Lin Feng's condition moved Norton.

Norton thought he would give anything as long as he could destroy the Bikmar proving ground.

If Lin Feng can really destroy the Bikmar Test Ground, then why not let him refine the Recovery Potion?

But will Lin Feng really be able to destroy the Bikmar test site?

Norton chooses between believing and not believing.

After hesitating for three minutes, he finally chose to trust Lin Feng.

He let out a long sigh of relief and said to Lin Feng:

"This deal of yours is good, I accept it!"

"I can provide you with a recovery potion."

"I just hope that one day when you have enough strength, you can fulfill your promises."

Norton said, turning around and taking Lin Feng to the inside of the store.

There is a very hidden compartment in the floor, which opens to a step leading to the basement.

Norton took Lin Feng into the dark compartment.

Down the stairs under the dark grid is a basement larger than a shop.

This is Norton's research center, a lot of machinery and equipment are stacked in an orderly manner, all kinds of parts, bottles and cans, materials that emit a strong energy atmosphere, are neatly arranged.

Apparently, in this underworld institute, Norton was working on all sorts of strange things, both physical and chemical.

After entering the lower research institute, Norton took Lin Feng through the various instruments and equipment to a more remote corner of the institute, where there was a gate.

The gate is covered with dust, and there are even a lot of cobwebs on the guard that opens it.

There is a sense of alienation from other things inside the neat and clean research institute.

This door looks like it hasn't been opened for years.

"Inside is a place specializing in potions, and since I learned the truth about the Bikmar test site, I haven't opened this door, and I don't even want to touch it!" Norton said.

After speaking, he held the handle of the gate with his hand and pushed it open.

When the door is opened, Lin Feng is greeted by more bottles and cans, as well as liquids of various colors in the bottles and cans.

Those liquids may not have flowed for many years and look like stagnant water.

"See those liquids? The purple one is an adrenal potion that can briefly improve strength and physical fitness after drinking, and is a medicine that greatly improves combat effectiveness in a short period of time. ”

"Green is a paralyzing potion, and after drinking it, there is no pain in the whole body in a short time, even if it is injured, it can make the warriors of the empire fearless!"

"The black liquid is the most powerful, it can turn the warrior into a bloodthirsty demon, a war machine. After a woman in a cloak gave the emperor an energy crystal, this liquid was studied! ”


"The recovery potion you need is the red liquid!"

"Of all the liquids, the red liquid is the only potion that is beneficial to the user, and after a lot of experiments, its effect has been very good, without any side effects, which is why I promised you."

Norton explained to Lin Feng, pointing to the different colors of liquid in the lab's bottles and jars.

Lin Feng looked at the liquids, and under Norton's explanation, he finally knew why Norton had left the Delos Empire, and the person who ordered the study of these strange potions was simply perverted.

"I have the process and materials for the recovery potion, I will restart the refining equipment, and in less than two hours, you will get the recovery potion!"

Norton said, walked to the test bench where the red liquid can was located, pounced the dust on it with his sleeve, checked the condition of the equipment, and started the equipment.

Subsequently, in a large locker under the test bench, he found various materials that Lin Feng could not understand, and added them to the material jar according to a certain proportion.

Soon, new red liquid was formed drop by drop, dripping into the remaining red liquid.

Lin Feng looked at the jar containing red liquid on the test bench and the new red liquid that was constantly being added, and couldn't help but show a puzzled look on his face and asked, "Those recovery potions that have been placed for many years... Don't you dump it first? ”

"Don't worry, no matter how long the recovery potion is placed, it will not deteriorate, and the effect is no different from that newly refined." Norton explains.

"This is the legendary potion of 82 years?" Lin Feng looked embarrassed.

Norton walked out of the pharmacy lab, patted Lin Feng's shoulder, and said, "Don't be in a daze, I didn't bring you here to let you see this, follow me!" ”

With that, he walked towards a huge test bench in the center of the research institute.

It's lit up there.

Under the brilliant light, there is a flash of light.

In the flickering spiritual light, small crystals are suspended.

There are five colors of red, blue, white, black, and gold, and one is colorless and transparent.

Norton said to Lin Feng, pointing to the small crystal suspended in the aura.

"Look here, recently I discovered the magical ability of small crystals and researched something called the Crystal Contract."

"It can give weapons powerful attribute attack capabilities, making weapons more powerful!"

"For example, that small red crystal can give weapons fire attribute attacks."


Before Norton could finish speaking, he heard Lin Feng say:

"Small blue crystals that can give weapons ice attribute attacks!"

"Small black crystals that can give weapons dark attribute attacks!"

"Small white crystals that can give weapons light attribute attacks!"

"Colorless small crystals can improve the attack power of weapons!"

"Am I right?" Lin Feng asked.

Norton's whole person was numb, and he was stunned suddenly!

But he had just researched it, and he hadn't told anyone, why is Lin Feng so clear?


Norton looked at Lin Feng with a surprised look and asked, "How do you know?" ”

Lin Feng thought in his heart, the contract of crystal, the means that Ma Lao used to pit bonds.

I thought it was invented by Lao Ma, but I didn't expect it to be researched by Norton!

Still, Lin Feng couldn't tell Norton that.

Instead, he said: "According to the color of the small crystal, guessed it!" ”

At this moment, Norton roared in his heart:

Guess it!

It took less than a minute to guess it!

Lao Tzu thought about it for almost three years before he figured out the Crystal Contract!

This guy guessed at a glance?

What a terrifying ability to comprehend!

Norton shocked Lin Feng and couldn't help but admire Lin Feng in his heart.

He has always thought that he is the smartest being in Hutton Marr, and at this moment, he feels that he should be second, and Lin Feng is the first!

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Charge Now (Event Period: October 1 to October 7)

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