Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1054: Celia ran away from marriage!

Her lips are reddish and tender, her hair is tied back, embellished with some pure white lace ribbons, and on her neck, which is more moist and lustrous than pearls, is a piece of jewelry made by the most beautiful blacksmith Xibo.

Celia's delicate little face, which was originally quiet and beautiful without any make-up, looked like a fairy in the dust after applying a little makeup, and her beauty was as beautiful as a wisp of fireworks in the world.

She is one of today's protagonists and will carry all the love and happiness.

However, with the holy wedding dress on her body, Celia seemed a little at a loss. With her jade hands wearing chiffon lace gloves, she looked at Luo Lian who was helping her dress up in the mirror, feeling slightly uneasy and agitated: "Speaking of which , can I not get married, for example, if I am ill? A world disaster?"

The white wedding dress is worn during the day, and the bright red phoenix and rosy crown are only changed at night.

Moreover, this wedding dress also has a great background. Not only is it made by a master craftsman, it is also expensive and luxurious.

The most important part of the lining material is a precious thing called "Ulimun cotton" that Sophie brought when she returned from the devil world a few days ago.

Sophie was too hungry at the time, so she didn't explain it to them in detail. She just chewed the chicken leg and recalled that one day she was riding a dragon while patrolling the waters near the Mein area, and accidentally saved an injured colorful bird that fell into the water. Pheasant (Peacock).

In return, the other party gave her a tail feather and some Ulimun cotton.

"Pheasant" said that this kind of cotton is as soft as a material, can automatically keep cool or warm, and is filled with a touch of magic power to nourish the skin. It is also a special treasure in Tabols.

"What are you thinking about? Don't say unlucky words. Unless you say that you have morning sickness and it's hard to stand up. Otherwise, even if the apostles make trouble today, they will be killed together. But, eleven months later, little Saili Ya will have to invite the full moon wine, you can think about it yourself."

Luo Lian used a thin eyebrow pencil to describe Celia's eyebrows, not paying much attention to her words or taking them to heart.

She guessed that Celia was suddenly nervous and restless when things happened, but if she said there was room for change two days ago, she couldn't do it now.

"I'm just... inexperienced and so nervous. When the wedding news was announced a few days ago, I thought it was nothing. But today, my heart is beating so fast." Celia grabbed the hem of the wedding dress with her small hands and wrote on her face I was full of nervousness and apprehension, and my thoughts started to wander a bit.

"Didn't you attend Luxi's wedding? Don't lower your head. I'll reapply lipstick for you."

"I was a guest at the time, sitting and waiting for dinner. Luo Lian, can you do anything? I'm still very uneasy."

"I can have a hammer experience. I haven't even had a boyfriend. It's annoying. The handsome guys on the West Coast are blind and don't know the beauty of this lady. However, since you are very nervous, then I will call Sister Sosia over. ?She is well-informed and may have good suggestions.”


Gently straightening Celia's little face with her fingers, Luo Lian quietly nodded and praised her. She had to admit that although she often called herself "a flower on the west coast and a princess on the west coast" because of her narcissism.

But when it comes to beauty, she still has a hard time winning the title.

"Don't move around~ Huazhuang is in trouble, just bear with it for one day." Luo Lian glanced at the wall clock in the tree hole, there was still some time, and then went to call Sosia.

After Luo Lian left, Celia looked at herself quietly in the dressing mirror, and gently touched her little face that was lightly painted with pink and white with her fingers. She was naturally beautiful and had a complexion like snow.

She is already extremely beautiful without makeup, and with Luo Li'an's exquisite techniques, she looks like a flower shy of the moon, making everything intoxicated.

Standing up, the waist of the long wedding dress was hidden with an elegant ribbon, and the designed skirt was fluffy, but it still couldn't cover up her slim and beautiful figure.

Celia pressed her chest gently, her heart beating faster than ever before. She was sure that she was happy, excited and shyly looking forward to it, but her uncontrollable intense emotions made it difficult for her to frown lightly.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it would still be some time before Ye Lin arrived, so she pursed her lips and hesitated, then picked up the wedding dress and stamped her feet cautiously.

Sothea, who was entrusted by Luo Lian, is Celia's elder. Today, she is wearing a red dress that is conservative in style, but still makes her figure very enchanting.

