Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,055 Celia, look forward!

"Gran Forest, formerly known as the Great Forest, was later called the Floating Jungle by humans. It was created by the great magician Marr. It was a paradise for elves to live in. However, it was destroyed by a fire a few years ago due to the empire's ambitions... …”

Celia softly recited a sentence full of sadness, wearing expensive high heels inlaid with gems, and it was very difficult to walk in the forest with piles of rotten leaves and humid environment.

She also had to carefully hold up her long dress to avoid being scratched by the thorns on the roadside.

She didn't know why she ran here. She didn't mean to escape from the marriage, it seemed like it was just a momentary impulse.

Somehow I just felt that I should come and take a look.

In the forest, there are towering trees, clinging vines, and dense branches and leaves, revealing tiny golden light. Occasionally, unknown small flowers can be seen blooming.

The surrounding environment is very quiet, with only the occasional breeze swaying the leaves and the intermittent chirping of insects.

After the fire, the ecological recovery of Gran Forest was pretty good, but some things will never come back.

For example, the very famous "hollow tree" is almost extinct, for example, the elves.

Celia stopped by a clear stream. She squatted down and held a handful of cold water in her hands, looking at it for a moment, as if it was some kind of treasure.

The fingers loosened and the water droplets fell. Celia subconsciously pressed her palms to the bottom of the water, and the magic power in her body surged and poured into the earth.

After a while, she seemed to be amused by herself. She smiled, shook off the water drops on her hands, and whispered to herself: "It's time to go back, he should be coming."

But when she turned around, she was instantly stunned.

The path that I had just walked on suddenly disappeared behind me, replaced by a few green trees and a few clinging mourning grasses.

At her feet, the stream where she originally washed her hands disappeared. What appeared in front of her was a winding road that led to no one knows where.

"Grand Forest, the flowing jungle..."

Surprised and shocked, Celia hesitated for a moment, but quickly walked on this road, because according to the facts, the "flow" ability of Gran Forest should have been completely scrapped since the fire.

After walking along the mysterious path for a short time, I turned a corner and my eyes suddenly opened up.

In front of her was a courtyard-like open space with trees in a circle around it. In the middle was a tea table made of wooden piles after a huge tree was cut down. There were four log stools next to it, and three of them were already there. people.

There are two men and one woman. The woman is elegant and mature. She wears a long emerald green dress and wears a small light yellow flower in her ear. One of the men is wearing a silver-white robe. He is middle-aged and looks elegant and knowledgeable. The other looks very young. Strong body.

What concerned Celia the most was that the three people all had pointed ears and their skin color was fairer.


The female elf nodded and smiled, as if she was not surprised by her appearance, but more like a special expectation.

"Are you elves? However, the only elves in this world should be me and Sister Sothea."

Celia was a little happy. After getting closer and taking a closer look, she realized that they were elves!

In response to her inquiry, the female elf did not answer. Instead, she asked with a smile: "I see you are dressed in a dress. Is there any happy event today?"

"Well, today is my wedding."

For some reason, Celia felt a strong sense of intimacy from the other person, and it was not a simple intimacy between elves of the same race, but more like they had known each other for a long time.

"Really? Congratulations on becoming a bride, but how could you..."

The female elf gestured to the ground with her finger, asking why you were here, and asked curiously: "Could it be that you are dissatisfied with your partner's conditions? So you secretly escaped from the marriage?"


The middle-aged male elf in silver-white robes, who looked elegant and steady, scolded lightly.

Apparently Louwetro is the name of a female elf.

This name made Celia even more confused. She always felt that it sounded familiar.

"Ah, Elder Cavell, isn't it normal for women to gossip a little." Louwetro obviously didn't care much about the reprimand, but instead winked at Celia.


Celia waved her hands hurriedly, with a slightly blushing face, and said a little embarrassedly: "He is very good. He is a great hero who has saved the world several times. He has saved tens of millions of lives. He also looks handsome and clean. No bad habits."

"Then how did you...?"

Routwell raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Seeing that it was already noon, the bride ran to the forest alone. This would not only let the guests go, but also make it difficult for the groom to handle.

Maybe, I am already anxious now.

"I don't know, I just want to come and take a look..."

Reason told Celia that she should go back now and sneak out by herself, as there might be chaos over there.

But a very special feeling made her feel that she should stay a little longer, at least to find out who the elves in front of her were.

After a brief silence, another male elf, who had been holding his arms silently, asked: "Celia, what year is it now?"

