Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 111 Dark Elves, Double Assassination Organization

manor, living room

Alice was leaning back on the sofa, holding a piece of white sugar cookie in her hand. Mariette put it aside, with rice cakes lying on her thighs covered by her robe, looking very contented.

Mailu was eating a piece of strawberry cake in small bites. She was quiet, soft and cute, but there were already five empty plates on the table...

"I heard from Krach that someone from the Dark Elf went to the Alchemy Association. Was it Lord Held who took action?"

"Ah, yes, she was probably noticed by the Skeleton Knight after she opened the crack, but Noipela was still turned into a dead place by the dissipation of Derich's aura."

Alice ate less than half of the biscuit and held it between her fingertips. It shook a little, and some crumbs fell on the rice cake.

A dead land means that all the residents who are still in Noipela are dead, so it is called a dead land.

"She is stronger than the Dark Elf."

After that, I continued to eat the biscuits, but the speed was much slower.

"The savior of one world, the destroyer of another."

Ye Lin shrugged helplessly. Among all the apostles, Di Ruigi was the most disliked by the residents of the demon world, while Held was the most respected. In their knowledge, only Held worked hard for the recovery of the demon world. , is a good person in the devil world.

Although it is true...

"By the way, there should be a remaining interdimensional crack in the Dark Elf's Noipela. How should it be closed?"

Although Di Ruigi's summoning failed, the opened interdimensional rift did not completely disappear. Instead, it wandered around in Noipela, and Di Ruigi's evil thoughts were still spreading.

"Just blast it with long-range energy, but you must pay attention to the fluctuations when the interdimensional crack completely collapses."

"Okay, then I'll go feed Mr. Luo."

He picked up a bucket of fish and shrimp in the kitchen and walked to the pond. He patted the water and said hello, "Mr. Luo, how are you today? How old are you?"

Lotus in the water made a few splashes, as if in response. Now its intelligence is about the level of a two or three-year-old child. Its condition has recovered quickly, but its size has not increased for the time being.

"Mr. Luo, that woman Herder is acting like a monster again. Do you know Mr. Di, that black guy who doesn't look like a pig or a dog like a dog? Di Rui who lives in the far north of Boronx Ji, he's about to be sent down, and something unexpected happened right now."

Pouring down the fish and shrimp, I secretly worried about what would happen if Mr. Luo grew taller and how much he would have to eat.

"Why didn't she send Dirigi to the planet Greenbrad? That's Kahn's hometown. The adventurer is called the Trial Blade in a nice way, and a tool man in a bad way. He works part-time. Yes, it doesn’t matter which planet you come to. It’s best to send it to Hyperion. It’s a mechanical planet, so Di Ruigi can’t do anything about it. Don’t just focus on Arad.”

Here, Yelin chattered for a while, and Lotus became impatient. If it were in its prime, it might even be willing to chat about philosophical concepts. This is such a nonsense with the wisdom of only two or three years old. He even stopped letting people sleep!

Blah blah blah...

The eight tentacles fluttered, causing a splash of water droplets to hit him. Get out of here quickly, I want to sleep!

"Okay, okay, let me go. Who asked me to wait for you to take me and slap Held?"

After dodging the water droplets, they left with a smile. Siatt and Mo Mei went to the west coast, borrowed a Dornier from the GBL teacher and found a pilot. Yuena told the story about the special disguiser in Noipela. Bishop Magello made it clear that the religious group would also take action against those targeted, and the righteous Mailu... would be responsible for eating.

"Siatt is not here, do you want to practice swordsmanship with me?"

"Huh? Okay... I'll finish this plate of cake later."

Mailu is an elf knight, and he is also an "elf knight", but one is a serious professional name, and the other is a physical behavior.

After more than ten minutes of sparring, Ye Lin struck Mailu's small buckler with his sword in surprise. It was like a bug.

Even Light Draw Slash failed to leave any trace on it. It was brand new and shiny, and it was still exclusive equipment.

"Huh? Don't you want to fight?"

"Ah...well, you've made rapid progress. If I didn't use the fifth element, I wouldn't be your opponent at all."

Mailu's puzzled and innocent gaze made him feel resentful for a while, and his face turned red with shame. He couldn't say that he was dizzy.

"Damn it, it's not like I haven't seen it or touched it before, so why am I still confused by Justice?"

