Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,093 Teacher, I want to learn magic!

The rice cake rubbed Mailu's calf pitifully, blinking and blinking, what kind of dinner is this? Meat, biscuits, and the most important wine.

This does not mean that you are not vegetarian at all. You can also taste the vegetable salads prepared at home.

Mailu blushed slightly, maybe the team was used to it, but Monica had no idea, and the rice cakes she had when she was a child were indeed vegetarian.

She was not very good at sharing some of the food on her plate with the rice cakes, which would make Monica a little embarrassed, so she pretended to drop her chopsticks on the ground, and when she leaned down to pick them up, she whispered: "Go back and feed you." Biscuits and cans, would you like to eat some first?"

The rice cake stared at the grass on the plate, motionless in place, without appetite.

"A cold beer?"

Just take two bites, I really miss the taste of grass.


After dinner, Monica excused herself first and said that she could borrow books from the library at will and she still had something to do.

However, Xiaoyu complained that she read a few books in the afternoon, and most of them were incomprehensible holy books, which were even more difficult to understand than the holy book of the cult that Yuena carried with her.

Ye Lin also flipped through some casually, and unexpectedly discovered that a considerable number of books actually recorded "science", which is mechanical science similar to the world of heaven.

He was relieved afterwards, because magic was born out of ancient science. One of its labels is: "Magic scholars are magicians who are curious and have a strong interest in science."

When Monica sent the meatballs to Arad, her first intention was to go to heaven, but she accidentally sent them to the wrong place.

However, there are some books on identifying materials and species. Because they have relatively detailed illustrations, it is not a problem to read them happily and novelly.

According to Maruko, as long as Monica stays in the ancient library, she will give a class on magic in the evening to teach students who have just entered this field.

If she is not available, there will be other teachers responsible for teaching.

After all, the people in the Ancient Library are all beginners, and the real experts are basically in the Eldin Memorial Hall.

Monica's course was held in an underground auditorium in the Ancient Library. After walking down the spiral staircase for a few steps, the view suddenly opened up.

The huge fan-shaped auditorium has many shining magic lights hanging from the top, which are as bright as day. The seats are arranged from high to low like fish scales, and there is a huge blackboard at the front.

At a glance, it was roughly estimated that nearly two hundred people from the demon world were already sitting in the auditorium. This was because Monica had no compulsory requirement to attend this class.

The first point of Magical Science is the knowledge living room of Magical Theory, and the second key point is hands-on practice and innovation.

And since every magician has a Famelil accompanying them, the auditorium is full of photoelectric eels and shadowy night cats that are scurrying around. It's quite lively.

Because Ye Lin and the curator were interested, they also found a seat in a corner and prepared to listen to the magic course taught by Monica, the other curator.

Siatt and the others were either hanging out, playing cards or practicing.

Monica's lesson tonight is about the production and preservation of lava bottles. As a fast and effective magic substance, it only requires some cooperation from Fire Jack to produce good damage effects.

After all, in the demon world, engaging in academic research without any self-defense skills will never go far.

Her smile was gentle and friendly, and her explanation was very detailed. However, Ye Lin was a layman after all, so he could only nod blankly, and became confused after listening for a while.

The curator was very interested. She had learned a little bit out of curiosity, so she still understood six or seven points.

Suddenly, the curator's cheeks turned red, and he quickly turned around and glared at Ye Lin. He just didn't understand, and he was disturbing other people's studies.

The weather is getting hotter, so the style of her GBL uniform has also been slightly changed. The uniform skirt is just below the waist, and the slit can be opened to the thigh, which is cool and pleasant.

However, the fabric at the slit is overlapped in two layers like a shirt. As long as you walk slowly and don't run at full speed, your delicate white legs will not be exposed.

But it was only designed to prevent exposure. It could not stop restless paws. After stroking her plump legs, she began to twist and turn on the round fat.

The curator's dignified and beautiful face was calm. He frowned and bit his lip to suppress something.

She is his personal secretary, always gentle and doting towards him, and always responds to his requests.

The number of job transfers could be as many as 800 if not 1,000, and the wallets have become extremely tight.

Since the accommodation arranged by Monica was separate for men and women, he only stopped and settled down after the curator reluctantly nodded and promised him to study the "Learning of Magic" in depth tonight.

