Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,089 Surrender or die

"Ye Lin, the people you just drove away are planning to reveal our whereabouts to the Ka Xiu sect, and it seems they want to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

Gu Yu was bored, the dagger in his hand flew into flowers, and then he suddenly grasped the handle of the knife, and Ling Ran quickly made a motion of wiping his neck.

I mean, should we get rid of it once and for all?

The team had no intention of keeping a low profile on this trip. Even if they didn't meet Tarakuta's group, the nearby residents of the demon world who were crossing the sea would spread the news.

After all, the safe harbor that has always been ferried by ships suddenly has a 10,000-meter cross-sea bridge. The news is definitely sensational.

However, they are not afraid of being worried about by interested people and being stumbling in all kinds of secret ways, but they also feel irritated.

In addition, Rousselot had already mentioned the news about the sudden increase in the strength of the Ka Xiu Sect last night.

Although the mysterious "Artificial Eye of Darkness" is not as effective as the pure apostle's reverse energy transfer, it is still enough to allow the transplanter to gain extremely powerful power.

"No, I have more important things to deal with." Ye Lin shook his head gently, but kept staring at the seemingly calm sea.

Something was watching me from underneath.


Gu Yu put away the dagger and asked Mailu for a piece of fruit bubble gum. It tasted very sweet and she could blow the bubbles after chewing it. She was always very flexible.

"I mean I have something to do." Ye Lin repeated again.

"Oh~ You're talking in a roundabout way, you have an ant nest in your mouth?"

She rolled her eyes with contempt and complained about him. In the blink of an eye, Gu Yu had disappeared.



In the dark and quiet vast sea water, a series of huge water bubbles suddenly appeared in an area, like the stirring of a giant whale.

At the same time, there is a tyrannical pressure that slowly rises from the bottom of the sea. With water splashing, a huge and ferocious beast emerges!

When Ye Lin was building the cross-sea bridge, the extremely violent energy fluctuations naturally attracted the attention of the monster Hiero.

It has always been a willing destroyer, but now someone actually built it randomly in the ocean, triggering its destructive habit.

The monster Hiero was so awed by the coastal residents of the demon world that he called him the "God of the Sea" because of his troubles and destruction.

Ye Lin looked at the giant beast emerging from the sea water without any fear in his eyes, as if he was looking at a plate of washed bean sprouts.

He suddenly turned around and asked with a smile: "Mo Mei, are you afraid of the sea?"

"Huh? This...a little bit, hehe."

Mo Mei nodded honestly. A mortal's body is only a few feet long. When facing the towering mountain peaks and the boundless sea, it is inevitable that a feeling of powerlessness will arise. "This body is so small."

Of course, fear may be too absolute. A more appropriate word would be awe.

"Everyone in the world is afraid of the sea, which is one of the sources of Hiero's power." A three-foot green blade appeared in Ye Lin's hand, with cold light, pointing at the majestic "Poseidon" in the distance: "It is people's fear of the sea."

The cross-sea bridge he built was originally filled with pedestrians who were in a hurry and impatient.

But now, they were all paralyzed with fear, with pale faces and frightened expressions. Some of the overly emotional people even kept kowtowing to the monsters in the ocean.

Hiero has quite a lot of wisdom. He can even speak human words and communicate with some strong people who are of decent strength.

However, due to its violent personality, communication is never about calm speech, but simply expressing personal opinions.

For example... "I want to destroy this place", "Don't block my way", "Come fight", etc.

The demonic beast Hiero was cleverly used by Ron to invade the heaven during the battle in Silent City. However, he was extremely unfortunate. He was punched by the old man first and then received a tentacle from Mr. Luo.

If Hiero hadn't suffered from amnesia, he would still remember this very memorable scene, and that there was a "bystander" next to him at the time.

"I'll give you three choices."

Ye Lin stretched out two fingers and said calmly: "Submit and be used by me, or never get close to the center of the orbit, stay far away, otherwise I will kill you when I see you."


Siatt choked, and silently stretched out two fingers with suspicion on her face. She began to wonder if Ye Lin had a brain twitch and couldn't count.

"Boss, what's the third option?"

Before the angry Hiero could express his emotions, the little fan girl Mo Mei was curious and asked him the question first.

