Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,094 Reitz and Niwu

It has to be said that the way magic scholars travel is very unique and unique.

There are all kinds of fancy brooms, and some people even decorate the ends of the brooms with colorful streamers. After being attached with magical magic, they can fly.

The tradition of magic scholars using brooms is actually related to the fact that the ancient library was too large. There were more than 20 million books in it, and just cleaning it was very troublesome.

Especially some relatively high bookshelves, if they are covered with thick dust, or if you want to read the books on them, it will be quite laborious.

Therefore, I don’t know which genius invented the flying broom. You can ride one and hold one broom, and you can read books and clean at any time.

At the entrance of the ancient library, nearly a hundred magic scholars were flying around on broomsticks, saying "Oh~oh~" like a dense flock of colorful birds.

Most people just tuck their skirts under their little flesh, or use a few soft objects to cushion them so that it doesn't hurt, and then ride on them. The same goes for Wan Zi.

Curator Monica, who has an elegant and gentle temperament, is sitting sideways on the broom, rising into the air, showing off her ladylike style to the fullest.

Sophie looked at it for a while, then immediately threw the little dragon on her shoulder and yelled funny: "Astra, transform!"


A huge black dragon covered the sky and the sun with its wingspan, followed by a group of little girls riding broomsticks. It was a mighty and majestic sight, and looked quite gorgeous and fun.

"Rice cake?"

Mailu poked the belly of Mi Gao in her arms. This child was in perfect condition and could spread its holy wings, like angel wings.

As a result, there was another snow-white unicorn in the flying formation in the sky.

Ye Lin shrugged, threw the holy sword with a wider blade, stepped on it calmly, stood with his hands behind his back and flew with the sword, his long robe floating in the wind, handsome and uninhibited, and quite a bit carefree and leisurely.

This unique formation attracted a lot of attention along the way, some were envious and some were in awe, but most of them were puzzled.

Why is the Dragon Witch Sophie hanging out with the magic scholars in the Ancient Library?

The smart people had no time to think about this. They had already thought of the reason for the collective appearance of magic scholars, so they began to get on their own vehicles and follow the formation.

Atropika's landing location has been initially established, probably about three hundred miles south of the haven.

It only takes an hour to get there from the library.

Landing on a beach that was deserted for the time being, there was a surging sea in front of us. Although it was not as beautiful as the blue sky, it was at least magnificent and vast.

It is estimated that in an hour or two, the place will be crowded with demon residents watching.

Monica jumped off the broom, then signaled the students to form a team, and then solemnly said: "We will follow the time of the monster to fly hundreds of miles to calculate its route, and then inform the residents on the road to move out as soon as possible."

They are not just out of curiosity or just having fun, but they have the responsibility to avoid trouble in the demon world.

The size of Atros is only half the size of Antun, but when it moves, the earth shakes horribly. No building can survive within ten miles where its body passes.

Siatt held the sword lazily, half-bent, her beautiful cheek pressed on the back of her hand, and said in surprise: "In the devil world, there can be such a strange woman who cares about ordinary people."

The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are the first impressions of the devil world for many people, including them.

There are good people in the demon world, but the environment is not suitable for them to survive.

"Because this is their home." The curator sighed quietly.

Even though resources are scarce and evil is rampant, the demon world has raised so many children. This is the hometown they can't bear to leave.

The Terra in Held's dream has green mountains and green waters. Monica has not experienced those, but she also knows how to cherish everything in front of her.

Slowly, more and more people gathered nearby, and they were so crowded that it was almost impossible to stand on the beach. They were all looking forward to Atropika.

It is one of the traditions of the demon world that watching the arrival and departure of Atropika will usher in a year of good luck and good weather.

"Ye Lin, I forgot to remind you last night." After Monica finished playing with the measuring magic machine, she hurried over and said in a slight hurry: "It is almost ten miles around the time monster, and it is almost impossible to use magic. The elements are all It’s broken, so don’t get too close.”

It is reported that the strength of even the elemental holy spirit Ryze will be greatly affected when he is near Atropika.

