The Xuanyuan morning breeze that has been far ahead is not lost yet. Now it’s catching up. Everyone has a little patience with Ji Luoxue.

In another corner of the fantasy battlefield...

A female warrior with a single knife, holding her head and standing at the top of the city wall!

The appearance of this warrior is exactly the same as Ji Luo Xue, almost exactly the same!

Although the looks are exactly the same, but the temperament of the two is strange...

Like the white snow, there are always white snowflakes floating around, this woman also has some around, but the black and white is falling.

Although she and Ji Luo Xue are two thoughts, but Black Snow itself has its own ideas and thinking, and even personality is very different from Ji Luo Xue.

The warrior of this main city...

Already escaped almost...

After the dream battlefield was opened, Black Snow relied on a single knife to ruthlessly kill the warriors in the main city!

She does not care how much dreams she has, and what kind of benefits she can make. As long as she is outside the city, she will be sent back to the main city by her single knife!

After a while, many warriors piled up in the main city and never dared to come out!

However, it is not a way to stay in the main city. Under the consultation of a large number of military people, they choose to flee at the same time!

This black snow is extremely powerful, but it is impossible to exhaust all the warriors and how much they can escape.

Throughout the process, Black Snow killed a large number of warriors, but more warriors still chose to flee the main city, so in general, the dream points accumulated by Black Snow are not as good as Ji Luoxue himself.

But Black Snow doesn't care.

Even if I have two thoughts, there are also the main and minor points. The Lord is Ji Luoxue and the deputy is Black Snow. She only needs to kill herself. Other things don't require her to worry about it.

Now the warriors in the main city, fleeing, scattered, and the remaining soldiers are really unable to escape, and their dream points have been drained by the black snow, so she intends to find the next city.

The warriors in the main city saw that the black snow was ready to leave, and the heart was secretly relieved. The sooner the gods walked, the better!

Just before Black Snow left, she found her rankings mad!

"I...who was killed?"

Black snow closed his eyes.

She and Ji Luoxue have a heartfelt connection. After a thought, Black Snow has already got the answer.

A warrior named Luo Tianxing...

If you want to find this guy, I am afraid to cross the big world. I can't do it now.

But with the strength of this guy, I will eventually encounter this person...

Thinking of this, a glimmer of clear light flashed through her muddy eyes!


Among the main city, a green light group gradually gave birth to a figure!

That was the death of Ji Luo who was killed by Luo Zheng. At this moment she is rapidly resurrecting.

In a short while, the light group burst, and the figure of Ji Luoxue appeared from it. She looked at the exit direction of the main city, and there was a turbid color in the clear eyes...

"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord!"

Both Niu Jin and Gafan have been waiting for a long time beside this green resurrection light group.

After Niu Jin was defeated by Luo Zheng, he was still somewhat dissatisfied in his heart. Now he saw that Ji Luoxue was defeated by the guy. He also understood the gap between him and Luo Zheng.

Ji Luoxue nodded slightly, and he walked towards the gate of the city...

Above the wall, all the warriors looked at Luo Zheng’s eyes and had a strong awe.

This kid really did, he killed the Jijia’s Tianjiao!

It seems that these gangs who have already accepted the fate of the seas, Luo Zheng can kill Ji Luoxue is simply something that cannot be understood.

In their eyes, Ji Luoxue is definitely an unbeaten myth. No one in the main city is qualified to be her opponent. Does public opinion kill her?

Luo Zheng did it...

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