Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,188 The third husband, the fourth husband

The sword holder who has been practicing hard for two thousand years has boarded the Silent City and gone to the demon world that is about to make waves.

It is a kind of helpless time that cannot be saved, and it is also the final destination in many dreams.

The people had left, but Ye Lin still stood there for a while. He had an intuition that Soderos might not go to Wuxuan Town, or even use the map of the devil world.

A new and unknown world, with strong people and many abilities, is not a spiritual challenge.

"I have no intention of looking at the sea, but in a blink of an eye, it's already gone. There will be no next two thousand years."

It's a sigh of relief, but Lao Pi still has to take it and use it as one of his final trump cards, and he also has to give away some things.

Heaven, a training base in the Royal Courtyard.

After finishing a set of training, Raphael wiped the sweat from her forehead, her eyes bursting with perseverance. Her endurance and hard work amazed all the juniors.

Cool ultra-short hot pants, with round and strong legs, paired with a tight bra, which supports the full curves, and the whole body is only made of a headband and fabric. This kind of bodybuilding and energetic* *Dress up, Feiyan doesn’t know how to wear it, even if he lives or dies.

The members who can enter the Royal Court are all outstanding talents who have gone through many selections, but when all the heroes gather together, there will always be stronger ones.

The Royal Princess's courtyard has already had a holiday, but she personally did not take a holiday, in order to set an example for future generations, and also for... her third husband, Pandora!

Taking the assault armor from the War Core Workshop as a prototype and using the new black nightmare energy, the ultimate single-person land-based decisive battle weapon developed requires stronger physical support.

Surprisingly, Raphael asked Melvin to improve this weapon himself. As for why he didn't ask Lindsay, it was because she didn't like to make weapons that were not aesthetically pleasing.

Raphael's request is to discard useless beauty and some convenience in exchange for the most powerful destructive power!

"Captain, I have your express delivery." A junior gunner who admired her hurried over and handed over a box without the sender's signature.

"I haven't bought anything." Raphael was suspicious and opened the courier directly. Inside was a small bottle of gray-green liquid and a card.

"Ugh! With this color, who crushed the eldest sister's biscuits and then mixed them with astringent tree sap?" Raphael complained, was it a prank?

The color of the drink is nauseating, but the content of the card is unexpectedly serious. It says that I learned from Feiyan that you have strengthened your training, so I specially sent you a magic potion formulated by the elves, which can enhance your physical fitness and endurance.

The card was signed at the end - your fourth husband.

"You bastard, can you have a caliber as thick as a gun barrel? You are so brazen!"

Raphael took the card and rolled his eyes and complained, snorting a few times, but he still liked Ye Lin's gift at the critical moment.

All the members of the Storm Troopers Special Forces Team know that the boss Raphael’s criteria for choosing a mate are handsome, powerful, and powerful, and most importantly, powerful!

The mighty elder brother's ancient particle cannon, the exquisite and handsome second husband's assault armor, and the recently acquired third-room weapon Pandora.

Ye Lin once boasted that he was handsome, powerful, and his firepower was like a torrent. Consider accepting me as your third wife~ Then the upright Raphael complained that I would use your shoulder as a particle cannon.

"Boss, since you came to Heaven in the morning, you have been running around and busy~"

"Oh, who knows where he hides the delicate flowers." Siatt looked indifferent, mainly because he didn't sleep well last night and was taken off the quilt by this guy early in the morning.

They thought it was an emergency, such as a war in the Demon Realm breaking out in advance, but when they arrived in the Heaven Realm, they had nothing to do all morning.

"No way! I opened the door for Soderos, sent potions to Raphael, brought some snacks to Alizee, asked Maid Marin for some biscuits, woke up the braised egg boss, and then..."

Ye Lin clapped his fingers, and then suddenly frowned. There was one more thing he had forgotten.

"I have to go to the doctor's institute!"