The beauty of the lady who ran the Moonlight Tavern was famous as far away as Delos.

"Celia, actually, there is nothing to be nervous about. There will be a high priest commanding you in every step. What you have to do is to accept everyone's blessings with peace of mind... Hey, Celia?"

Sothea was suddenly startled because the hollow tree that had been transformed into a dressing room was the building where Tana originally lived, but now there was no sign of Celia in it.

She immediately walked outside the door and asked Miraz who was hanging balloon decorations on the branches, but the answer was that she didn't see Celia coming out at all.

Another tree hole, which is Celia's former residence, is now a renovated wedding room. The floor is covered with bright red handmade carpets, which are posted cheerfully.

However, Celia is not inside either.

"Miraz, it's broken, Celia is missing!"

Sothea was no longer as elegant and leisurely as before, and she frowned secretly, wondering why the bride was missing at the critical moment.

Everything was fine around him, the breeze was calm, and there were no signs of invasion by foreign enemies at all.

Besides, who dares not to be wise and come here to get into trouble today?


Miraz was startled and knew that things were in trouble, because the time was almost up and Ye Lin might be on his way.

Miraz was implanted with the power "Fading Light" by Sirocco, and also possessed very good prophecy abilities. She was also the first to spy on Celia's hidden identity.

So she has been silently guarding Alvin's line of defense, watching Celia secretly, like a mother who cannot recognize her daughter, the subtle distance is full of affection and care.

On the day of the wedding, like Sosia, she was acting as a member of Celia's family.

Because they couldn't keep it public, about ten minutes later, Sothea and Miraz, who were searching quietly, looked at each other, seemingly helpless.

The surrounding area was hurriedly searched, but let alone Celia, there was not even a trace of her running out.

"Celia, Yelin is already here... Wuwu..."

Luo Lian, who came over happily, was suddenly covered by Sosia's mouth and dragged into the tree hole.

"Shh~ Something happened~"

Sothea hurriedly made a gesture of silence and pointed at the empty chair in front of the dressing table.

"Hey! Where is Celia...?"

"I don't know. Miraz and I searched around and couldn't find him. Could it be that he escaped from marriage?"

"It shouldn't be possible." Luo Lian spoke loudly and then quickly turned to a low voice, and quietly said to Sothea:

"Binosio told me that it was Celia who initiated the marriage. Although she acted nervous just now, you and I both know that there is actually no difference."

Sothea nodded slightly in approval upon hearing this, because they had been living together for a long time, and the news was widely known, and most of Belmare knew about it.

Whether to hold a marriage or not, to put it bluntly, it is just a necessary ceremony. Celia wants to be the "major wife"!

Even if you feel nervous, you won’t run away.

Just when she was worrying about finding a solution, suddenly, Sothea saw from the window of the tree hole, a huge crystal blue dragon soaring from the sky, its beautiful scales shining brightly in the sun, looking divine and majestic.


It was the "wedding car" chosen by Ye Lin, mainly because the old man was so fat that he became a ball, and after Astra changed, his appearance became too fierce.

Since Xiao Bing appeared, it meant that Ye Lin would be arriving soon, ready to get married, and there would definitely be many guests coming to join in the fun.

"What to do? The bride is gone!"

Luo Lian pulled the boss's wife and quickly shrank her head and hid under the window, as if hiding like this would stop time and give her a few more hours to find someone.

"I don't know either... Can I change someone else? Cover it with a hijab so outsiders can't notice it easily, right?" Sosia was also anxious, so she simply sought medical treatment.

"Who should I replace?" Luo Lian was also ashamed. As a bridesmaid, it would have been better if she had not left just now.

"Mavis! Her figure and hair color are both close to Celia's, and isn't Celia's phoenix-clad crown still there? Let's find an excuse and delay for half an hour. It's normal for a wedding. "

"good idea!"

Luo Lian's eyes lit up instantly. As long as Mavis covered her head, behaved and didn't speak, it would be absolutely fine until the Archbishop held the ceremony.

As long as Celia is found within this period of time, there are a hundred ways to secretly switch back!

"What about Mavis? I'll put makeup on her to cover it up."

"Uh, I don't know. I just saw her this morning."

Luo Lian:......

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