Norton looked at Lin Feng in amazement for half a minute before coming to his senses.

Then, he smiled and said: "It's really good, you know the magical effect that small crystals can bring to weapons, then you should be able to imagine how terrifying this effect will be, and what a huge increase in the attack power of weapons!" ”

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

Weapons have attribute attacks that have a restraining effect on certain monsters.

For example, when brushing a boss with a fire attribute, wearing a weapon with an ice attribute attack can form a perfect restraint.

If combined with attribute enhancement, the power that can be exerted is even greater!

Allowing weapons to have attribute attacks is indeed a good means of increasing the power of weapon attacks.

"Understood!" Lin Feng said.

Norton continued, "So, are you willing to let your weapons accept the Crystal Contract? ”

"Don't rush to agree first, some things will be explained to you first."

"The Crystal Contract is the result of my recent successful research, I haven't really used it, the actual use effect and success rate cannot be 100% guaranteed, if it fails, it is very likely to retaliate against the weapon, or even destroy the weapon."

"In short, the contract to give weapons crystals is currently risky!"

Before Lin Feng could reply, Norton explained the risks.

What Norton said, Lin Feng understood and understood.

After all, no one can guarantee that any research results will not happen without a lot of practical tests.

Lin Feng analyzed in his mind.

When playing dungeon games on Earth, the Crystal Contract can be used normally and is a success.

So, Norton's research is credible.

Moreover, even if it fails, the loss of a +13 rusty katana is not a huge loss.

The risk is also acceptable.

After a simple measurement, Lin Feng said categorically: "I am willing to let the weapon have a crystal contract, the risk is acceptable, no problem!" “

Norton heard Lin Feng's answer and couldn't help but smile happily.

"You are such a smart and courageous young man!"

He finished praising Lin Feng and then walked to the test bench for studying crystals.

After a meal, a small crystal that was floating on the test bench was removed and placed into a small ball covered with glowing patterns like jewels.

The small crystal he took off was a small blue crystal, and after loading the orb, the lines on the surface of the orb suddenly turned into blue light.

"The combination of the small crystal and this orb-shaped device is the crystal contract, embed it in your weapon, you can complete the contract connection, and the weapon will also have the effect of crystals!"

Norton handed the blue-striped orb in his hand to Lin Feng and continued: "The crystals loaded inside can be replaced, and the type of small crystals can be replaced according to the required attack attributes!" “

Lin Feng took the Crystal Contract Orb handed by Norton.

I put it in my hand and looked at it.

This orb is made of unknown materials, only the size of a thumb.

Small but very delicate, the surface is carved with very mysterious patterns in the form of relief hollowout.

Through the surface, you can see the small blue crystals that have just been loaded inside.

At this time, the small blue crystal is glowing, so that the lines on the surface of the orb show blue light.

After looking at it for a moment, Lin Feng shifted his gaze to the knife in his hand, looking for the location of the orb.

After some inspection, he found that the blade and handle of the knife did not have a place where the orb could be inserted, so he looked at Norton with an embarrassed face.

Represent your own knife, there is no place to embed it at all.

Norton saw Lin Feng's difficulties.

He also thought about this situation, and of course thought of corresponding solutions.

He turned around and searched the lab table for a while and found a ring.

He then handed the ring to Lin Feng, explaining:

"This is a special ring that can carry the ability of the crystal contract, embed the orb into the ring, and then put the ring on the hand holding the weapon, and the ability of the crystal contract can be transmitted to the weapon through the ring along the hand holding the weapon."

"This is also the way to let weapons have the Crystal Contract, and this method has an advantage, that is, after changing the weapon used, you can directly let the new weapon enjoy the Crystal Contract."

"Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, wearing trouble, and the possibility of loss."

Lin Feng listened to Norton's explanation.

Took the ring he handed over.

Embed the orb in your hand into the ring to make the ring look like a sapphire ring.

Then he put the ring in his hand.

Right at this moment.

He saw a peculiar sight.

That is, after the ring was worn, a blue light flowed out of the ring and spread down his arm to the katana in his hand.

After the blue light reached the katana, it immediately spread out on the body and handle of the katana.

It made the surface of the originally glittering katana have an extra layer of blue light.

But soon, the blue light faded and the katana returned to its original form

The hand on which Lin Feng wore the Crystal Contract ring, the blue light also disappeared, no different from normal!

"It worked!" Seeing the blue light appear on the katana and disappear calmly, Norton shouted happily.

"This worked?" Lin Feng felt a little too relaxed.

Originally, I thought that some kind of solemn and cumbersome ceremony needed to be held, but I didn't expect that just wearing a crystal contract ring was successful!

The process of obtaining the Crystal Contract is too easy!

Of course, Lin Feng knew that what made it so easy was the hard work behind Norton.

It was Norton who developed this ring, which can carry the energy of small crystals, that makes the Crystal Contract so simple.

"Come, try it!"

Norton stared happily at the knife in Lin Feng's hand, eager to know the actual effect of this weapon after it had the Crystal Contract.

So he found a steel plate and asked Lin Feng to test the attack.

Lin Feng took the knife, made Norton step back, and slashed towards the steel plate.

I saw that at the moment when the knife struck, the temperature of the air suddenly dropped a lot, and a layer of white light appeared on the blade, which seemed to be covered with an extremely cold frost.

The knife slashed at the steel plate, and the moment the blade touched the steel plate, it seemed that a white extremely cold snowflake appeared there, but it quickly disappeared.

The mediocre katana was enhanced by +13 and was extremely powerful, splitting the steel plate in half with a single sword.

And on the steel plate that was split in half, there was a bitter cold breath coming out, extremely cold.

"Is this an ice attribute attack? Sure enough, the attack became more powerful! Lin Feng looked at his knife, recalled Fang Cai's attack, and the moment when there seemed to be cold and frost when attacking, and said in surprise.

As a person wielding a knife, he understood better than anyone the change in power of Fang Cai's blow after it was attached to the ice attribute.

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