Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 3385: Inference of advent

Luo Zheng can find the Temple of Heaven, naturally because of the six kinds of blood secrets.

However, Luo Zheng’s purpose of getting this seed was to expand the blood of the ancient god.

Even if the son-in-law did not ask, Luo Zheng will take the initiative to report.

"I did find them, I also found the maiden girl," Luo Zheng replied.

The niece's eyes are full of wisdom, revealing an unexpected color.

When Gan Gaohan said that Luo Zheng had an identical Donghuang deity, the son-in-law was a bit strange. Is there a son-in-law deity? Because Gan Gaohan did not explain very clearly, the son-in-law can only make simple inferences.

Luo Zheng is to transmit the sound to the world of the body.

After a while, three faint figures have floated from the top of Luo Zheng.

The two left and right are the son-in-law and Fuxi, and Yuanshi Tianzun is in the middle.

The son-in-law and the son-in-law are opposite each other. She stares at the person with the same breath, looks and looks exactly the same as herself. The expression on her face is quite strange.

Fuxi also frowned and stared at the Fuxi deity.

The unique and free-spirited atmosphere in his body can also be felt in the Volvo deity.

"You... is that me?" asked the son-in-law.

Nvwa deity slightly decapitated, smiled and said: "Yes, I have heard that, when we came down so many kinds of children, Lishan is the head of the horse, you are very powerful..."

"Are you crossing yourself, or boasting about me?" The son-in-law smiled lightly.

"Everything," said the son-in-law, also.

It seems very easy for the two son-in-law to get along, and the two Fuxis are big-eyed and small-eyed, and there is an awkward atmosphere in this silence.

At this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun began to introduce himself, and said the situation of the other people on the other side with the son-in-law.

When Fuxi heard that the instrument of civilization was carried by Luo Zheng, his face showed a depressed expression again.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Luo Zheng is becoming more and more important for the Terran...

"In the beginning, I laid these seeds, but it was also a premonition." Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "If it is not the spirit of the Yuanling civilization, we humans may have occupied an absolute advantage, but unfortunately..."

The ability to spread the race of the Terran is also a loophole that the Yuan corpse found. Although other races also exploited this loophole at that time, it was far less than the careful planning of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The Yuanling family reacted relatively slowly, but this family took advantage of Shennong and Ji Xuanzhen and Emperor Jun directly at the crucial time, which almost took away half of the Terran.

With the help of the Yuanling family, this half of the country has the potential to become the hegemon of the mother world.

Although Lishan is not weak, but today the two palaces are also trapped in the other side, the overall strength is still a bit.

"We may not have the opportunity to pull back," Fuxi said suddenly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun, the son-in-law and the Fuxi deity are all staring at Fuxi, and it seems that Fuxi seems to have any important findings.

"I came here this time, I want to find Luo Zheng to do the same thing," Fuxi continued.

Luo Zhengbiao took a look at his eyes and asked with confusion: "What do you want?"

"The golden spirit of the source of the source," Fuxi said.

Referring to the spirit of the golden source, Luo Zheng’s eyebrows suddenly rose upwards.

When he first saw the spirit of these golden dragons, Luo Zheng was full of expectations, but he pondered and did not figure out the usefulness of this thing. It seemed to be unable to strengthen itself...

In order to find out the purpose of this thing, Luo Zheng also left some of Luo Wei, he immediately asked: "Fuxi seniors, is to figure out how to absorb the spirit of the golden source?"

Fuxi took a look at Luo Zheng. "You want to absorb everything. The spirit of the golden source is not to strengthen its own things, but to use it with the ring of advent."

"A ring of advent?"

Fuxi said so, Yuan Shi Tianzun, son-in-law deity their faces are full of different colors.

The crystallization of the spirit of Wuyuan after the advent can bring a huge strengthening effect to the other side of the land. This is the news that the son-in-law obtained from the six-patterned blood tree, and this news was indeed passed down by Yuanshi Tianzun.

The "ring of the advent" and the spirit of the golden scorpion, which was born in the spirit of the sacred source, are uninformed by the other people headed by Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

When the maiden maiden saw Yuan Shitian’s reverence and was somewhat strange, she asked: “Yuan Shi Tianzun’s predecessors seem to be ignorant, and the source of the sea has changed. The Yuanling family used the means to interfere with the spirit of Wuyuan. Later, There were twelve rings of advent, six of which fell in the hands of Shennong, three in the hands of the black ship, and the other three were taken by the Emperor, only..."

Next, the son-in-law will tell her about the ring of the coming, and the understanding of the spirit of the golden source.

After the son-in-law finished this, the son-in-law, the Fushou deity, including the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, seemed to be inlaid with starlight.

Seeing the eyes of the three of them, the son-in-law also stumbled, but she ignored the desire of the other side of the land for the coming...

The other side of the land cannot be lowered from the other side. This iron law has always existed since the Yuanling civilization, and no one has ever broken it.

To a certain extent, it means that truth cannot be violated.

When Yuan Shi Tianzun heard the news, he could almost describe it with a sigh of relief. He also asked: "These rings are the ring of advent. Can you really have the other side to come here?"

"Yes," Fuxi nodded. "Before Shennong tried to come down to the moon, but the moonfire slaves that were brought down were wiped out by the truth."

Through the memory of Thunder, he saw the scene of the moonfire slave.

"It was obliterated by the truth..." Yuan Shi Tian Zun’s brow began. "This means that the restrictions have not been lifted."

In fact, the biggest problem for the other side of the other side to leave the other side is not the "falling" itself. Once upon a time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun has seized several opportunities and loopholes on the other side, which can bring down the soul.

No matter what is "falling", the result is obliterated by the truth, and such advent is meaningless.

Later, once Yuan Shi Tianzun once again found a loophole, he no longer tried to "fall", but spread the seeds of the Terran, which had Lishan, Tiangong, Bear and Shennong clan...

"The reason for being obliterated by the truth is that it lacks the spirit of the golden source of the hand of Luo Zheng," Fu Xi added. "If the ring of advent is in harmony with the spirit of the golden source, it should be able to escape the obliteration of the truth and complete the true coming. ""

Luo Zheng reached out with a hand, and a red-golden scorpion spirit appeared in his hands. He said without hesitation: "I never thought that these spiritual spirits have this effect..."

Fuxi stepped forward and reached out and grabbed a golden dragon spirit from Luo Zheng's hand. He immediately said with excitement: "This is just an inference, then we should confirm it!"

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