Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 99 Darkness and Whiteness

"Do you know what this is?"

Seeing his suddenly enlightened look, Celia also became a little curious and asked hurriedly and expectantly.

"Well, it comes from heaven, is related to the apostle Bakar, is qualified, and can open rifts in different dimensions. It looks like a decisive battle weapon: Gaibojia, which is a super large humanoid war machine."

Of course, in addition to this, the machine that can achieve this level also has the strongest trump card left by the Head of Machinery to the only student - the super-dimensional march.

However, there is no connection between the Mechanical Head of State and Bakar, and the inheritance of the Mechanical Head of State is only one of his students. It is a unique secret, and Bakar cannot record it in his notes. (The Mechanical Head is actually only one person.)

Other mechanical weapons cannot or are not qualified to "hide in another dimension". As for the final weapon of female mechanics - Terminator: Bolt MX, that is the problem of robot driving solved by the War Core Workshop Later new works.

"Gaibojia, are you very powerful?"

"Of course, Gaibojia was originally designed to kill Apostle Bakar."

Smiling and tapping Celia's nose, a question suddenly appeared in front of him. Now that the matter was settled, should he go out or not?

The atmosphere gradually became ambiguous, and Celia's little face suddenly turned red. She lowered her head and looked as pretty as a blooming rose, but her eyes were still staring at Bakar's notes, as if there were some shocking secrets in them. Can be spied on.

" know, sometimes, some forgotten fragments will suddenly appear in the memory, such as...dreams."

Celia murmured to break the deadlock, and her eyes gradually began to glance to the left. She suddenly remembered when she was chatting with Alice one night. Did this person remember?

Try giving a hint...

"Forgotten fragments?"

The ambiguous temperature of the atmosphere steadily increased. The sudden question made Ye Lin clench his palms and hide the ring in his palm. Then he suddenly clapped his head. In Celia's joyful eyes, he nodded and said with a look of enlightenment: "Gelanti Si said she wanted to ask if she could open the treasure house for me, but I actually forgot about it! I’ll see her tomorrow!”

"It's not that, it's a dream! I forgot about it in the dream..."

Celia gave him a helpless look. Did she really not think of it? That's right, dreams are inherently elusive. Some people feel that they have been dreaming all night, but when they wake up they are so groggy that they only remember one or two fragments and cannot remember anything else.

"I can't remember. How about... you give me a hint?"

My heart skipped a beat, and my pretty face turned red and hot. How could I give this a hint?

"Huh? Wait..."

Celia bit her lip, her beautiful eyes were suspicious, everyone dreams alone, how could he ask her for a reminder?

"You bastard! You're still teasing me now that you remember it!"

His face turned red all of a sudden, his fists were pounding wildly, and his mouth was filled with anger.

The left hand was grabbed, and a hard object suddenly wrapped around the first section of the ring finger. It was a magnificent milky white strange ring with a little warmth. It was obvious that this ring had been held in the palm of the hand for a long time.

"This is?"

Celia turned her five fingers together and turned her palm back and forth, looking at the ring carefully. The ring seemed to be made of some kind of material. It was exquisitely carved and had a pure aura. It felt indescribably comfortable when worn on her finger.

"[Spirit of Holy Light], using small white crystal blocks, you can summon an intermediate elf to protect you, and the increase in light attributes it provides is more suitable for you."

At the end, he carefully added: "Do you like it?"

Looking left and right, the smile on Celia's eyebrows grew stronger and stronger. She pinched the Spirit of Holy Light with her right hand, slowly pressed it to the last section of her fingers, and nodded with satisfaction, "Yeah, not bad."


Ye Lin's tense heart instantly fell back to his chest, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his whole body, his breathing became lighter, and his blood gradually surged.

In fact, there are some epic rings in his backpack such as [Clear Spring Flowing Sound] and [Dark Flame: The Eclipsed Sun], but all of them look too ugly.

For example, [Clear Spring Flowing Sound] is more like a thick ring than a ring, which aesthetically does not suit Celia.

He stretched out his arms tentatively and rested his chin on Xiang's shoulder, sucking in the faint floral fragrance almost greedily, with a hint of intoxication on his face.

"Thank you... for being the strongest supporter."

"What's wrong? You suddenly spoke like this."

She playfully scratched his hair, slightly surprised and puzzled, where did this inexplicable gratitude come from?

"Members of the Holy Order, Special Envoy of Queen Skadi, in the future we will also have interactions with Dark Elves, Void Ancestors, etc. You need to be in charge of these things."

Ye Lin knew that although he could change some things, such as Seghart and Mr. Luo, some events were difficult to prevent, such as Nosmar and Noipela.

How to avoid tragedy when this kind of power is nowhere to be used, then you need an identity, an identity that is enough to attract the attention of Queen Skadi and Bishop Magello.

Just like Nosmar, Celia and Tana spent a lot of material and money to barely transfer that small city and surrounding villages in the name of the queen.

After the arrival of Dirigi, not only will Queen Skadi's reputation be improved and she will gradually take back the rights in the hands of the three councilors, but many existing tragedies may not occur, such as the witch Ajia who would rather turn into a grass to protect the village. Lu.

Moreover, their status as honorary members of the Order of the Holy Orders can save them from many complicated assassinations, slanders, etc. Before Remedia split due to the Michel incident, the Holy Orders were still the most respected organization in Arad. .

"Hmm, actually, in the beginning, I just wanted to sell your box to make some money, do a small business in Hutton Mar, or help Sister Sosia."

"Later you said not to let the gold coins get moldy and put forward a plan. Of course I will fully support it. The box is yours. Just do it as you say."

Celia leaned back a little, her legs were a little sore from sitting like a duck for too long, and they felt a little more comfortable after straightening.

"I'm planning to open a branch on the west coast. Penosio and the others have also helped a lot. No matter how simple a place is, there will be a few people with evil intentions. We will correct the mistakes, but those who deliberately stir up trouble will be kicked out."

Ye Lin was slightly shocked when he heard this. Celia was actually not satisfied with Hedunmar and was about to put her hand in the wallet of the West Coaster?

"Su Nan, Wei Talun, and Dark City, honestly speaking, do you all have ambitions?"

"I already said it in the Grand Forest. There is also the heaven, the demon world...the demon world will wait."

He breathed softly into the crystal earlobe, and his body that was still a little stiff suddenly went limp, and his earlobe turned red instantly.

"Could it be...ear lobes???"

The most important thing about pajamas is that they are tolerant and comfortable, whether they are made of cotton or gauze, everything depends on personal preference.

Celia's beige pajamas were very loose, which led him to study the earlobes diligently, and his eyes caught sight of the derivative of justice, the depth of justice!

A little dizzy.

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