Before she finished speaking, she ran out in a hurry. Mo Mei curled her lips helplessly and continued to sleep comfortably on the sofa. This was a corner of the Seventh Empire's palace, undisturbed.

Except for Ye Lin, Cai Yu Gu Yu did not come back in Vanes. She shoulders a mysterious and great task, which can reverse the situation of the war at a critical moment.

Nowadays, the Seven Gods' Elytra is directly responsible for Alizee's functions and belongs to a traditional special organization that is displayed in front of the public.

The laws of the Seventh Empire stipulate that members of the Seven Gods are not allowed to leave Ghent, the capital of the gods, unless there are special circumstances. The supreme commander of the military is also not allowed to leave Ghent. It is intended to gather all the core talents of the heavens in the center of power headed by the emperor.

But after Alijie ascended the throne, she relaxed the restrictions to a certain extent and just reported any incidents. However, currently, the members of the New Seven Gods Elytra basically stay in Ghent.

Gina and Nairn established a new research institute in Ghent together. Nairn also took advantage of the opportunity to completely stay away from her cold-blooded and snobbish parents. The glory of the Sigg family slipped away from their fingertips because Ye Lin was "framed". Now he has been deprived of his noble seat and is in a very miserable situation.

Later, the little white flower Lindsay was added to the institute, as well as Mia, who came because Melvin was annoyed by girls.

The three Elytra of the Seven Gods plus a senior engineer from Zeng Siman Industrial Base were, in the words of Dr. Pella unintentionally, a tigress's lair.

It's not that he's maliciously sarcastic, but that he's secretly afraid of women.

After a series of face and fingerprint verifications, Ye Lin was able to enter the highly technological laboratory. The cold metal and complicated technological procedures flashed on the projection screen one after another.


Nai met Nai En in the corridor. She had black-framed myopia glasses on the bridge of her nose and a thick experimental notebook in her arms. She saw him suddenly appear in the laboratory, with a slightly baby-fat and white little face. Her face showed joy and a subtle blush.

She suffers from severe social phobia and stuttering, and can barely maintain a normal state only in front of familiar and trusted people.

"General, shouldn't you go to the demon world?"

"I'm here to see you. Also, just call me by my name." He pinched Nairn's soft little face lightly. Gina was not here, so he would still speak more tactfully.

"I...that...thank you~" In excitement, Naien accidentally stuttered again, covering his mouth and blushing.

Gina and Mia went shopping. Lindsay went back to her hometown and didn't know when she would come back. Now she was the only one in the base.

Nairn made him a cup of tea and learned his purpose. His little face and eyes were filled with astonishment: "Nuclear...nuclear bomb?"

"It should be said that it's an antimatter bomb. I brought enough antimatter particles." Ye Lin nodded. This was considered one of the trump cards against the devil.

Wuxuan's background was still too weak. Facing many situations in the demon world, he had to prepare available resources from various aspects, including anti-matter bombs.

"This... I don't quite understand. Gina seems to have made one in her war core workshop. How about I call her?"

Naien clicked on the electronic screen and called up Gina's phone number to call, but Que Yelin grabbed her wrist first and said softly: "There's no need to be in such a hurry~"


Dr. Gina, who was shopping outside, wore big and beautiful sunglasses, took out her mobile phone from her bag, answered it and asked: "Nairn, what's the matter?"

"The general is here. He wants to make an anti-matter bomb, Gu~"

"Antimatter bomb is a very expensive thing. It costs a lot of money to make. We can't discount it as a family."

"The general said it's no problem, ugh...well."

"Nairn, what's wrong with you?" The doctor was confused.

"I... choked on my drink. Anyway, please come back."

After hanging up the phone, Naien lowered her head in shame. She was extremely shy and introverted, and tended to stutter when she was nervous, so she was prone to stumbling when eating.

"It doesn't matter, let's change to a place where we won't bump into each other." Ye Lin took the doctor's little hand and pointed to the waist-high experimental table next to him.

The tigress of heaven, the vise of a tigress.

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