Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1005: One heart with the leader

Something unexpected happened to both Lobach and Skadi. After a moment of silence, the other party actually bent down and bowed, completely losing the gloomy and mysterious feeling before.

"I am a farmer who lives near the Elvin Line, Ethra. I would like to send my regards to Her Majesty the Queen."


Skadi quickly searched for the name in her mind. She seemed to have a little impression that Ye Lin should have introduced it to her, but in a short period of time, she couldn't remember it.

"Your Majesty the Queen, there has been no rainfall in the Principality for more than a month, and the weather is slightly dry."

It was an inexplicable starting topic, not something that a strong person should care about. Skadi, who could not figure out what the other party meant, still followed the other party's words: "Yes, officials from all over the country have reported information. Most of the people in the country this year There is less rainfall, and the weather is relatively smooth only in the south.”

"Then if the food production is reduced due to the weather, and some people are suffering and stranded, what should you do, Her Majesty the Queen?" Esla asked again.

His purpose this time was not to question and blame the queen, but to ask for an answer and the attitude of the principality for his mother who passed away due to illness.

"Natural disasters are unavoidable, but as I inherit Lord Mar's will of peace, freedom, and friendship, I will definitely do my best to help them. Moreover, due to the restoration of the country last year, I personally promised that this year's taxes will be less than in previous years. .”

Finally, Skadi remembered who the person in front of him was. The leader of the violent hunting team, a person who was on the wanted list even in the empire, Ethra the Prophet!

After knowing the details of the other party's identity, Skadi's heart gradually calmed down, and his attitude became more and more calm.

“The principality’s first big plan this year is to build roads, dams and other things that are beneficial to the people to cope with natural disasters and strengthen exchanges with other places. To this end, the principality has allocated a lot of money, and construction is underway in various places in an orderly manner. , and can also provide certain jobs..."

On the road outside the city of Hutton Mar, there was no high-profile podium and only one audience, but Skadi still talked enthusiastically about his plans and his good expectations for the future.

Lobach, who was vigilant on the side, gradually relaxed. If the atmosphere wasn't still tense, she would have wanted to applaud the Queen.

These free talks are not just empty talk, but are actually being implemented closely. If you ask around, you can find the construction site.

"However, my mother died of illness, poverty and helplessness. I asked the principality for help, but all I got was contempt and disdain."

With a voice full of vicissitudes of life and sadness, Skadi was startled when he heard the words, then pursed his lips and bowed slightly in greeting:

"I'm really sorry that such a tragic thing happened in the principality, but please believe that the people of the principality will never be indifferent people. I will order a strict investigation..."

"No need, it happened eleven years ago and I can't find it."

With a tone full of exhaustion and helplessness, Esla waved her hand. At that time, Skadi had just become queen, and her power was not yet stable.

Besides, it is unrealistic to expect the mighty leader of a country to know about a poor farmer in a border town.

Besides, a long time has passed. For example, at that time, the elves were not yet extinct.

He just wanted an explanation, a word of sympathy.

Lonely and indifferent people most need a seemingly worthless comfort.

"Her Majesty the Queen, please immediately order the dispersal of Sky City, including the nearby residents. Something big will happen in the near future. Finally, in the name of the people of the principality, I would like to say hello to you again."

Esla's figure disappeared like a gust of wind, leaving behind the puzzled soldiers and Skadi who remained silent.

"Lobach, let's go back."

The motorcade set off again and soon arrived at Hutton Mar. The people who spontaneously came to greet them chanted the Queen's name and offered various words of praise.

Skadi did not shrink into the carriage. She sat calmly in the driver's seat, smiling and waving hello to the people on both sides.

There was no red carpet or honor guard, only soldiers maintaining order and fresh flowers picked.

Esla, who was following the convoy silently without anyone noticing, finally stopped and stopped following.


Ye Lin saw through the other party's disguise at a glance and called the other party's name.

He went to Esla's hometown, which Uzo told him, and found several deserted and empty wooden houses, but he found no one there and only nearly a hundred "sugar canes".

Judging from the surrounding environment, it was obvious that a war had occurred, and Uzo's clues were naturally cut off.

But he never expected that when he wanted to come back and let Alice try to divine the location again, he accidentally saw the Queen's motorcade and Esla herself confronting them.

There was a big difference between the weather-beaten Esla, who was dressed simply as a farmer, and the dark, cumbersome priestly clothes and the trustworthy sense of stability described by Uzo, that he almost didn't recognize her.

"I was discovered..."

A black mist quickly surged around Esla, and a terrifying aura was rising. There were still scars on his arms, and blood soaked through a layer of bandages and single clothes.

"You are no match for me. Resistance is just a waste of strength." Ye Lin said it casually, without any hint of solemnity, even though Ethra was the biggest piece of Sirocco.

