Apprentice the four-eyed Taoist master

Chapter 599-The Eighth Phase of Taiqing


After Xu Junming left Tiedao Gorge, he headed straight for the North Pole.

As I could see, the scenery became more and more remote. As the temperature gets lower and lower, large icebergs gradually appear in front of you.


Escape the light flying down.

Soon I came to the side of an iceberg that was hundreds of feet high.

An ice cave deep into the belly of the mountain appeared in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, most of the hole that was sealed by the snow and ice melted away in an instant.

Just one person can enter.

Stepping in, passing through the long and narrow ice cave, at the end is a thick solid ice.

With a flick of his finger, the ice layer of one foot full disappeared in an instant. Two steps forward, an ice cave of about 100 square meters appeared in front of him.

In the center of the ice cave sits a female crown wearing a purple Taoist robe, her hands are imprinted, her face is calm, her feet are bare.

There was no sound of this person, and his whole body was enveloped in a thick layer of light blue ice.

Judging from the accumulation of ice debris in the cave, it has obviously been here for many years.

"It's your luck to meet me."

He flew in the air just now, and suddenly found a trace of merit wafting above the iceberg.

When I was curious, I went down to check.

If it hadn't been for the bronze mirror to be able to observe the luck and merit, he was also the god of the true immortal, with sharp eyes, I am afraid that he would not be able to find it.

Through the bronze mirror, it can be seen that the Dantian Magic power of this female crown is not exhausted. Although the blood in the chest is stagnant, it is not completely cold.

Obviously, she is still alive.

It's just that it's half dead now.

Seeing that this person has merit, Xu Junming was not hesitating to save her.

However, this person has been sealed in the ice for too long, and his body is dead, and it is obviously inappropriate to melt the ice with fierce fire.

"It is more appropriate to consolidate the foundation and refine pure Yang externally."

With a fixed mind, Xu Junming urged the Dantian good fortune charm, a good fortune aura, flying through the ice into the female crown.

She was stagnant, even close to deathly qi and blood, instantly becoming stronger.

Qi and blood flow around the body, and the body begins to slowly return to life.

Use good fortune Spiritual Qi a little bit to warm and nourish the spirit.

Seeing that the internal organs had initially recovered, Xu Junming raised his right palm, and the faint pure sun glowed hot.

The ice on the outside of the women's crown began to melt.

It was another three hours before the blue ice was completely peeled off.

Xu Junming withdrew his palm instantly and continued to use good fortune to strengthen her vitality.

With a squeeze in her left hand, she slowly absorbed the cold air that had accumulated in her body for so many years.

Gradually, the vitality in this person's body became more and more vigorous.

After a long time, slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the tall Daoist sitting in the opposite Lotus Position, the pale and thin face of the female crown showed a stiff expression of gratitude.

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace!"

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

"Looking at the situation here, you should have frozen yourself here, right?"

"Senior's law is infallible, that's it!"


"Junior was young and vigorous in his early years, jealous like hatred, and killed so much that his heart was devilish and almost collapsed. Therefore, he was cruel and sealed himself in this Arctic iceberg, trying to temper his will with the cold and hardship and defeat Heart's Demon. By all accounts, it has been nearly 320 years."

"You have a lot of perseverance, but you are not afraid that you will completely die here? You must know that if you are not good at the art of looking at the breath, you happen to see you. Your physical body is completely dead."

"Back to senior, Junior is quite good at heavenly secret mathematics. Before sealing himself, he deduced the future. After 380 years, when a female champion named Xu passed by here, rescued me."

This time Xu Junming was a little surprised.

The number of heavenly secrets requires too much comprehension, and it is difficult for people with outstanding talents and transcendental comprehension to achieve it.

And looking at this female Cultivation Base, it is obviously just the soul. Being able to be in the Primordial God Realm, it can be counted as the situation four hundred years later. It can be seen that her advancement in the Heavenly Secret Technique is no worse than that of Zhuge Wolong.

"Huh? How could Tianji be so chaotic!"

The female crown was surprised.

She originally wanted to make a deduction to prove her own ability, but she didn't expect that she noticed the abnormality just after she started it.

Xu Junming smiled faintly, of course this was his handwriting.

"What's your name?"

"Back to senior, Junior Guyue, Dao name "Desperate Heart"."

Definitely, just looking at this Dao name, I also know that this person was a stubborn stubborn stubborn.

"Senior's life-saving great grace, Junior has nothing to do with it. This'Taiqing Eight Phase Diagram' is a Zifu Immortal artifact acquired by Junior in his early years. I would like to offer it to senior as a thank you."

With that, a fairy light flew out from Dantian.

After arriving in front of Xu Junming, it turned into a three-foot-sized scroll with Eight Trigrams rune embroidered on it.

Divine Sense was immersed, and the four immortal bans came into view.

I was surprised.

"It's actually a middle-grade fairy?!"

And it is also a treasure suitable for deduction and can protect and kill the enemy.

It can be seen that this is the most important treasure around this woman.

"Are you really willing to give this thing to me?"

"Senior Cultivation Base is high, and Junior is the only one beside him who can enter the eyes of senior."

When Xu Junming first rescued her, she revealed the magic power, and she naturally felt the vast and profound magic power of the other party.

It is definitely a senior who has been Immortal Ascension for many years.

"...Moreover, no matter how good the treasure is, it is only something outside of the body, not as important as the life of the family."

Xu Junming looked at her admiringly.

There are so many people in the spiritual world who can give up their lives for the sake of treasures, but there are very few people who can handle them clearly and know the priorities.

It's even rarer that this person is determined, single-minded, and has extraordinary understanding.