After nearly an hour, Monica finished her lecture and answered some questions before announcing that the class was dismissed and she could go back to rest.

Early tomorrow morning, those who are interested in Atropika can go watch it together. There is a magic bus in the Ancient Library.

Monica walked up to the two of them, not noticing anything unusual, and asked with a smile: "Are you also interested in magic?"

The curator nodded slightly and responded politely: "Wanzi has made a lot of inventions in the Arad continent. I think they are very powerful."

Although the two library directors did not cover exactly the same fields as each other, they were both knowledgeable people and had very similar personalities and temperaments, so the conversation was quite smooth and pleasant.

The curator was surprised that the collection of books here was rich with 20 million volumes. Monica was extremely interested in the big whale suspended in the sky because it was very similar to a creature in the legend of ancient Terra.

Ye Lin, who was unintentionally left out in the cold by the two curators' heated conversation, touched his nose, then his eyes lit up, he raised his hand and said loudly: "Teacher, I want to learn magic!"

Many magicians also called Monica "teacher" when they just said goodbye, so the curator knew that he was not calling her, but he was still in a daze after listening to the lecture just now.

After all, he was already at a mature and intellectual age. The curator understood something after thinking for a moment, and then gave someone a faint look.

"Really? Are you also interested in magic?" Monica was stunned for a moment, and then smiled happily.

She sincerely welcomes everyone who likes magic, especially new "big figures" like Ye Lin, and maybe she can help promote magic.

You must know that there is still a saying in the demon world about magic, saying that their sect is a product that lags behind elemental magic, and it is an old-fashioned thing.

"Well, I'm very interested. The science of magic is so great."

Ye Lin nodded heavily, as if he was going to become Monica's student today, preferably a closed disciple.

"Wait a minute." Monica hurried back to the podium, took two books and hurried back.

She heard Wanzi show off in the afternoon that Wanzi's Philosopher's Stone was obtained by one of his girlfriends named Tana through the Dark Elf's sage notes.

The Philosopher's Stone is one of the important tools in magic.

"If someone like you wants to learn magic, then as the representative of the library, I will definitely take the responsibility and teach you carefully."

Before Ye Lin showed a successful smile, Monica placed two books in front of him and said in a very fast tone: "This is "Introduction to Magic" and the other is "Origin of Magic". It is the basic theoretical knowledge of magic. It is an introductory textbook that can be understood without a teacher. After you read it, each of you can write a thousand-word review to me, and then we will proceed to the next stage of study based on your understanding. "


Ye Lin was a little dumbfounded, holding the book at a loss.

He remembered that Wanzi had said that Curator Monica was a good curator who was enthusiastic about magic, but also very serious and responsible.

In other words, if you want to have more contact with this beautiful curator who ranks among the top two in the demon world in terms of number of suitors, you must learn magic. There is no other way.

"What's wrong?" Monica asked in confusion when she saw that he was a little stiff.

"No, I will give my review to the teacher as soon as possible."

He gritted his teeth secretly, isn't it just magic learning? Just learn it.

"By the way, Director Monica, there is a newly built school in our Wuxuan territory. It is currently teaching some little aliens and little orcs. It has opened many subjects. Do you have any ideas to add a magic way? Study? I will never be treated badly in terms of treatment."

This is not because he is getting along, but because he really intends to add a new subject to the school.

Not only does it give followers under the influence another way out, but it also lays the groundwork for Wuxuan's future growth.

Unexpectedly, Monica seemed to be extremely happy with this proposal and immediately nodded in agreement: "I will inform the Eldin Memorial Hall of this request and select a good teacher."

Whether or not the study of magic can be considered a discipline or a mainstream is still debated in the devil world.

Monica has extraordinary talents and outstanding abilities. She picked up the magic theory from the "trash pile" and polished it until it shined, showing that it was absolutely useful.

However, some prejudiced people, such as the Kaxiu sect with the Eye of Darkness, still disdain Moji's big theory, and the source of power is not quick and refreshing.

Therefore, the invitation from leader Wuxuan now shows that he trusts the magic theory and considers it to be an orthodox inheritance.

Recognition from peers is quite encouraging to Monica.

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