"It will definitely not agree to the third option, so I won't bother to stretch one more finger."

Ye Lin shrugged. There is no need to waste words on dead things.

The third option is that I will kill you now.

The ocean shook and trembled, and the monster Hiero in it was angry. Standing on the sea, it almost seemed to have infinite magic power and water elements to squander.

Hiero's face was wearing a mask of evil ghost fangs. When he opened his mouth and screamed, sound waves passed by, the surrounding sea exploded, and the waves splashed hundreds of meters.

A thick waterspout rolled up beside it, and the water column turned into a lifelike sea python, biting ferociously at the team on the shore.

Mo Mei snapped her fingers, her ponytails barely moving, and her mental energy shield, as bright as the sun, easily blocked Hiero's probing attack.

"Wait a minute, boss, how does its hair look like..." She was still in the mood to look at something else.

The team had also watched Hiero from a distance in the heaven, and had always felt that since this guy was a Warcraft, at the biological level, he should be of the same type as Goblins and Octopus monsters.

That is, the "beast" that cannot communicate.

But now that they were closer, they suddenly realized that the huge monster Hiero actually had a rather smooth brown-black shawl hair.

It is more like the centaur clan living on the Sky Veil Behemoth. It is taller and stronger, and its upper body has quite obvious human characteristics.

Maybe there would be a rather handsome face behind that evil ghost mask.

However, Hiero is a creature from the planet Aiken, so when you think about the conqueror's "honorable appearance", your curiosity drops to zero in an instant.

All kinds of random thoughts came one after another, but Mo Mei was not hesitant at all. With a dazzling and flashing energy-concentrated air cannon, Hiero's rather muscular body with eight-pack abdomen was burnt black.

The ocean seemed to be angry. The terrifying waves suddenly rose hundreds of meters high and hit the port coast with the fury of a tsunami that could swallow everything.

The residents of the demon world on the sea bridge immediately screamed when they saw this. In intense panic, they ran desperately to the Central Park on the other side.

On the other side, Ye Lin smiled faintly and swung his sword in his hand, as if the wind was gentle and the clouds were light, and he was drawing a mountain with his pen.

But the extremely thick seawater in front of him suddenly opened a smooth gap in the center. The seawater on both sides seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, with clear lines and clear boundaries.

The tsunami stopped in front of him.


The demon beast Hiero, who was in the center of the boundary, had no trace of seawater on his body.

Its body was stiff for a moment, then its hooves were unsteady and it slumped to the ground. The golden scales covering its back exploded, and a bone-deep wound penetrated its abdomen. Blood flowed across it, and it was almost cut into two pieces. Broken body.

Ye Lin was suspended in the air, condescendingly pointing his sword at Hiero, with a majestic gesture that could not tolerate resistance: "Submit, you are still of some use to me."

Mr. Luo is unwilling to return to the demonic ocean, so Hiero, who is naturally capable of controlling the water element, can play a good role in future regional wars.

He had a premonition that that day was coming soon.

Before that, the mystery of the stone tablet on Atropika's body must be completely solved.

Moreover, Mailu has rice cakes and Sophie has Astra. They are both handsome and mighty.

On the other hand, on my side, Lao Pi has become a stewed egg, and Xiao Bing and Astra have the same "species", so Hiero should be quite popular.

"Your sword is as sharp as his." Hiero spoke loudly, powerfully but unable to conceal his weakness.

It was stripped away from the sea water, and the sources of strength that it relied on in the past have all disappeared.



The bright red evil ghost mask suddenly separated from Hiero's cheek, the cut was smooth, and fell to the mud of the seabed.

As expected, the appearance under the evil ghost's not as good-looking as it is wearing the mask.

In an instant, Ye Lin also gave up the idea of ​​using this guy as a mount.

"Boss, it's so ugly." Mo Mei stepped on the Lotus of Mind Qi and leaned over, inadvertently giving Hiero another stab.

Internal injuries~

He was used to hearing others fear him, begging for mercy, and suddenly being complained about being "ugly" really made Hiero almost choke to death.

"That's one billionth of a million times less handsome than me!"

After a moment of narcissism, he reached out to hug Mo Mei, and gave Mo Mei a light kiss on her tender and moist red lips. He also became more and more fond of Mo Mei's bun and her two excellent and beautiful twin tails.

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