Before coming to Tiangong, Fuxi was ready.

The only thing that is bad now is the spirit of the golden scorpion in Luo Zheng’s hands.

"What is the intention of the predecessors?" Luo asked curiously.

"You will know for a while," Fuxi smiled and threw the golden spirit of the dragon in his hand, and sat down on the next step.

The position of the steps on both sides of the East Emperor was actually reserved for Gan Gaohan and Ning Xuyuan.

Now the son-in-law and Fuxi are in person, and Gan Gaohan and Ningxuyuan naturally let it out. This is a ritual.

After Fuxi was settled, the Fuxi deity at the top of Luo Zheng said: "How do I feel that this replica is stinky than me?"

In the once-seventy-seventh civilization, Fuxi was also a proud and invincible character, but his talent is indeed the top of the existence, and the strength is unquestionable.

The son-in-law and the son-in-law heard this and smiled. They naturally understood Fuxi’s personality.

When everyone was waiting, Luo Zheng asked: "What about the situation of the emperor and the old man in the other side?"

Mentioning Donghuang, Nüwa and Gan Gaohan are all a look.

After the daughter-in-law arrived at the Dragon Hall, she had already told the story of the East Emperor. When Luo Zheng asked, she patiently answered again: "When the old man was trapped on the other side, I knew the situation and the East Emperor sent out on the other side. After the invitation, I will accompany him to help the old man, and the East Emperor will save himself and he will take it in..."

In fact, some time ago, the son-in-law was so bad that it saved the Emperor, but in the end it fell short.

It is not a simple matter to get rid of the old and the emperor.

This time, the son-in-law and Fuxi came, on the one hand, for the coming ring and the golden spirit of the source, on the other hand, to convey the news of the East Emperor.

The meaning of Lishan is the same as that of some of the Tiangong strongmen, that is, people who bring Tiangong move to Lishan.

Gan Gaohan did not agree to this matter. After all, the whole day’s palace was moved into Lishan to avoid it. The impact was too great in all aspects. It took a certain amount of time to consider.

"Luo Zheng has now passed through the Temple of the Soul. If you go through the land of the bones, you will be able to impact the immortal scroll. We have added a volume to the Heavenly Palace, but it is able to save the East Emperor." The river smiles.

After the ancient times, no one else achieved the people in the volume and stepped into the immortality.

If Luo Luo’s achievements are immortal, I am afraid that it will shake the entire mother world.

"If you can step into thirty-three days, I will go to save the East Emperor and live up to the cultivation of the predecessors of the Qiuyin River," Luo Zheng nodded.

Qiuyinhe nodded and smiled with a hint of relief.

At this moment, Fuxi suddenly opened his eyes and he had retired from the other side.

With his hands together, he reached out and gently flicked.

The ring of advent has drifted in front of him, and at the same time, he reached out and slammed the spirit of Wuyuan.


The spirit of the red gold scorpion has reached the ring of advent.

When the spirit of the red gold scorpion touched the ring of advent, the spirit of the golden scorpion melted rapidly, melting into a golden liquid, flowing around the ring of advent.

Soon, this ring of the fall is also turned into pure gold.


As the ring of advent trembled, a small creature appeared below.

This creature is only the size of a fist. It is a puppy with bright hair and looks very cute.

Cute and cute, but after seeing this puppy, everyone in the Temple looked cautious.

This puppy's breath is extremely powerful, not under the son-in-law and Fuxi!

"Are I down?"

After the "puppy" opened his eyes, he looked around curiously.

"It's down," Fuxi stared at it, his face faintly nervous.

Although according to the meaning of the boss of the ship, the direct use of the ring of advent will touch the punishment of truth, but the use of this golden spirit should be able to evade...

But this is the first attempt, and Fuxi is not sure.

"This is the world below. These people do not seem to be weak?" The "puppy" looked around.

The puppies are the other side of the thirties and three days.

This relationship between Futian and Fuxi is very good. After Fuxi entered thirty-three days, it has been following Fuxi.

Because it is a life on the other side, never entered the mother world, and its understanding of the mother world is based on the rhetoric.

It believes that the mother world is a weak and living creature, but the people in this palace are very strong.

"The mother world can be bigger than you think..." Fuxi laughed.

Fuxi’s words just fell, an invisible wave, coming from the top of Taiyi Mountain.

The power of the volatility is so strong, and the strong sensers of the Tiangong are clearly aware that even the other shores and even the civilians are aware of it, and the subconsciously looks up at the Heavenly Palace.

The face of the "puppy" suddenly became pale, and it felt that the power was for himself.

Fuxi’s face also became dignified, and he murmured: “No, ah...”


The power of truth that was enough to destroy the earth and the earth was only swept over their heads, and then quickly went away, not coming to the scorpion dog.


After discovering the crisis, the scorpion dog couldn’t help but snarl.

"It is!" Fuxi also gave a sigh of relief.

The actress deity, the Fuxi deity and the Yuanshi Tianzun face also showed an irresistible excitement.

What it means to come, they are clearer than anyone else.

"If Yuan Shi Tianzun's predecessors can come to the mother world, they will be able to preside over the overall situation and lead the people to ZTE," said the son-in-law, who said, "I don't know that Yuanshi Tianzun's predecessors are in the same place in Sanqingtian. I may join hands with the Emperor. Help you get out of trouble..."

The means of coming now is there, but there is a bigger problem.

These heroes of the Terran are also trapped and trapped for quite a long time.

Since so many chaotic eras, Yuan Shi Tianzun has not made any effort, but every effort is in vain, and finally it is put to the east...

Yuan Shi Tian Zun showed a bitter smile: "We are trapped in Yuqing."

When I heard the words "Yu Qingjing", the son-in-law and Fuxi's pupils shrank abruptly, and the eye of the scorpion dog that followed Fuxi also twitched.

Thirty-three heavy three clear talents Taiqingjing, Shangqingjing and Yuqingjing three realms.

Although this 卦天犬 is the other side of the Sanqing Tianzhong, it belongs to the outermost area of ​​Taiqing.

In its eyes, the guys who can enter the upper Qing are very perverted. The old man in front of him actually went to Yuqingjing?

Those places only exist in various legends. At least the scorpion dog only heard about who went in in the legend, but never heard of anyone who lived there.

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