Chapter 597 The Seven Treasures, Taibai Xuanjin


Encouraging Dantian bronze mirror, there are eight things in the huge golden courtyard space.

A purple jade bracelet shaped like the tail of a real dragon.

Seven flames arranged in a zigzag pattern.

Three colorful feathers that are two feet long side by side.

A blue jade clock.

A jade ring with seven spirit snakes.

A green needle with two pointed ends.

The last one, the light is the most dazzling. It is a cross shaped like a double axe, the axe is round. One of the axe is shaped like a full moon, with cold light; one axe is fired with golden lights on all sides, and the center is crimson, like a sun wheel.

The two axes were inserted obliquely on the handle of an axe that resembled a spear and shot with strange light.

Xu Junming stretched out his hand and the purple bracelet flew into his palm. After the seal was released, it instantly turned into a dragon-shaped purple light, wanting to fly away through the air.

It is a pity that Xu Junming's palm contains the magic of space, but it is a space of size and heart. No matter how it flies, it will never break open.

Reaching out, the space was compressed, and the dragon-shaped purple light was once again pinched into the original bracelet.

Divine Sense is infiltrated, and a fairy is forbidden to enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Purple bracelet."

As a refiner, Xu Junming quickly understood the practice of this fairy tool.

It's actually not complicated.

Many cultivators in the spiritual world will collect treasures from the Eastern Taichu Purple Qi Sacrifice to protect their bodies and lower demons.

However, the purple light bracelet that took three thousand years to absorb the purple energy is indeed much worse than that of coiling.

The seven flames with the word ‘Zhi’ are called ‘Seven Suspended Star Flame’, which is the flame Spiritual Qi, combined with the seven constellations of stars in the north, and is made from a combination of exotic treasures.

It is not suitable for pill refining, but a treasure of killing with flames.

The three colored feathers, named'Cailuanling', are collected and practiced from the tail feathers of the fairy bird Fengluan. They contain the mystery of the wind. After waving, they can not only set off a monstrous hurricane, but also a treasure of flying. .

It's tens of thousands of miles in a flash.

The cyan jade clock is named ‘Blue Spirit Clock’. Although it is named ‘Zhong’, it is indeed a wooden Taoist spirit treasure.

After being urged by Magic power, the jade clock sprinkled with aura of green wood, and is best at resisting sharp gold tools such as flying needles and swords.

These four spirit treasures are all immortal artifacts forbidden by immortals.

The oval iron ring coiled around seven snakes, called the "Teng Snake Ring", contains the snake golden flame, which is powerful enough to melt gold and iron, and is a flame that can be used for pill refining and refining.

Of course, it can also be used against the enemy, but the killing is not as good as the ‘Seven Star Flame’.

The two-pointed green needles are called "Xuanying Needles", the ultimate treasure of killing and cutting refined by Western Taibaijin Qi.

Teng Snake Ring and Xuanying Needle are two immortal artifacts forbidden by immortals.

The last ‘Two Evil Axe Order’ has the strongest power. After being urged, it can shoot out the most domineering light of the Meridian, restraining the earth’s magnetism.

As soon as the Restrictions of the ‘two rituals of God’s Axe’ were unlocked, the treasure collided in the space of Xu Junming’s palm.

At the same time, the two iron medals received earlier also trembled endlessly.

Xu Junming moved in his heart, let go of Restrictions, and let two iron plates fly into his palm.

But seeing them seems to be a Ruyan throwing into the forest, quickly approaching the two ritual god axe orders, "choking choking" twice, facing each other, sticking to the spear in the middle.

The three fit perfectly, as if they were born to do so.

Divine Sense was immersed, and the name of Liangyi God Axe Ling became ‘Liang Yi Yin & Yang Ling’, and Restrictions changed from three to four.

Don't look at it as just an extra immortal forbidden, the power is indeed very different.

The Three Immortal Forbiddens are only low-grade immortal artifacts, while the Four Paths can become middle-grade immortal artifacts.

The advanced "Liang Yi Yin & Yang Order" emits the Yin & Yang divine light of the Meridian, which specializes in breaking all kinds of divine light. It can also protect the body with the two Qi of Yin & Yang. It can be called the strongest of the seven treasures. Pieces of fairy.

Each of the seven immortal implements has its own magical functions, and they have been cultivated for thousands of years.

However, from Xu Junming's perspective, these treasures fell into his hands, and if he re-trained, he would be able to refine two more immortal bans.

Vaillant went up a few more steps.

However, apart from the "Liang Yi Yin & Yang Order", the rest is really lacking in interest.

At most, it can be used to reward the disciples.

After receiving these seven treasures, Xu Junming looked at the black mist that filled the golden ding.

This is the main purpose of Xu Junming's trip.

The air of Taibai Xuanjin.

This is a treasure obtained by gathering the spirit of western gold essence and combining with Nine Heavens Killing intent.

Looking at the rank of this Taibai Xuanjin Qi, it undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of Xiantian Taishi's rank.

"The number is also large enough. If it is used to practice the Four Elephant Sword Formation, it is enough to train into a top-grade immortal weapon."

Reaching out and grabbing, a hexagonal jewel flew into the palm.

In this Baoguang center, there is a cloud of grayish-white shadow shaped like a chicken.

If you look closely, you will find that he is a little man wearing a Taoist costume and about two feet tall.

In the beckoning, a two-foot-long pocket full of delicate scales appeared in front of him.

The pocket was not sealed, and Xu Junming could easily take out the contents.

