
After finally stabilizing his figure, he looked at the man with a green robe flying across his body, his whole body rushing for hundreds of feet, and his whole body enveloped in heavy flames.

"Wuxian! How could it be possible?!"

"nothing is impossible."

Lu Yu looked ugly, her eyes solemn, "Who are you? There is no such thing as you in the world of Shushan."

"I told you the name a long time ago. As for the rest, you are just ignorant."

"Is there any other move, just use it, otherwise I will take it."

Lu Yu's complexion changed, and after taking a deep look at him, Magic power activated, a silver-white hosta flew out of Dantian.

"This is the'star-sucking god's hairpin' at the bottom of your box? The five-way immortal forbidden middle-grade immortal artifact is rare in this world." Xu Junming said.

Lu Yu stared at him closely. Under the urging of Magic power, the hosta instantly turned into a huge black aperture, and the powerful and unimaginable swallowing power radiated from it.

Spanning one hundred feet, Xu Junming is enveloped.

A silver-white divine gate phantom flashed, and all the swallowing power that entered within ten feet of him was instantly frozen by the seal.

Seeing Lu Yu, who was desperately urging to suck the star god hairpin, Xu Junming shook his head slightly.

"It seems that you only have these skills."

Just when he was about to do it, Lu Yu yelled angrily, and the bun exploded with a ‘bang’, with white hair flying in the sky.

"Beiming Swallowing Heaven Dafa!"

The cloud above his head turned into a vast ocean, and a huge narwhal whale exposed its head from the sea.

As if the head of Taikoo Giant Mountain opened, the sky was instantly darkened.

A wave of vastness and power, as if swallowing the sky and the earth, swallows morality and justice, and is passed on.

The swallowing power of the star sucking god hairpin was more than ten times stronger in an instant.

Xu Junming was unprepared, and was instantly sucked upside down by it.

He raised his brows and immediately stopped hiding Cultivation Base.

The boundless qi and blood exploded, punched out, and the sky was dyed red with billowing qi and blood.

A giant fist like a mountain blasted the air, spanning hundreds of feet in an instant!



Lu Yu and the star-attracting god hairpin were shaken off instantly.

Along with the red blood falling, a flurry of light flew away from a distance.

"I just want to run now, it's too late!"

With a step, the space folds instantly, and when he reappears, he has already rushed to Lu Yu.

The latter was shocked and exclaimed.

"The Hutian Secret Technique!"

With a faint smile, his right palm was raised, the mysterious black god pattern flickered, and the shadow of a black giant clock flashed.

Along with the bell ringing loudly, a powerful force of falling soul erupted.

Xu Junming, who has advanced to the real immortal, urges the magical power of the falling soul bell.

Lu Yu, who had hit her head, was unprepared, her eyes rolled white, three souls and seven souls wandering, and the light scattered, she fell down from the sky in an instant.

Xu Junming stretched out his hand, a white light supported Lu Yu and the star sucker, and quickly flew down to his palm.

The mysterious black light flashed, and the human soul divine gate instantly sucked out Lu Yu's divine soul.

Segments of light and shadow flashed by, and Lu Yu's memories of learning the Tao for thousands of years were all presented in front of Xu Junming.

"Bei Ming Giant Magic Art!"

A rare piece of Cultivation Technique that cultivates the way of swallowing.

Moreover, it is extremely complete, capable of cultivating to Jinxian Realm.

"This Cultivation Technique is suitable for Swallowing Thieves Dharma Body cultivation!"

After recording the Cultivation Technique in Lu Yu's memory, Xu Junming took down her Dharma bag.

As a veteran Celestial Immortals who has practiced for thousands of years, Lu Yu doesn't have many collections, but every piece is a fine product.

It's a pity that most of them are spiritual herbs, but Xu Junming doesn't have the fairy root Spiritual herbs.

Of course, it's not really not, but it's not on the body.

"The barren mountains of the East Great Britain, the southern star plains of Beihai! It's a blessed land!"

With a wave of his hand, Lu Yu was taken into the White Tiger Hall, the treasure tree of the palace, and imprisoned.

He had no burden in his heart to capture Lu Yu.

It's just a person who is both righteous and evil, with a lot of merit, and also a lot of evil.

The moment Xu Junming captured Lu Yu, it was millions of miles away, a huge mountain tens of thousands of meters high, in a valley full of bizhu.

The calm breath suddenly trembled.

The bamboo leaves shook, and an old man with a short stature and gray hair, dressed in a clean bright yellow Geyi, opened his eyes instantly.

