Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1221: transaction

It’s a miracle that such a strangely-looking guy can kill Ji Luoxue.

This war has made many of the weakest warriors screaming...

They are all whispering about the identity of Luo Zheng. Who is he? Where is it from? Where is the teacher...

However, no one dared to ask Luo Zheng on the face.

"Ji Luo Xue is coming..." someone reminded.

Many warriors turned their heads and looked at it. They saw a pair of purple clothes, and they walked up the wall.

"After the resurrection of Ji Luoxue, it did not go out of the city directly, but on the wall!"

"She doesn't plan to challenge Luo Zheng again?"

"This is the meaning of admit defeat!"

Although Ji Luoxue lost to Luo Zheng, but many warriors believe that Ji Luoxue will not be willing to give up, after the resurrection, Ji Luoxue will probably challenge Luo Zheng again.

After Luo Zheng killed Ji Luoxue, he floated outside the city wall and stood on the Yuanwang Mountain. He did not choose to flee...

The possibility of a renewed battle between the two is quite large. However, Ji Luoxue chose to walk on the wall and did not leave the city. The surrounding warriors shunned and gave way to Ji Luoxue.

Luo Zheng leaned on the corner of Yuan Magnetic Mountain, with a faint smile on his face, and looked at Ji Luoxue and said, "Do you fight again?"

Ji Luo Xue shook his head and replied firmly: "No."

The goal of the first stage of this fantasy battlefield is to accumulate dream points as much as possible. Before she is sure to win the Luo Zheng, she will naturally rush to fight again with Luo Zheng.

"But we will have a chance to fight again sooner or later," Ji Luoxue said again. "I hope that you will not be timid at that time."

Saying that Ji Luo Xue reveals a pure smile, at that time she will integrate the black snow into a complete body, then she will win this battle!

When he heard Ji Luoxue, Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and shook his shoulders. "Yes!" Then he touched his head and said, "There is still a problem..."

“Say,” said Ji Luo Xue, faint.

"Why is the dream point of the blue-shirt warrior absorbed by you?" Luo Zheng asked.

Luo Zheng had asked once, but Ji Luoxue did not answer. Now Luo Zheng has said it again. He is really curious about this matter. He always wonders how Ji Luoxue did it. Even if she is strong, it is impossible to influence the rules of the fantasy war!

Ji Luoxue smiled a little, this time she chose to help Luo Zheng, then she appeared in the hands of a golden pill, "This golden pill, integrated with my mark! So all the warriors killed by Jinmao, is equivalent to my shot Killing, I used to crush this golden pill before I died. It is equivalent to killing me. His dream points... naturally for me!"

When I heard this, Luo Zhengfang suddenly realized...

He just patted his head, and he thought about the simple things he wanted to break his head.

However, the more obvious rules, the more people can't turn their heads.

It’s just this method of Ji Luoxue, but it makes Luo Zheng have a more idea...

If this is the case, a warrior has placed countless traps in the main city. These traps are marked with their own imprints, and the dream points generated by the warriors who are killed by these traps will come to their own collection! And you only need to leisurely stay in the city to sit and dream points!

What Luo Zheng can think of, others can naturally think of it! Someone really did this in this fantasy battlefield, such as Ai Anxin.

Now the ranking of Ai Anxin is also flying all the way!

She thought of such a method...

Ai An’s heart wanders constantly in the fantasy battlefield. After discovering a main city, Ai’an heart will not choose to enter the main city to challenge the strong.

It is not that Ai'an is not willing to confront the strong, but it is too time-consuming, and after all, there is a risk of degeneration. The deduction of half of the dream points is calculated by Ai's savvy, which is undoubtedly a loss-making business.

Constantly pondering, Ai Xin thought of a method, that is to sprinkle seeds!

A new main city appeared in front of Ai'an heart. She sprinkled a large number of seeds. These seeds are very unique. After being sprinkled on the ground, they are like living insects. They climbed into the ground.