"I know." Esla nodded silently, "But I don't know why, I feel a surge of anger."

He suddenly clenched his fingers, making a loud banging noise, and wanted to punch with all his strength, but he endured it with great difficulty.

The power Sirok gave him was the terrifying ability to control elements, which transformed him from an ordinary farmer into an elemental master who was definitely considered a strong one even in Tarakuta.

At the same time, his prophecy ability is not much inferior to that of Mandarin and Miraz.

"Ye Lin, you have been to the Demon Realm, how about you tell me about her and him?"

"How about Held and Kahn? I have never seen the latter, but I heard that he annihilated Schneider with one punch, who could compete with the leader of Tarakuta. As for Held..."

A delicate and beautiful purple bikini suddenly appeared in his hand and waved it in front of the other person's eyes a few times. However, there was no movement or abnormality.

On the contrary, it was Esla who was puzzled and looked at her with a weird look like "Why are you dangling a pair of underwear?", which made Yelin blush suddenly and feel a little embarrassed.

That Held's bikini was the result of the last battle in Silent City.

He thought that doing so would make the hidden strand of Held's will in Esla's soul extremely angry and reveal some flaws, but the second sister seemed to be very calm.

Ye Lin, who took the bikini back with his backhand, didn't notice that Esla's fingertips trembled for a moment, nor did Esla herself.

"It's all to fight against her who is higher than the sky. You and the violent hunting team should have the same will."

"What you said is actually not too wrong." Ye Lin did not deny it, but then slowly shook his head and said:

"But the apostle you believe in is no less threatening to Arad than Held! The leader and I are of the same mind, but that doesn't mean that I and the violent hunting team have the same will. You know, Zhuya Ropa’s story?”

While he was telling the story of Zhuyalopa's demise, he was alert to Aesra's movements. If there was any resistance, he would of course kill him immediately!

But surprisingly, Esla didn't move at all, but listened to his story very seriously.

After the story was told, Ye Lin shrugged and said, "I will take you to the heaven to separate part of Sirocco's power, and under the influence of the power, you will be a powerful magician in the future."

"Then what?" Esla suddenly asked him.

"The will of the seven people is united, and a new order is established. And I will break her delusion. Arad, it is not her turn to establish any order yet!"

Hearing his decisive words, Aesla took a deep breath, as if she wanted to spit out all the complicated emotions in her heart.

"not now."

Esla shook her head, and before he could take action, she hurriedly said: "Among the violent hunting group, only I can gather all the believers to the Eye of Insight, and only I can establish the resurrection ceremony and magic circle. However, if you are worried, why not just seal your soul completely?"

Ethra didn't understand. If he was afraid that Sirocco would take root in Arad, then why not simply spread the seven powers to various parts of the dimension so that they would never meet again.

"Because there is a more terrible crisis in the more distant, but possibly very near future, and I need her power."

He was performing a kind of "taming", first defeating Shilok's covetousness of Arad, and then using her invisible power to resist the possibility of dimensional fusion.

"That is to say~" A strong look suddenly bloomed in Esla's eyes: "The goal of the violent hunting team is not wrong. What is wrong is just the goodness and evil of the apostles themselves? And our foolish execution behavior?"

"Well, more or less, you can understand it this way. For example, Ozma, I would like to kill him with one knife, pull out both horns, and make a betrothal gift to the archbishop." Ye Lin spread his hands, and this was indeed the case.

A certain vague will was re-firmed, a sense of recognition after being confused, like the rain after a long drought.

Yes, why has he never understood such a simple and easy truth?

There are also good people in the violent hunting team, who protect other apostles, but want to eliminate Held and Kahn, who are also apostles. Light and darkness, good and evil, inherently imply a completely different two-sided attribute.

Ethra is a person who seeks to prevent Arad's destruction, which means that greatness often comes with sacrifice, and sacrifice will never be in vain.

He commanded countless believers to suffer martyrdom or block the progress of adventurers. In the mission process cutscene, the corpses of dead believers were all over the ground. Before these believers, they were basically ordinary people.

But his ideals and beliefs have always been to fight against Held, protect Arad's future, and prevent the destruction predicted by Azera from coming.

The decision to resurrect Sirocco was also based on the prophecy of the Holy Book after the deaths of Azerra and Luke: (When praying, do not be afraid of the death of the apostles. When the mission is accomplished, the new life of the apostles will surely come) .)

Ezra's prophecy is that all the apostles will perish, and the world will also perish. Therefore, without knowing the news about the demon world, Ezra can only choose to be martyred and give birth to an apostle.

It was not until the end of his fall that he saw Celia's identity.

Although he has caused many tragedies, his original intentions cannot be faulted.

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