"Arad 991."

Subconsciously answering, Celia didn't notice at all that her name was known.

"Six years later..."

The elf known as Elder Cavell tapped the wooden table with his fingertips, pondered for a long time, and asked: "What has happened in the continent of Arad these years? I mean, since the fire."

Celia did not hesitate and briefly explained what she knew, including the hidden disaster of the mysterious warrior and the national situation in the Arad continent.

"Oh, human beings are still like this. No matter how close and terrible the disaster is, there will always be infighting."

Celia learned from Routwell that the young elf who made a mocking call was Troll, which was also a name that seemed a bit familiar to her.

"Trol, look at the problem comprehensively. At least Belmare, who inherited the will of Lord Mar, still advocates peace. He had a good relationship with us at the beginning. Moreover, the savior hero Celia mentioned, her fiancé, is also a human being. .”

Routwell warned.

Probably feeling that he had no way to refute, Troll could only fold his arms and say "haha" for a while.

Celia then chatted a lot with them, and the mysterious intimacy hardly made her feel wary or say anything.

Time is passing slowly, and the sun at noon is slowly tilting westward for a few minutes.

Finally, the elf elder Cavell looked up and looked around the Grand Forest with some reluctance, then sighed and said: "Guardian of the East, I can feel your confusion and wandering about your past, and your sadness. Hold your soul."

"Me?" Celia replied subconsciously.

She immediately covered her red lips and frowned slightly, wondering if the Guardian of the East had anything to do with her and why she agreed.

"I am the Guardian of the South, Routwell." The female elf nodded and smiled.

"I am Troll, the Guardian of the West." The elf, who was previously full of malice towards humans, was now solemn and serious.

"I am Cavil, the Elf Elder and Guardian of the North."

"Celia Crumin, Guardian of the East."

Celia had no idea why she said this. She had only awakened part of the elven memory in the Dark Thunder Ruins.

Routwell took off the small flower he was wearing, inserted it between Celia's hair, held her hand, and smiled tenderly: "There is no need to be sad about the past. In these mountains, rivers and forests, the grass and trees are singing, every moment is... There are traces of our presence.”

Cavell stood up, his figure slender but not thin, and said: "Our sacrifice back then was of extraordinary significance. Even though no one knows it, we are deeply remembered by the earth and the sky."

"I just hope that the true history will be revealed one day, and the sins will be punished!" Troll nodded.

Routwell's body was becoming illusive. She gently wiped away the sparkle in the corner of Celia's eyes and said in a gentle tone: "He did great things and secretly solved the crisis, but few people knew about it. Just like the past of our elves, Celia Leah, he’s great.”

Seeing that their bodies were becoming illusory, Celia ignored her tears and asked hurriedly: "Who are you? I seem to have some memories, but they are not clear enough."

"Don't be sad about the past, Celia, look forward, and wish you happiness." The three looked at each other, nodded and smiled.

A gust of breeze suddenly came, and everything in front of me was like a bubble that had been popped, and suddenly disappeared.

The elves were gone, and so were the tea table stakes, as if it were just a trance dream.

"Is it a dream?"

Celia wiped her cheeks, and two lines of clear tears had flowed unconsciously. Her makeup was probably ruined, and she was going to be complained by Luo Lian.

However, the pale yellow flower in her hair is still there.

"Wait, seems to be..."

Celia held her forehead for a while, then suddenly raised her head and stared.

Her strength has improved rapidly, her apostle's power has awakened a little, and she can already see the large magic circle in the sky.

What is connected to the ground beneath your feet is a key element of the great magic array!

Because the entire Grand Forest is a huge magic circle.

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind, and Celia's delicate body trembled slightly, and tears could not stop rolling down her cheeks.

It turned out that the three mysterious elves were the elf guardians who sacrificed their lives to repair the great magic circle that was damaged in the flames. They were also her tribesmen and friends.

Of course, it's not just them, the entire elves have almost turned into a breeze between heaven and earth.

Their sacrifice is unknown, remembered only by the planet.

The temple being eaten away by the abyss, plot prophecy:

Protect the tears from her hands, which are bigger than the sky. (Higher than the sky, refers to the demon world, protects the tear, and refers to the real tear bearer Celia, Held is pretending.)

Miraz sacrificed his protect...our...ultimate mission...

In the flowing forest...dazzling...tears...

Deep in the forest...she...

(That is to say, it is clear that Celia is an apostle and a real teardropper.)

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