Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 100: The Fourth Job Change (exactly one hundred chapters)

He really didn't expect it, and he also found it incredible. Judging from this depth, Celia was actually on the same level as Mo Mei!

Is it because the green dress she likes to wear has such a strong restraint effect that she can't see clearly from the outside? It seems so, that dress is not very elastic, it's just her personal preference.

Mailu is still arrogant and invincible. Siatt and Yuena are neck and neck, but the former has a lot of room for development. Married Woman is not called Married Woman for nothing.

Celia's face was rosy, and her vision had begun to blur and feel dizzy. Her earlobes were her fatal part. The reason why they were earlobes was because she used to have pointed ears from an elf tribe, but after reincarnation, she turned into human ears.

He took out a hair tie to tie up his scattered hair, gently lowered his head and tapped it on his fair neck, then raised his head and whispered with a smile: "Celia, do you know everything?"

"It's a...relative answer, like I don't know how many green grasses there are in the front yard."

"Then do you have any special feelings about the red octopus in the pond?"

"One thing, it's ugly!"


"Stop asking..."

With a murmur, Celia was obviously pretending to be confused and deliberately didn't want to say anything.

There are several lion heads on the continent of Arad who control time, and with Celia as the almost certain "person who knows everything", his background and various inherited abilities are not a secret that cannot be explored.

Tana once told him that Memet of the End of the Day once cast her sights on him, and he himself was indeed looking for a certain black dog and mouse girl, trying to figure out what was going on in the world.

"Hey, aren't you fat...a little plump?"

I rubbed Celia's belly, but it seemed a little plumper to the touch. Was there extra flesh?

"What, this is the meal, the meal for the celebration tonight! My weight is normal."

I twisted it on my arm angrily. The pajamas were of a top-and-bottom style and were relatively loose, making it easy for gaps to open.

"Compared to the time when I met you in Luoran, your face is rounder. You can see that there is more flesh on your arms, and your body shape is also fuller..."

Using the fifth element extremely lightly, several delicate metal buttons melt instantly.

"The white plum blossoms are so cute."

Celia is now a serious human being, not the giant dragon like Tana. Her movements and actions must be as gentle as the breeze. Both he and Tana are half angry and even want to compete with each other. If they were gentler, Maybe she is not happy yet, the dragon advocates violence!

Holding justice in his hand and realizing the only eternal truth in the universe, he entered a transcendental state in an instant. The mirror is like water, all things are free from vulgarity, there is no other or self, all the hustle and bustle of the world is the dust of the past, proud justice is unyielding, and the warmth of truth is eternal!

Celia, who was slowly getting used to the relaxation, carefully moved her body and turned around. After the two faced each other, she still blushed and lowered her head unconsciously.

"Wait a moment……"

The fingers of his right hand were stretched out to accurately point on the lips that he wanted to approach. After straightening his body, he placed his left hand on his heart, as if feeling his strong heartbeat.

"Do you want to protect Lotus?"

Her eyes were as gentle as water, soft and charming, but her tone revealed a strong persistence. It seemed that this question was very important to her, very important, and she must get the answer.

"Mr. Luo was just passing by, but my real purpose is actually to protect a certain girl who has not yet awakened. I told you when we first met, that I am your most loyal knight. Do you remember?"

After a moment of silence, Celia suddenly covered her mouth and smiled. Her smile was clean, pure, warm and tender. She slowly moved her right hand away and joked: "You are a knight," Reni said. The Delos Empire knight assessment is about morality and civilization. As for the assessment, people like you will definitely get stuck here..."

A few minutes later, he gently held his almost familiar little face and joked: "I am not in a dream this time, I am aboveboard!"

Lower your head and taste justice.

Annoyed that the plush of the beige pajamas blocked the fat, I tried the fifth element's ability to decompose fabrics for the first time, and the effect was surprisingly good!

"Well...actually I want to do it bit by bit."

Although he had been inking for an hour, he was not in a hurry. He scratched his head in embarrassment.

I can't help but secretly regret that just using a little more magic power can collapse the semi-moist blue cloud pattern.

Say one thing but think another!

"So, do you want me to change my clothes and start over?" Celia winked playfully, pretending to be calm.

"No, this is good."

He could see that Celia was actually very nervous. She was almost passive in all the processes, her face was as red as a cooked prawn, and she could only show off her words.


"I'm going to change jobs, are you scared?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate me,"

He bit his lower lip and groaned, frowning and rolling his eyes.

His nails couldn't help but draw bloody marks on his back. It took him a long time to catch his breath with his tongue sticking out, and he almost shed tears.

Celia said in a hoarse voice: "In this case, the job transfer is completed? Can you rest?"

"Rest? Don't you know that changing jobs is just the beginning?"

"Ah? How could..."

The fourth career change (Elf Knight) is in progress...

After all, she doesn't have the powerful physique of a giant dragon. A little taste is enough, and she needs to be given a process of adaptation.

Even so, Celia was still recharged to the tune of several billion, but in the end it was destroyed by magic and lost blood.

Because of the celebration and job change, the two of them hugged each other and slept until midnight, then they opened their eyes in a daze and continued to yawn and stretch.

"Good morning……"

He pinched Celia's rosy little face and couldn't help but lie down and take a bite.

"You're still pretending to be asleep. The smile on your lips betrays you."

After being exposed, Celia still didn't wake up on purpose. Her eyelashes moved slightly but she didn't open her eyes. The quilt was wrapped a little tighter, and she wanted to sleep for a while.


"Don't go to the store today, Penisius will take care of it."

Celia frowned slightly, blinked and nodded. Her body was a little sore, but it had nothing to do with pain.

"What about you? Where are you going? Remedia?" A hint of resentment flashed across Celia's brows, but she felt better when she thought that he did say that he was going to ask Glandis for the treasury qualification last night.

Ye Lin was stunned when he heard this. He took out a bard's songbook and sat down beside him. He smiled and said, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to read poetry to you. This is the work of Seaman Stella. The bard who is young but has traveled a lot.”

"That romantic poet Seaman? When I was in the store a few days ago, I heard other adventurers talking about her, saying that she wanted to sneak into the city lord's palace, but the expelled person was left behind, and it seemed that she was facing the sky again. The giant curtain beast is interested..."

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