"Do you have a teacher?"

"Junior obtained a Taoist book in the depths of Ailao Mountain in his early years.

"In that case, how about I find a Master for you?"

"Master?" Gu Yue was taken aback.

"That's right, this person is also a female crown like you. He has cultivated for many years. Now he is the middle stage of Earth Immortals. He is gentle and good at medical skills. There are countless people living in the Jiangnan generation, and his merits are profound."

"Dare to ask senior, this person's name?"

"This person's surname is Joe, his name is Shouxin, Dao name ‘Kong Sang Fairy’."

After remembering in my heart, "The person recommended by senior must be extraordinary, but the teacher is the apprentice, and the apprentice is also the teacher. Junior still needs to investigate before finally deciding whether to worship or not."

"Haha, it's all up to you."

Give it a wave.

"Take this Taiqing Eight-Phase Diagram, you can't use it for the poor road."

Subconsciously catching the baby, in addition to the scroll, there is a magic talisman on it.

"If you follow this talisman to search, you can naturally find your Master!"

There are few remaining sounds, and people are gone.

After Guyue bowed respectfully, she got up.

Feeling the long-lost warmth in the body and the boiling Magic power in Dantian, Gu Yue instantly felt that she seemed to be alive again.

Hiding in the air, watching the distant light, Xu Junming looked away for a moment and nodded slightly.

This lonely moon's aptitude, comprehension, xinxing, and perseverance are all the best choices.

If he hadn't just received Miao Chufang and didn't want to accept any more disciples in a short period of time, he would have just received him directly.

But for now, Qiao Shouxin’s Cultivation Base and Magic power are enough to act as her Master.

The Beihai is several million miles away from the south of the Yangtze River. Even at the speed of the cultivator's flying speed, it takes half a month to go ashore.

Seeing the long-lost land again, Gu Yue was excited.

Soon after going deep along the Yangtze River estuary, I felt the fierce Magic power fluctuations in the air.

"Someone is fighting."


I flew over and saw that a man and a woman were besieging a teenager who was about eleven or twelve years old.

The man was burly in stature, beard-faced, with a fierce face, wearing an iron crown, dressed as a tutu, and a handy shovel in his hand.

The woman, dressed in a pink peach dress, pinched the sword art in her left hand, and commanded a light red Flying Sword from a distance, flying spurs in the sky.

In his right hand, a rope made of pink peach blossoms danced around his body, with pink auras, protecting the whole body.

The young man surrounded by the two, wearing a moon white robe, with a gold rope tied around his waist, and a yellow leather Calabash hung on his left waist.

What is impressive is that there is a red mark on the center of his brow, like an eye.

Three feet above the head, there is a milky white cloud about three feet floating.

The clouds are full of aura, holding a green bamboo stick, an octagonal palace lantern, and an iron cart shaped like a pangolin.

The man and the woman both had the early stage Cultivation Base of the Primordial Spirit, but they were beaten and beaten by the boy who only had the late stage Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul realm.

Once the attack of the two entered the boy's whole body, there would be a blue and a silver white, and two stone gate projections flashed past.

The flames of the two and Sword Qi disappeared instantly.

On the contrary, the octagonal palace lantern above the young man's head shot out a series of flames; the bamboo stick turned into the shadow of the Taoist stick, and the two were firmly suppressed.

"Damn it, surnamed Jin, our brothers and sisters have no grievances with you in recent days, and have no enmity in the past; are you really going to die with us?" the big man said angrily.

The boy smiled calmly.

"You really have no grievances with me, but the tens of thousands of people around Chongming Island have been oppressed by your brothers and sisters. The number of women who have ruined their reputations by your brothers and sisters, and the men who have lost their lives, is nearly a thousand."

"It can be described as a lot of evil."

"Recently, I am going to walk the way for the sky and punish you villains."

"Hmph, you really thought that my brothers and sisters were going to be eaten!" The woman said angrily, "Dage, show him something good."

The man nodded.

The two raised their hands at the same time, and the two pink auras rushed directly above the boy, and instantly turned into two big nets, which were under the hood.

The lights of the octagonal palace flashed, but they did not burn through the net.

"Hehe, our peach blossom and seven evil nets are made from ten thousand refining and refined iron. Although your fire is powerful, it will burn out for a while."

The woman chuckled.

"Little Brother, it seems that you are approaching adulthood. Why not follow Big sis. How about Big sis teach you how to be a man?"

The teenager snorted coldly.

"Peach Blossom Fairy Li Yuyu, you are a slut yin baby, do you really think that a broken net can trap the little master?"

Secretly thinking in mind.

"This'Golden Lantern of Dry Spirit' is an immortal tool given by Master. Although it has the seal of Master, the Cultivation Base cannot show its true power, but if it is a critical moment, pray silently, and the seal will come. Temporarily dissolve. It's just a means of pressing the bottom of the box and cannot be used lightly."

After making a decision, the boy's fingertips changed, and the good fortune sky topped his head, and the green phosphorus that had not been used before, instantly shined with aura.

With a ‘huh’, the green phosphorus rushed into a soaring drill bit, dazzling iron leaves, exuding a sharp air of cutting gold and breaking jade.

Tou Tuo's face changed drastically, "It's not good, quickly withdraw from the net."

It's a pity it's too late.

The peach blossom and seven evil nets hit the drill bit formed by countless iron pieces, and it was instantly twisted and shattered.

"Damn it, my baby!"

Li Yuyu didn't care about the pain, and urged the peach blossom and seven evil swords, Sword Qi, and greeted the drill.

But when Sword Qi touched one of them, he was instantly crushed.

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