The further he walked into the room, the more he felt something was wrong. His brows knitted together. How long had it been? He had already changed jobs twice. Why was he still so dizzy?

After pondering secretly for a long time, I finally came to only one possible's too big!


With a slight tremor, Tana formed a complicated magic circle in her left hand, and slowly submerged a cyan scale in her right hand.


A stream of air exploded, and the curtains swayed wildly. The terrifying power of the dragon spread out at that moment, causing Alice, who was resting downstairs, to suddenly open her eyes and then slowly close them.

"Okay, with this, coupled with Master Bakar's horns, if the evil dragon Spitz is as loyal as Seghart, he will obey your orders."

Ye Lin accepted the delicate caressing of the crystal clear scales. As a worry of the dark elves for hundreds of years, whoever can kill the evil dragon is qualified to be ranked as the "Eighth Hero", even if he is a human.

Although only one head of the evil dragon Spitz is left, as long as the seal is released, the other parts of its body will quickly regenerate until it is in a complete state.

"By the way, when you go to the Dark Elves, you must be careful about one thing, this organization."

Tana picked up a piece of paper on the table. On the paper was drawn a very strange image badge, a triangular snake head with black lines, sharp fangs, white snake eyes exuding an extremely cold killing intent, and two daggers. The things are juxtaposed on both sides of the snake's head.

"Weird symbol, what is this?" Ye Lin frowned. An organization that uses snakes as its emblem does not look like a peaceful organization.

"The Death Ball of the Dark Elves is an organization opposite to the Night Destroyer. It is a mercenary type. Its nature is closer to the Purple Mist Group of the Delos Empire. You helped Queen Meia. I think there may be people from the Senate. Spend money to buy your life."

After a brief moment of shock, Ye Lin slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, feeling a little annoyed afterwards.

He indeed forgot about this!

He used the Noipela incident to help Queen Meia establish a higher prestige. Correspondingly, it was equivalent to damaging the interests of the Senate. His letter was signed to open up relations!

Although he has a close relationship with Queen Skadi and is on good terms with Bishop Magello of the Holy Order, these names have nothing to do with the Dark Elves, and they will not be taken seriously by the people of the "Death Ball". Especially in the territory of the dark elves.

The members of the Death Ball are professional parrots (shadow dancers) who are mercenaries among the dark elves. They have a close relationship with the Senate but are not under the jurisdiction of the Senate. They are an independent organization!

The death dance method is extremely cruel and bloody, and once created the infamous "104 Royal Family Massacre".

Nowadays, Queen Meia has an organization that only serves the royal family, the "Night Destroyers", also known as assassins, to protect herself from the threat of the Death Ball, but she does not have any members of her team!

"It's really a bit troublesome. I focused all my attention on the evil dragon body and Di Ruigi, but I forgot about the threat of the dark elves."

Ye Lin nodded. Now that the Death Dance has been taken into consideration, its threat is naturally greatly reduced and it is just a little bit more troublesome.

He patted his legs, motioned for Tana to sit over, and joked: "You look so beautiful washing the sheets, can you let me take a look again."

"It's what I asked for."

He sat astride him and leaned his head naturally.

"You...don't want to eat a piece of candy?"

"Original flavor, don't you like it?"

"how come."

Tana licked the corner of her mouth, stood up, pointed at the waist of the cheongsam, and said proudly: "Give you a chance, don't use the fifth element to help me take off my hair tie, and then... I won't be polite."

The chains surged, locking someone's feet and hands on both sides without any explanation, making it impossible to break free.

"Wait...I understand if you lock your hands, but why do you have to lock your feet too? I'm tied up like this and can't move! Have you unlocked a new hobby?"

Tana tied up her cascading black hair with a "headband", stood aside, stretched out her foot to touch a surprised face, and then slowly moved it to her forehead.

"Last time, by the window, my right leg was so numb that I couldn't even turn around. It was really harsh~ This time... haha."

Tana gave her a "good" lesson.

To describe this job change in hindsight, it would be that I suddenly stopped sneezing in the middle of a sneeze. It was really, really uncomfortable, but after the sneeze came out, my whole body became numb...

The dragon doesn't care about the violent force, but it needs to be understood that the dragon knight needs to make the dragon surrender no matter what the situation, rather than fixing a "move", the dragon will not be happy to look down on it.

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