Within an hour, the seeds begin to germinate, begin to build up, and eventually grow and form, but it is a dandelion!

These dandelions are about the size of a fist, but the outer periphery is covered with a transparent needle. It looks very beautiful, sparkling with a crystal clear luster...

The more beautiful things, the more deadly!

This dandelion is the most deadly trap. When the warrior approaches, the fluff on the surface of the dandelion will burst rapidly, scattering at all speeds in all directions and into the body of the warrior.

These tiny needles will continue to follow the warriors' meridians, track the true spirits of the warriors, and eventually penetrate Dantian, enter the body of the warrior, and then release a deadly toxin directly in the body, the whole The sea of ​​Zhenyuan gives pollution!

If the warrior does not operate Dantian, it is okay to release the real yuan. Once released, it will be violently killed.

Sprinkle these dandelion seeds on the road, the Ai'an heart will leave this place, continue to wander in the fantasy battlefield, looking for the next main city.

In the process, there are constantly dreamy points flying towards Ai'an heart...

Although the number of these dream points is not too much, a group of dream points, there are dozens of points, or a few hundred points, and occasionally there are thousands of points!

However, within an hour, there are often dozens of dreamy points breaking into the body of Ai Anxin, but the whole process, Ai Xin has no risk at all...

"I understand," Luo Zheng smiled slightly, and jumped from the top of the magnetic mountain. With a flash of light in his hand, the big magnetic mountain of the Yuan began to spin and spin, and eventually The land was reduced and turned into a mini hill, which fell into the hands of Luo Zheng.

Ji Luoxue saw the reincarnation of the magnetic magnetic mountain, and his heart was full of unwillingness. Before that, she planned to let Luo Zheng give the chip and force him to surrender the method of refining the magnetic mountain. Now it seems that his own thought is Childish, people don’t need her to let go...

After Luo Zheng’s collection of Yuan’s magnetic mountain, he glanced at Ji’s snow and then prepared to fly towards the distance.

The dream battlefield is so big, every method of accumulating dream points is different for each warrior. Luo Zheng has a move order, which is a huge advantage for him.

It is also an effective way to catch and kill the "fat sheep" between different main cities!

Ji Luoxue is the biggest fat sheep in this main city...

Luo Zheng took away her many dream points, it is estimated that she will not play again, Luo Zheng does not have to stay here to waste time, he can choose the next main city.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was about to leave, Ji Luo Xue said, finally, "You... can you wait?"

Luo Zheng looked back and stared at Ji Luoxue with a puzzled look.

"I can make a deal with you!" Ji Luoxue said with a real yuan voice.

The refining method of Nayuan Magnetic Mountain is too important for Ji Luoxue. If she refines her own Yuanshi Shenshan, it will be of great benefit to her five elements.

"What transaction?" Luo Zheng responded.

With the thin lips of Ji Luoxue, Luo Zheng’s face showed a hint of inspiration!

After a fragrant time, Luo Zheng appeared in the house of the corner of the main city.

Stepping on the thick snow, Luo Zheng feels the serenity of this house, and the heart can't help but sigh. Is this Ji Xuexue so leisurely earning so many dream points? People are really different from people. He is tired and tired and fights with people outside. The number of dream points earned is not one tenth of her!

Standing in the middle of the house, Ji Luoxue, holding a row of blank jade slips, the index finger is constantly circling on the jade slip.

After a long time, with the sound of a slap in the air, she spit out a "sealing" word, a jade simple production is completed, she said this jade Jane said to Luo Zheng: "This jade On, just teach you how to refine the power of Yuan magnetic in the magnetic mountain. As for how to use it, you must see yourself to comprehend!"

Luo Zheng nodded and reached out to Ji Luo Xue.

Ji Luoxue originally wanted to hand out the jade, but there was also a hesitant color on his face...

If you hand over this jade to Luo Zheng, what should he do if he does not give himself a blood refining method?

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