Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 3387: Adventurous person

Before the emergence of the Terran civilization, the Yuanling civilization was relatively open-minded.

It will even “help” other civilizations that have entered the other side.

However, the premise of this "help" is that those civilizations cannot threaten the existence of Yuanling civilization. After all, Yuanling civilization has a first-mover advantage, and its strength is more than one star and a half stronger than other civilizations.

In fact, the statement about "finality" has already been raised in the first few chaotic eras, but there is a consensus within the Yuanling civilization. They think that the end of the story is a very ridiculous idea.

Throughout the Yuanling civilization, they used a playful gesture to observe the struggle of other civilizations over and over again.

Until the birth of the human civilization, the Yuanling civilization was born with an unprecedented sense of crisis.

For example, in the thirty-three heavens, most civilizations can set foot on them, which is enough to prove their power. Even if they are "chaos ancient gods" or even wing kings, it is not a simple matter to want to go deep into them.

So far, the deepest jade in the innermost layer, but only seven or eight races, and these seven or eight races are very ancient, almost all legendary races.

This is why the dog is surprised after hearing it.

"When I got the unique information through the six-patterned blood tree, I believed that our human race was not ordinary, but I did not expect the predecessors to go to Yuqing..." The son-in-law’s eyes shone.

Yuan Shi Tianzun’s face was calm. He shook his head and said: “In fact, the latecomers are not without transcending our human civilization, but Yuanling civilization no longer gives this opportunity.”

Nüwa also nodded firmly. "If the order is as good as they are, then there will be no chance for the whole chaos."

Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled faintly: "In fact, it is not necessarily true. The chaos of the whole chaos is always increasing, and it is impossible to reduce it. According to their plan of order, it is only a great delay to chaos..."

Everything in the whole world is constantly becoming chaotic, and since the resumption of chaos, the level of chaos is constantly accelerating.

If the "lawful way" of Yuanling civilization can only live 10,000 creatures, the degree of chaos will naturally become extremely slow, but as long as there is a flexible life, the degree of chaos will increase...

Maybe after thousands of chaotic eras, I will finally come again...

Therefore, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, the "lawful way" of Yuanling civilization is not a solution, but a method of delay, and the coming will still come.

When I heard the words of Yuanshi Tianzun, the son-in-law, Fuxi, Luo Zheng, Gan Gaohan and so on were also suddenly realized. Although these people are firmly standing in the final way, they still have some approvals. Tao, believe that the law of order is another means of saving chaos, just too cruel...

Yuan Shi Tianzun analyzed this, they naturally understand that Ji Xuanyuan and Shennong chose a wrong path from the beginning, and this road is bound to be a failure.

"It’s a pity that Lieshan’s family is still obsessed with obscurity,” Gan Gaohan shook his head.

Fuxi said with a blank expression. "Some people are like this. It is impossible for him to wake up suddenly. Such people can only be awakened by others!"

Listening to Fuxi’s saying that Gan Gao’s face showed a hint of joy. “It’s hard to be done. Is Lishan planning to shoot?”

After a day of the palace and the bear family torn the face, it has always been a small fight, Li Shan has not been a frontal act because of the rules, because of this, Jin Wu launched a surprise attack, almost suffered a disaster.

To say that there is no resentment in the hearts of the people of Tiangong, it must be false.

In the case of the East Emperor being trapped, there is no other choice than patience.

But if Lishan is out, they are naturally willing to see...

"If Lishan is willing to endure, they will naturally be bullied. In fact, the Jinwu family started this time, which means that the declaration of war has begun. The most important thing is that they have been unable to bear this time." Said.

"Trying? I don't know if there are any bears in the bear family?" Gan Gaohan asked cautiously.

"They used a very strange flame to burn in the major states of the mother world. This flame can't burn the strong source of the source. But the general shore and the creatures below the shore have no possibility of rebellion. They have The fire continued to be released in the three hundred states," the son-in-law continued.

"What? Did they make such a terrible thing?"

“What is this? Just to clean up these big states?”

“Is Di Hong’s crazy?”

The powerhouses of the Tiangong also showed indignation.

Even if you rely on strong strength, you can't make a meaningless slaughter...

When the people were still puzzled, the oldest man on the left side of the Dragon Hall suddenly said two words. "Ghost Green, their purpose is probably this."

The son-in-law nodded toward the old man, and he signaled that he was right.

After the reminder of Hai Lao, the strongmen of the Tiangong suddenly reacted.

"Inducing the negative emotions of the mother world!"

"They got the ghosts?"

“The purpose of Di Hong’s is to control the entire mother world through the ghosts...”

The sense of crisis in the hearts of everyone has risen steadily.

Now in the Tiangong, Lishan can also unite with other super-powers to confront the bears and the Shennong. The outcome is unpredictable. After all, this belongs to the same level of battle.

But if Emperor Hong controls the mother world, it means that he directly launches war from a higher level, and the attack at that level is simply unable to resist.

"Ghost Green is the incarnation of the negative emotions of the mother world, but after all, it is only an incarnation. Whether it really can shake the will of the mother world is just speculation. Whether it is realized or not is not known, you are not sure," Raise your hand and do a calming action.

As the birthplace of this round of chaos, the mother world has its own will and is unpredictable.

But since the birth of the ghosts, many people of insight have made imaginary, through the negative emotions of the mother world, perhaps it is able to control the mother world itself...

Previously everyone was just a hypothesis, and now Dihong has set out to try.

"It seems that the situation is not optimistic," someone sighed.

Many people have some faint colors on their faces.

Luo Zheng, who was silently talking on the side, suddenly smiled: "The situation may not be as optimistic as everyone thinks. Now there is a ring of advent, and it is better to come to the strong in the other side!"

"Where is the strongman on the other side?" The son-in-law stared at Luo Zheng, and there was an inquiry in the beauty.

"We can come to Jiang Ziya, the ‘Worry-Free King’ I mentioned to my son-in-law,” Luo Zheng said.

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