Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1006: The Crown Prince of the Principality~~

"Then, I will gather believers from all over the place and rush to Sky City to hold the last rites."

The prophet Esla, who had become more energetic, was about to turn around and leave to prepare, but suddenly remembered something, paused, and finally slowly disappeared.

He did not tell Ye Lin the truth. In fact, just collecting seven souls may not be able to resurrect the apostle, because the power required for resurrection is not enough!

Eleven years ago, Shilok, who was in a near-death state, had his body chopped open, and his sluggish main consciousness remained in the Wailing Cave. After a long period of cultivation, he was barely able to freely explore the earth.

Earlier, when her body exploded, large pieces of seeds, or fragments, spread out with the wind and took root in some poor and small bodies.

With her barely clear consciousness, she came to the door one by one and took back those seeds, along with her soul, as part of the nourishment for her resurrection.

Although she was very weak and small, like pebbles filling the sea, she slowly persevered, accumulating little things into something, and learned all kinds of information about this world from the memories of those seeds.

Arad is a mysterious, colorful, beautiful and warm race of life that is complex, twisted and full of desires.

At that time, she wanted to take root in Arad, just like many years ago, she wandered from the boundless universe and touched the warm Zhuyalopa.

Absorb, plunder, do everything you can to grow and then bloom!

However, there is a mysterious and powerful force hidden under the earth, which refuses this "seed" to take root.

The land is gentle, it grows and nourishes all things, but it seems to be particularly indifferent and exclusive to "Shirok".

Esla, who had already set off quickly and was rushing to the secret place of the violent hunting team, had a triangular carved mask appear on his weathered face, a thick dark purple sacrificial robe appeared on his body, and the metal accessory on his body was an "eye". "symbols of.

The organizational logo of the Violent Pursuit Group is very similar to Held's symbol!

Collecting seven soul fragments cannot provide the huge energy for the apostle's resurrection. It also requires seven attributes that are lost along with the seven powers.

Memory, anger, sadness, obsession, desire, emptiness, and hunger.

These seven are the fragments of power that Shilok lost. She placed these seven fragments on seven people and slowly nourished and grew them like a magic gunner.

Until a certain scale, that is, at the time of prophecy, martyrdom will allow the seven fragments of power and the power flowing out of Sirocco to reunite into one and become an invisible apostle.

This is also the reason why people like Louis and Miraz, who are most affected by the power of power, can still retain a certain amount of strength after being deprived of power.

Ye Lin thought it was the influence of power, just like water on the palm of your hand. When you lift it up, some of it will always be stained on your hands. In fact, it is their souls, which Shilok has destined to use to restore his strength.

The seven seeds blossom and bloom, and then rely on Arad's power to bear perfect fruits. Swallowing them all can restore most of Sirocco's strength.


This is an excellent way for Sirocco to indirectly obtain energy after being unable to take root in Arad.

Esla's confusion was unintentionally solved by Ye Lin. When he quickly passed over the land, all things were sprouting, green and gratifying, showing full of vitality.

If given the chance, he didn't want to sacrifice his soul for martyrdom. He could only say that he would give it a try first, and if it really didn't work, he would make other plans.

No one wants to die when they reach their limit.

However, he did not notice that in the deepest part of his soul, a malice and indifference were slowly growing, affecting his emotions and judgment.

For Held, Sirocco is a very special existence, unlike her master Luke, who was destitute and languid after being thrown into the demon world, so she could just ignore him.

It was also different from Lotus, who was left alone during hibernation with basically no effort.

Shilok was an existence that she had spent a lot of energy and carefully planned to treat when she deceived him from Zhuyalopa. It was also she who saw the cracks in space with her own eyes, pulled out the roots of Shilok from the center of the earth's orbit, and then dragged it towards Allah. Virtue.

At that time, the two of them looked at each other and fought each other. Sirocco's angry roar still seems to be echoing in her ears. The roots climbed up her legs and tore the flesh.

The strong mental power stabbed part of Held's consciousness and gained part of her knowledge.

Shilok, a plant life, has the power to actively collapse the demon world. Her roots can spread to every corner.

Therefore, when Sirocco is resurrected in a stronger state, she will instinctively try to take root in Arad, or draw energy from other places to recover as much as possible.

Apostles are all arrogant in character. Even if Ye Lin has a record of defeating apostles, to Shilok, he is still just an "enemy" and has no fear.

So just kill it.

Similarly, Ye Lin, who has gained insight into Shilok's identity, must not allow her to take root at will. Confronting the apostle will definitely consume a huge amount of his strength and time.

So, no matter who wins, it doesn't matter to Held, but he will clap his hands vigorously.

As for whether the two will join forces by chance, it doesn't matter, she just needs time now.


After Skadi returned to the city hall, she originally had a lot of documents and matters waiting for her to deal with. However, when Esla blocked the way, she reminded her about the dispersal of the residents around Sky City, which made her particularly concerned now.

As a miraculous building, although it has lost its ability to reach directly to the heaven, it still attracts countless tourists with its amazing appearance.

It is said that the later architectural style of the imperial capital Vetalun was partly influenced by this.

The last time the martial law blockade was ordered by the empire, it was because extremely aggressive dragonmen, stone giants, and, it is said, ancient army destroyers suddenly appeared in the Sky City.

At that time, the principality was still a puppet state.

Now, for the sake of her people, she is willing to drive away Sky City, but first she has to figure out what is going to happen.

After thinking hard for a while, Skadi took out a piece of paper and started writing. She wanted to send someone to deliver the letter to Celia and ask her if she knew anything.

However, Ye Lin suddenly appeared in the city hall office and rubbed her shoulders, dispelling her idea.

She tore the letter into pieces and threw it into the trash can. Her beautiful eyes showed a trace of helplessness, and she pretended to blame: "Little girl, I calculated with my fingers. You definitely didn't come with me to prepare for your honeymoon this time."


Ye Lin answered in a low voice, feeling rather embarrassed and ashamed, and said sheepishly: "The City in the Sky will usher in a period of turmoil, but don't worry, I can handle it."


Twitching the corner of his weak mouth, Skadi gave him a roll of the eyes. His little movements were also very mature and charming, making people feel numb and soft in their bones.

"Okay, I'll give the order later and find a reason to seal off Sky City. Fortunately, the city is surrounded by mountains and there are no dense towns."

The reason is that the Lord of the City of Light has gone crazy and the Dragon Man has reappeared. For the sake of safety, residents, tourists and vendors are asked to leave temporarily.

Then the greatest and most powerful adventurer will fight against Sky City again~

The honeymoon was in ruins, at least it had to be postponed for about half a month. The noble and beautiful queen showed a hint of displeasure on her delicate face, but she still had her hands folded across her chest and her eyes were cold.

During the Chinese New Year, she had agreed to have a honeymoon alone for a while, and then ask for a prince of the duchy. She had been looking forward to it for so long, but suddenly extra troubles appeared.

What a disappointment.

Ye Lin solemnly bent down to apologize again, and then took advantage of the situation and carried the queen out of the office like a princess. Skadi had a lounge in the city hall.

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

"Of course I will try my best to fill Her Majesty's free time and serve as Her Majesty's mount."

Skadi closed his eyes slightly, his brows filled with contentment, and his beautiful cheeks were still filled with sunset glow. He was no longer angry, he had no energy left to be angry, and his knees were numb.

"Your Majesty, will these future princes of the principality stay, or...?"

"Wipe it all clean."

One point that is often overlooked is that the Sky City once disappeared because of Bakar, and its reappearance was in the same year as the elves' demise, which was only five years ago when you created your character in the game.

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