Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,090 Another Director, Monica from the Library

Hiero hides in the boundless and dark sea again. As long as it is in the sea water, its injuries will recover relatively quickly.

Forced by a life crisis, it can only choose to surrender.

Bagur climbed the bridge and continued to Central Park.

When Hiero appeared earlier, this fearful creature hid underground again, like a giant earthworm, digging hard into the soil.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel that after entering the Central Park area, the light becomes brighter as you move towards the center.

"Wow, I'm back!"

Wanzi stood on top of Bagur, looking majestic and majestic. He covered his eyes with his hands and his face glowed. He was now excited and no longer car sick. He pointed his little hand in one direction continuously, "There, there, the ancient library!"

During this trip to the Central Park area, it made no difference whether I went to Elf Katie's place or to Monica's place in the library.

Since Wanzi couldn't wait, Beyana and Bibi both looked indifferent, so they just followed her wishes.

After about two hours of walking, Bagur was panting heavily and exhausted from running, and only then did a group of inhabited buildings loom in front of him.

The Ancient Library has always been neutral in the Demon Realm. It participated in the first Demon Realm Alliance because it wanted to show the power of the library, which could not be trampled on at will.

Maruko said that most of the buildings in the ancient library are underground, and only a small part of the magnificent buildings are exposed on the surface.

The library claims to have a collection of 20 million books, but a long time ago, they were just "junk" and useless items that were ignored by the demon world.

The mainstream style of the demon world is the pursuit of fast-paced power, and it takes a lot of time to concentrate on tinkering with magic.

It was Director Monica, the genius of magic, who revived the glory of magic and raised it to a status comparable to orthodox elemental magic.

The key "prop" among them is the elemental Familiar, which is also the "ticket" to the ancient library.

On the head of the ball lies the lazy Shadow Night Cat, on the shoulders stands the sparkling photoelectric eel, and the two Fire Jacks and Snow Jacks are hidden in the hats.

She held a broom and a white brush, rode it down, and ran away with a huff: "The great meatball is back, sister Monica, Iqi, Ram, are you there~! I bought you a gift. .”

Since Ye Lin and others did not have Famillier with them, they could only stop and look at the door of the magnificent building for a while.

Tracing the history of magic to its origins, the final starting point is the twelve glorious Biana!

Mo Mei took out a few lollipops from her pocket and handed one to Mailu. Seaman and Beqi shook their heads.

She peeled one off, bit it in her mouth, and said vaguely: "Our curator is gentle and virtuous. What would a curator from the devil world be like?"

Isadora, who was feeling uneasy next to her, had a slightly red cheek. What she was interested in was not another librarian, but the rich collection of books in the ancient library.

Xiaoyu sat in a flower bed at the door, holding her cheek with one hand, and recalled: "Wanzi said that Monica was a somewhat strict teacher on the surface, but very responsible and gentle at heart, and she was also a beautiful woman with a good figure. "

There are green trees and blooming flowers near the library, which are relatively rare things in the dark demon world.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear Wanzi's shouts.

Not long after, two figures appeared at the door of the library, a ball wearing a big pointed hat, and a woman holding a book.

The woman has a beautiful appearance, a delicate and curly air, and an elegant temperament influenced by the fragrance of books.

She is tall but not thin, wearing an indigo sleeveless jumpsuit and a long-sleeved coat. Her snow-white shoulders are half exposed, and there is an astonishingly plump curve in front of her body, as if she is hiding a watermelon.

Feng Ying's eyes widened for a moment, and then she secretly glanced at the curator. Could it be that this is the power of knowledge?

Monica's waist is as graceful as a willow, and she is tied with a brown leather belt. Between her long sleeves, several bottles of colorful test tube-like things can be seen, all of which are magical medicines.

Due to the tight-fitting uniform, the fat becomes more prominent and round, forming an amazing undulating arc with the waist and thighs, making her mature and charming.

The beautiful woman walked gracefully and slowly with lotus steps. She looked curiously at the door and then followed where Wanzi pointed and saw Bagur and the team.

"Chief Wuxuan is here. Monica is really ashamed that she was not able to greet him in advance."

Monica from the library is a well-known knowledgeable person in the devil world. She is also a stunningly talented woman who can rival the poet Alice, and is highly respected and loved.

If we were to talk about the current situation in the Demon Realm, just in terms of the number of suitors, Monica should be ranked in the top two.

After all, not only does she have a gentle and elegant temperament, and she is as beautiful as a flower, she is also very capable and has supported the declining magic school!

People with outstanding abilities are welcome everywhere.

Although Elf Katie is also a beautiful lady, she is a little too stubborn in some aspects and loses some points.

At the first Demon Realm League, Monica was not able to show up to fight Alice, which some people still feel regretful about.

She wore a simple ponytail and gave off a friendly and friendly impression when she smiled. She had a pair of myopia glasses on the bridge of her nose and special goggles on her forehead.

"No, we are here unexpectedly. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Monica knew Ye Lin, or she knew her from one side. She heard from Katie that Ye Lin had a detailed appearance and some eye-catching features.

That’s right, I have a lot of girlfriends around me~

"Please come in."

Monica leaned aside and made a gesture of invitation, then pinched Wanzi's little face and said gratefully: "Thank you for taking care of this girl. She is playful and playful, and is a naughty girl like Iqi."

"I'm very ladylike..." Wanzi tried to argue, but no one believed him at all.

The first instinct when stepping into the library is to be shocked... books, books, books!

There are bookshelves and books everywhere, densely packed like a huge honeycomb. There is a universe in the wide space. Many magicians are riding brooms, cleaning or borrowing books.

The Ancient Library claims to have a collection of 20 million books. At present, it seems that it is not an exaggerated lie.

Even if you can read a book in a day, even a dark elf will not be able to read it all until the end of his life.

Monica took them to a quiet room, then made tea with bare hands and sat down respectively.

"We are here for Atropika and want to see it." Ye Lin directly stated his intention. Wuxuan has been too popular in the demon world recently, so that Monica would not think too much about it.

"Time Monster?"

Monica was surprised for a moment, then flipped through the memo in her arms, and then said: "The next landing of Atropika is tomorrow, but with all due respect, no one has ever solved its puzzle."

She shook her head slightly in confusion. Apparently she thought Ye Lin was interested in the legend, so she wanted to find out.

Legend has it that Atropika has clues to the "water of life"!

Ye Lin's direct expression of his intention also made Monica feel a little relieved and felt a bit of friendship.

Besides, with Wanzi as a middleman, even if everyone is not an ally, at least they will not be at war with each other.

Wuxuan, a magical tree that only existed in ancient times, Monica's beautiful eyes swept across without leaving a trace. Does the other party name it after this? What does it mean?

"Curious, let's take a look." Ye Lin smiled, as if he was really curious.

Monica nodded, and a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in her heart. This leader, the new big shot, was not busy consolidating the territory, but went straight to the time monster Atropika.

Could it be said that he knows the secret?

Not only was she curious about what the stone tablet on Atropika's body meant, it could be said that everyone in the demon world was curious about it.

"It just so happens that we are going to watch Atropika tomorrow. If you don't mind, we can take a rest tonight. How about we come together tomorrow?" Monica actively invited.

She was curious about why Ye Lin did this. If she could solve the mystery, it would clear up a knot she had been wondering about for a long time.

At the same time, there is a hint that I know the specific time and place when the Time Monster landed, but you don't know.

If you want to solve puzzles and seize an opportunity, efficiency must be very important.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Lin nodded, then took the initiative to reach out and gently shake Monica's soft hand.

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