Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 110: The sense of déjà vu is very strong

"After I started to become a street fighter, this is the first time that I gave up even though I succeeded in knocking out the sap but didn't get a cent."

After prying off the cap of the beer bottle, Paris' tone became full of depression and helplessness.

Things to do in Dark City were planned in detail. After being remembered in my mind, I pushed it to the corner of my mind. I came to the Moonlight Tavern to drink.

Sosia specially reserved a permanent single room for him. If he didn't order two bottles of expensive wine, he would be sorry for the special care given to him by the landlady.

Paris still had no elegant and civilized thoughts and behaviors. After taking off her shoes, Paris put her two long legs on the low table. Her toes clenched and unclenched from time to time, deliberately dangling in front of him.

"The difference between grabbing a few gold coins or not is not big. Even though Krent doesn't have much money now, when his amplifier is built, he will definitely be another rich man in Arad. Let's just wait and grab it again. Just treat today as an advance rehearsal."

"Your idea is very good, but the prerequisite is that he is really rich, otherwise he would just sell the Namin map."

Yuena, who was lying on the table and was slightly drunk, rolled her eyes. The two of them were really calmly discussing important things.

After all, Krent is also a Dark Elf official. Will robbing him too many times really not affect the relationship between Van Ness and Hutton Marr?

"By the way, after you go to Dark City, if there are any valuable and rare treasures, delicious and delicious, remember to get some for me to come over and have a taste. You can barely count me as one-tenth of my friends now. It shouldn’t be difficult to entrust it.”

"The commission is not difficult to do, but why does this tenth look like the progress of the strategy..."

Ye Lin patted away Paris' stretched out foot with his left hand, frowned suddenly, and quickly took out a bottle of World Instrument with his right hand.

Hey, it turns out that the stockings are also poisonous!

He is really not a peaceful master.

"You? Strategy progress? Are you trying to defeat me? Hahahaha, you're laughing so hard." Paris choked again while drinking. After wiping her mouth, she looked like you were kidding me and said disdainfully: "To be honest , I have been made drunk by you today, and I am lying here unconscious and motionless, and you can only watch, but not do anything!"

"I have been living with poison all year round, and the skin on my body is covered with toxins. What is the name of that prop of yours... from World Instruments? How long can one portion last? It will kill people, hahahaha..."

Paris's proud and provocative gaze and laughter made Ye Lin suddenly feel a sense of delusion and trance. Why did it feel like déjà vu? The sense of déjà vu was very strong. It seemed that a giant dragon once said the same to him. With.

He smiled cooperatively and pulled the wine bottle in front of Yuena and put a piece of apple into her hand. She was already slightly drunk and couldn't drink anymore. She had to carry it back when she was drunk.

"To be honest, you have more experience than us in hunting for gold and treasure. Why don't you go with our team? You are not far behind."

"Uh, me, haha..."

Paris stopped her smile, her expression changed slightly, her eyes turned smartly, and she hurriedly explained: "I am a poisoner. The dark elves are now plagued by a plague. Isn't this just a gunshot? Let's go after the limelight."


"Nonsense, I feel so uncomfortable to lie to you?"

"Hey, why is there a gray face behind you..."

ah! !

Where! !

Accompanied by a shriek that was harsh and mixed with intense fear, Paris pushed her arms hard, and while she quickly ran across the low table, three poisonous needles shot out from her palms and pointed directly behind her.

It wasn't over yet. The poison bottle hanging on her waist was suddenly pulled down. She opened the lid with her thumb and turned quickly to throw it. Her breathing was rapid and her eyes were frightened.

Then the movement froze...

Yuena was stunned with half a piece of apple and chewed half of it, extremely surprised and puzzled.

How could Paris have such a violent reaction? She was just a ghost, a low-level thing that could be easily solved with a baptismal light, and she was not a ghost or god with wisdom and special abilities.

"Paris, she might be afraid of ghosts."

With the fingers of his hands interlaced and resting on his chin, Ye Lin looked calm and spoke calmly, with a confident and proud light shining in his eyes.

Then he took a deep breath and sighed: "Don't slap me in the face, thank you."

"Okay, you're welcome." Paris smiled and nodded.

"It hurts...don't use the needle, just twist it to release the breath. Please take the dart back quickly. Where did you get this brick? Forget about the landmine..."


"Madam boss, you are still so beautiful today, like a blooming red rose, delicate and fragrant."

Sothea slowly wiped a crystal cup with a soft cloth, looked up and down, and raised the corners of her mouth: "I don't see anything serious, so don't worry and go back."

"We really have a tacit understanding, so I'll go back first."

"Please settle the bill before leaving. There are also costs for room renovations and disinfection work."


Yuena, who had drunk half a bottle of wine, staggered three steps, five steps, and sprained her feet. Her mouth made an unexplained hum. Her face was as red as the apple she had just eaten, and she seemed to be getting drunk.

"You can't drink alcohol or drink juice. I'll feed you World Yi Xing Bar and you're going to bite me again. I didn't expect you to have little tiger teeth."

He took the soft arms and put them on his shoulders, squatted down and clamped his knees, carrying Yuena behind his back, and slowly walked towards Remedia Cathedral.

Although he didn't know where Yuena lived, he should be able to wake up by just finding a paladin in Remedia and patting her for purification.

"If you go by the standard of paid milk, it seems that I owe you a lot of wages. After all, from the time you applied for the job at the Moonlight Tavern, I seem to have only given you a set of fashionable clothes."

As he walked, he muttered in a low voice. It was true that he had a lot of equipment in his backpack and warehouse, but the Paladin only needed one piece of equipment, which was a high-fourth-dimensional magic stone, a magic stone that carried his short-term "Emperor Player"— —[Lord of Endless Gluttony].

In order to keep his steps steady and not wobbling, he didn't walk very fast.

But just as she was approaching the Cathedral of Remedia, Yuena's eyes that were supposed to be sleepy suddenly opened. She was still half drunk, and she muttered: "It's strange, how come you didn't even touch my thighs along the way?" If you didn’t have any abnormal smell on your body, I would have doubted whether you were poisoned by Paris and became abstinent.”

Regardless of the city in the sky or the giant beast of the sky, this person has played dirty tricks on Siatt the most times, followed by himself. He is the kind of pervert who will never give up playing dirty tricks as long as he has a chance and a little time.

But why did he suddenly become honest today? Is it because Paris just gave her a fat beating?

Ye Lin paused, looked at the spire of Remedia Cathedral, and shook his head mockingly, "Although I am not a good person, there is only one thing I can do: take advantage of others when they are unconscious, drunk, or sleeping. I will never do it, that’s the bottom line.”

"A pervert with a bottom line? Pfft~"

Yuena covered her mouth and smiled, stretched her arms and wanted to jump off his back. Remedia had already arrived, and then she was shocked to find that her knees were locked very tightly.

"But you're awake now..."



"Get back here, I promise to be gentle!"

The moment the pretty and blushing Yuena picked up the cross, she suddenly realized a new revelation - [Sacred Light Cross]!

With a flick of his arms, the originally ordinary cross was wrapped with golden light and suddenly expanded more than ten times in size. He chased Ye Lin around the square in front of Remedia three times but failed to catch up.

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