Two Wujin vases about a few inches high, and another Taoist book made of bamboo slips, totaling 73 pages. Except for the first three pages, the ancient seals in Zhuwen were used to describe the usage of the treasures and spirit pills in the library.

Xu Junming glanced briefly and found that the level of these talismans was very high, and each one was equivalent to a full blow from the Celestial Immortals late stage cultivator.

"Too platinum sword?!"

"It seems that this is the magical power he is best at."

The last page of the bamboo slips also uses Zhu Wen and ancient seals to briefly describe the life of the entanglement and the reasons for leaving these treasures.

After reading it, put it away together.

Xu Junming looked at the six-pointed Venus and his eyes lit up.

This is totally a windfall.

He also didn't expect to possess a Xiantian Taiyi Gengjin fundamental energy in addition to the entanglement soul.

The level of this fundamental energy is far better than the Taibai Profound Gold essence just now.

As long as it is there, Gengjin Spiritual Qi can be gathered continuously, no matter it is for refining treasures or protecting the law, it can be used infinitely.

"No wonder I was so willing to leave all the treasures here to learn about Karma. It turns out that this Xiantian Tai Yi Geng Jin, Spiritual Qi, is his most important treasure."

As soon as he lifted his right hand, he was about to peel off this precious Gengjin fundamental energy, when things came to an end, he stopped again.

"I got his treasure, which is the big Karma. If I get this Gengjin fundamental energy, it would be too much."

After pondering for a moment, a blue light hung down from the palace tree above his head, and the Coiled Soul Yuanshen was collected.

"You too, go to the world of Chongshan to be reincarnated with Lianshan. Then I will cross you into the Tao, and it will be considered a Karma."

Lianshan and Panluo can also be regarded as the reincarnations of immortals, especially the latter, who is associated with the fundamental Qi of Xiantian Taiyi Gengjin, and has a good natural aptitude.

Then Immortal Ascension said it was almost certain.

As long as they are properly guided and Chongshan's lineage, there will be two more immortals.

Just about to put away the Taibai Xuanjin essence in the golden cauldron, the drum sound of Spiritual Qi suddenly came from above.

Immediately afterwards, an old shout sounded.

"Where are Longxuan and Dongyang?"

Xu Junming flew out of Pan Nunxian Mansion and came to the surface of the sea. But when they met, an old woman with a dove stick, wearing a dark yellow Geyi, a thin body and a gloomy face stood up in the air.

A Movement Technique is extremely powerful and has reached the Celestial Immortals late stage.

"Are you Lu Yu, one of the two elders of the Great Wilderness?"

The calm tone made Lu Yushou's eyebrows instantly frowned. As the top cultivator in the spiritual world, she is respected as one of the "Six Universe Monsters". She is not old and elder with her brother, and she has become accustomed to being respected.

"who are you?"

Although Xu Junming is already well-known in the world of cultivating, Lu Yu lives in the barren hills of the Eastern Great Wall.

I don't know Xu Junming, who has only made a name for himself in the spiritual world in recent years.

"Under Xu Junming."

There was a jealous look in his eyes, "I haven't heard of it. But my righteous daughter Dongyang was captured by you?"


Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

"Leave people alone, otherwise don't blame the old lady for being rude."

With a meal, the powerful Magic power soared into the sky, and the surging aura stirred the situation, which could be called earth-shaking.

"It is said that Lu Yu, one of the two elders of the Great Wilderness, is self-sufficient. I was a little bit unbelieving before. Now it seems that the rumors are not exaggerated."

Lu Yu was instantly angry, "The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, wait for the old woman to capture you, see if you can say like this."

With a wave of the dove stick, the shadow of the stick was overwhelming, like a raging wave, knocking it down.

The vast shadow of the rod instantly drowned Xu Junming.

‘Boom...! ’

The voice of ruined revolution sounded.

All the wooden sticks hit Xu Junming.

With one move to defeat the enemy, Lu Yu was happy in her heart, but soon frowned.

Although she is extreme and narrow-minded, she is not stupid.

The person who can control her righteous daughter, Cultivation Base is at least the pinnacle of the soul, accompanied by heavy treasures.

It didn't make sense that she couldn't even catch a stick.

After the heavy rod shadows dissipated, a tall figure wearing Azure Taoist robe reappeared hundreds of meters away.

The corners of the clothes were not scattered, the breath was still calm, and the air was calm and relaxed, which made Lu Yu's heart sink.

Xu Junming tidied his clothes and moved his shoulders.

There was a sound like fried beans.

"I haven't moved my body for a long time, and my blood is a bit stagnant. It's really comfortable to be knocked on by your stick."

"By the way, is there any magic power? If so, let's do a few more times to loosen the bones of the poor."

The naked contempt made Lu Yu feel angry.

How many years, how many years she has been, has never been so mocked.

"Good, good, I see how many rods you can take!"

Stimulating Dantian Magic power, the wooden staff in his hand slowly shot out.

In an instant, the breath swelled like a tide, and the tyrannical Greenwood Spiritual Qi turned into a giant tree of thousands of meters, like a huge mountain collapsed, and it shot down towards Xu Junming with an earth-shaking aura.


There was a loud noise.

The sound of anger exploded, shaking thousands of miles.

Lu Yu's expression is gloomy, the magic power in Dantian, the Yangtze River generally floods the staff, but a powerful force blocking the staff, like a giant mountain in the ancient times.

No matter how she activates the Magic power, it is hard to shake even a trace.


A huge and unresistible force suddenly exploded, and the huge tree fell apart every inch.

Lu Yu's complexion changed drastically, and she quickly withdrew her staff, but she was still blown away by the huge force that exploded hundreds of meters away.


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