It is not yet known whether it will have any effect on Held.

"Thank you." Ye Lin nodded and said, "Just a reminder, don't get too close to us."

After rushing to this beach, the team consciously separated about a hundred meters from the magic scholars led by Monica.

Without him, Wuxuan's recent "notoriety" is a bit too exaggerated, which will affect the neutral stance of the Ancient Library and make it difficult for them.

His small gesture of taking the initiative to stay away made Monica feel grateful and a little guilty.

"I see a few familiar people, so be careful." Ye Lin reminded the team.

Professor Skippe of Tarakuta, there was a uniquely dressed woman standing silently beside him. Although she was tightly wrapped, only half of her cheek was exposed, but because of the tight-fitting clothing, she highlighted a very proud and graceful figure.

The number of people who secretly glanced at her was endless.

"Ritz? Is it her?"

Ye Lin frowned and wondered, it was just Atropika appearing once, why would Reitz appear here as well.

You must know that ever since Ryze returned from a certain mysterious place, he has been showing a kind of indifference and not caring about Talaku.

Rhys is Alice's schoolmate and friend, and one of the few true friends that Alice had when she was in the demon world.

For Reitz, Alice holds an extraordinary status in her heart.

Ron, the leader of Tarakuta?

Ha, it's just a substitute.

Ye Lin also saw Katie, who left yesterday. Next to her was a slender girl who looked a little thin. She had a light blue single ponytail, a tight combat uniform, and reflective black stockings and bloomers.


He felt more and more suspicious, but it was just a landing day, how could it be so lively?

Even vaguely, he seemed to have scanned the badge of the Ka Xiu Sect organization.


Xiaoyu was swinging her lottery tube enthusiastically again, predicting her next luck.

Mailu took a step back to pick up the chocolate that accidentally fell on the ground. She accidentally touched Xiaoyu. Her hand shook and two bamboo sticks came out.

"Eh~ Lucky Lots and Bloody Disaster."

Xiaoyu held the bamboo stick in disbelief. The latter of the two sticks was okay, but the big one was small. The big one would be life-threatening, and the small one would scratch the skin.

But when she first made the fortune sign, she made it slightly larger. That is to say, among the dozens of fortune signs in the whole lotus tube, the fortune sign is the most difficult to get out, and it can even be said to be almost impossible. .

This is like the first prize of a business event. Most of them are reserved, so how can they be given out casually?

"Lucky fortune sign?"

Feng Ying came over, held the bamboo stick and looked at it for a moment, and then her eyes lit up: "Could it be that we are going to get rich? Is there any treasure on Atropika?"

The two looked at each other, and then immediately rubbed themselves close to Siatt, making the eldest lady look suspicious.


There was a low muffled sound, and the distant sea surface suddenly swelled with violent fluctuations. Then in everyone's shocked eyes, the vast and boundless sea suddenly bulged upwards!


I don't know who shouted, and the demon residents who had gathered on the beach with great interest dispersed and left in all directions.

The landing of Atros alone caused a huge tsunami, and the seawater rushed thousands of meters into the land and swept over it.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the big guy stepped onto the coast, the sea level seemed to have dropped a lot.


There was another dull sound, and when Atropika stepped on the land, the thick earth, like the chest of a comatose person shocked by narcissistic electricity, jumped violently.

A huge mountain emerged from the bottom of the sea!

Most of the body is auburn, and the thick and powerful limbs are like pillars supporting the incredibly heavy body, as if it is holding up a small world.

Every time it takes a step, the earth will shake, its temples will feel dull but stinging, and everything where it lands will turn into powder.

Atropika has a broad body and carries a huge stone tablet on his back. It looks like an entire mountain with its edges and corners cut off and rugged, smooth and flat, with many mysterious words and symbols carved on the surface.

It moves slowly but also very quickly. The reason why it is so contradictory is because of its huge body.

Every time Atropika takes a step, it's like a movie being played in extremely slow motion, the delay is outrageous!

But because of its huge body, every step it takes will cover an extremely long distance.

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