Two lines of cold electricity passed across the air.

Frown frowning.

"What's the matter? Why is there a sudden warning?"

I subconsciously wanted to calculate, but after a few pinches, it quickly stopped.

Because of the scattered secrets, it is impossible to deduct it at all.

"Almost forgot."

Look up at the sky.

"My illusion? It seems that the power of this chaotic secret has become stronger."

Shook his head.

His avatar was walking outside, and for so many years, apart from the emergence of Chongshan, there was no amazing news.

In this case, it is about himself that can make him warn him.

He has no disciples, and although there are a few enemies, he is not afraid of the others who have soared and turned.

After some analysis.

"Could it be that something happened to the old godly woman?"

His three senior brothers and sisters, he is the eldest, Lu Yu is the second, and Han Xiao, the real Da Ming who has been ascended by Hesha Dao's military commander, is the third.

Thinking of Lu Yu, my heart sank, and the anxiety aggravated.

Withered bamboo brows tightened.

His Cultivation Base has reached the top of Celestial Immortals, and his mind is extremely keen, especially in matters related to himself.

"It looks like it's her. I don't know who this old lady provokes."

With a step, Escape flew up and flew straight towards Southern Star Plain.

Although the two brothers and sisters fell out because of one incident many years ago. But in the end, it was the brothers and sisters of the same school who broke the bones and connected the tendons, and he couldn't care about something happened to Lu Yu.

Flew over the barren mountain and came to Shanyin.

Compared with the blooming flowers of Shanyang, the sun is full of bright sunshine; the shady areas of the mountain are bleak, cold and rainy, cold and desolate, and life is scarce.

The dry bamboo flew into a valley, and it seemed to change the First Stage world in an instant.

The lush flowers and trees, the sound of streams and springs, and the hundred-foot silver waterfall rushing down come into view.

Against the backdrop of the cold outside world, the valley became more and more beautiful and pleasant.

Standing at the Taniguchi, withered bamboo snapped his fingers.

‘Boom, boom, boom’ three loud noises.

"Old lady, I still haven't come out to see brother."

After a while, a ray of light flew out of the valley, and a young girl appeared after landing.

This woman is also really ugly.

The head is large and flat, with huge eyes rolling over, full of yellow hair, the head and neck are as thick as the neck, the upper body is very short, the lower body is quite long, the hands are longer than the knees, the palms are as big as a skip, the legs are thin and the feet are big.

Wearing a yellow brocade short underwear, naked arms and legs, showing tight white flesh, one piece of red on the east and purple on the west, the whole body is gorgeous, not human, strange but not strange.

Withered bamboo frowned slightly.

He didn't like this ugly girl either, but the other party was very much liked by his junior sister and was regarded as a legacy heir.

"Meet the master!"

The girl hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Get up. Bai Dian, can your Master be here?"

"Returning to Uncle Uncle, three hours ago, Uncle Uncle received Dongyang Big sis' request for help and left in a hurry."

"Dongyang? But the one in Nunxian's Mansion under Tiedao Gorge?"


The old man withered bamboo asked about the situation, and flied up, and flew straight towards Tiedao Gorge like lightning.

He was already at the top of Celestial Immortals, under his full strength, it could be said that Star Fei turned around and disappeared in no time.

Within an hour, he came to the top of Tiedao Gorge.

It was only after Dangguang circled the surrounding area for thousands of miles that the position was finally determined.

Seeing only the sporadic blue and black stone mountains rising above the sea, Withered Bamboo's heart sank.

Can directly change the terrain of the Iron Knife Gorge, there is no doubt that there is Earth Immortals with the highest Cultivation Base, where fighting is possible.

Going deep underwater, the three thousand-zhang palm prints left by Xu Junming came into view.

"This person is a strong Cultivation Base!"

My heart became heavier and heavier, after turning the entire Tiedao Gorge and Coiling Immortal Mansion around, there was still nothing to notice.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, trying to collect the strange energy here to find the enemy.

However, Xu Junming has become a real immortal, and his breath is not revealed at all, and he cannot search at all. Instead, he found the breath of Long Xuan and Dongyang.

One person and one dragon once again served Immortal Cave for hundreds of years, and Xu Junming did not specifically clean up the traces, of course there will be remains.

Looking at the two breaths of black and blue in his palm.

"Nowadays, only dead horses can be used as horse doctors."

Sitting down in the Lotus Position, the French seal in the palm changed, and soon there was a lot of inspiration.

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