Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,181 I am the second apostle!

The dark and gloomy environment of the devil world, the desolate and lonely atmosphere, is like a dying old man, and everywhere reveals the meaning of impending decay.

Even though Ye Lin's strength has improved again, now that he has returned to the demon world and pressing his palms against the barren and deserted land, he still can't find the trace of spiritual consciousness that should have remained.

"I really doubt that the Demon World will make the same mistake as Gu Terra, and be blown to pieces by a group of strong men." Ye Lin smiled as if he was teasing, but he was not entirely joking.

The small town of Wuxuan seems to be as peaceful and peaceful as ever, but there is an atmosphere of tension and chill hidden in the tranquility.

Some spies suspected of being from other organizations disappeared.

With the properties of the Eye of Surato, an ancient magical creation, there is absolutely no possibility of killing spies by mistake.

Returning to the manor in Wuxuan Town, the team members practiced individually and adjusted their preparations for war. He wanted to go to Aizela and Rosselló to find out the situation first.

"Lord Thordros?"

When Aizela heard the news that Soderos had also come to the Demon Realm, she fell into a long silence, and some almost forgotten memories flooded to the forefront of her mind like a tide.

Two thousand years ago, she also chose a "Trial Blade" to fight against the man higher than the sky. She gave the man the magic sword Clarice, and then invited him to enter the Palace of Despair, which has a life-extending effect. tower.

Two thousand years of time had all condensed into one step. Now she suddenly realized that that time was almost here.

Sure enough, as Ye Lin guessed, Sodros and Liang Yue did not go to Wuxuan Town. After leaving Silent City, they chose an unknown road and disappeared.

The devil world is vast, and there are many strong people who behave like them, so the journey will not be monotonous.

Rousselot opened the notes in his hand, recording the latest information about the alliance, but basically it was also some information that everyone knew, such as some of the participants and the rules.

The demon world has been unexpectedly relatively peaceful and quiet in recent times, with no shocking news. Even the hunters from the Kaxiu sect who have been wreaking havoc outside all year round are less likely to be seen.

Katie, the Elf Envoy of the Spin Demon Society, Black-Eyed Demon King of the Kaxiu Sect, Monica from the Ancient Library, Ron the Void Mage, Smilla the Second Promise, and Niwu, the Xuanwen Master.

Every name is the leader of the top organization in the demon world. A big shot standing at the top of the pyramid can overlook the boundless vastness of the demon world.

They all have a glorious history of achievements in the demon world, and they are even the pioneers and founders of a line of professions.

"Rosselot, what are the new league rules?" Ye Lin didn't look at the list and already knew about it in his heart.

And since the goal is to win, no matter who the opponent is, they must be suppressed, so it doesn't make much sense whether they are on the list or not.

The rules of the last alliance were similar to the format of an arena. The five representatives of large organizations easily defeated the small organizations that joined in the fun, and then the battle to divide the interests of the demon world officially began.

Then there was a battle between the weak and the strong. Niwu, who seemed to be the weakest on the surface, became the challenger of the first level. She exploded Iqi's skill fusion object MK-1 and summoned it in Lum. The contract object took the lead and defeated him with a move of Huanglong Yanyue.

The battle with Richard was the most difficult. The Fallen Heart's combat method was a melee magic similar to the dazzling pattern. Niwu finally defeated Richard the Heartbreaker with his fearless and selfless series of attacks.

Niwu, who passed through the barrier all the way and shocked countless people, finally stood in front of the most powerful Alice, the guardian of the barrier.

That year, Niwu was actually only fourteen years old, and his extraordinary talent astonished the entire demon world.

On the other hand, a certain battle mage who was about the same age as Niu used a substitute scarecrow to eat the King's meal.

"Ah sneeze~"

Bayana rubbed her nose, feeling inexplicable, and then looked around furtively, for fear of being noticed by her eldest sister, Niu Wu.

She had been trained badly during this period. She originally had thin arms and legs, but now she felt like there was not even a ounce of flesh on her little butt.

She quietly knocked on the window of Bibi's room three times, signaling that I was ready and could leave at any time.

The eldest sister Niwu is going to attend the alliance meeting, and Aunt Katie will also go with her. Her sister and aunt are not at home, and she can finally be free!

Sneaking to the library to look for meatballs, then going to Wuxuan Town to eat and drink, and then following Ye Lin to the League Club to join in the fun. It was a perfect trip.


The door to Bibi's room was opened from the inside. Bayana squatted half-crouched, holding a spear that was taller than herself, and whispered: "I learned how to fly the weapon from Wanzi, and I will be able to get out soon. "

"Oh~ Where are you going?" After opening the door, Niu's "kind and warm" smile instantly made Biana's scalp tingle, and her two slender ponytails stood up.


If we still follow the rules of the previous Demon Realm Alliance, fight in various arenas, and then select a certain number of people and challenge the weak to the strong, there is a high probability that he will be the challenger, that is, he will take over Zeng Niwu's position.

Although he often uses the Demon King as a stepping stone, and his strength has been recognized in the Demon World and is no less than that of the major leaders, he is still considered a "rookie" in the Demon World.

Only by defeating most of the participants like Niwu can one be truly recognized by the demon world, a first-class power Wuxuan, and a big shot at the top of the pyramid.

"Lord Held has modified the rules, it's..." Rousselot hesitated for a moment, couldn't help feeling a little cold, and said: "After reducing the number of people to a certain number, we will draw lots to fight."

"Drawing lots? She is afraid that the demon world will not be chaotic, right?" Ye Lin's voice suddenly rose a few degrees, and he seemed to find it very unbelievable.

If we follow the old rules of the first alliance, he will basically be the challenger and will fight against the major leaders one by one, that is, he will be forced to accept the wheel battle.

Originally, he thought this situation didn't matter. What he lacked the most was his ability to recover. Moreover, if he could win consecutively, he would display his reputation to the extreme and shock everyone.

But in the situation of drawing lots against two enemies, he could be sure that Herder would secretly do something to bring some subtle contradictions to the surface.

For example, Smilla and Katie have different ideals. Smilla has always wanted to personally tear apart Katie's fake true love and fake kindness.

Tell her, in the demonic world where the weak prey on the strong, what is true summoning and domination?

There are also conflicts between the Oathkeepers and the Kaxiu Sect. The Oathkeepers are a righteous organization that is relatively recognized by the residents of the Demon Realm. The evil deeds of the Kaxiu Sect are needless to say.

Many people want to tear off the arrogant Tarakuta.

The original struggle for interests and the struggle to complete the apostles may immediately evolve into a feud between organizations due to bloody battles between leaders!

Of course, the most confusing thing is who Held will use as his opponent.

It is also possible that Niwu's opponent is not the Demon Emperor but him, engaging in a kind of testing and internal friction.

Herder's status in the demon world is very respected, and she is also the second existing apostle. The rules for the alliance of complementary apostles initiated by her are naturally completely in her hands, and there will be basically no objection from anyone.

"I can't see through Held's behavior. What good does it do to the demon world if she deliberately provokes a fight?" Azera's gentle and gentle face also showed some uneasy worry.

"I have a way. Maybe I can give it a try and break the boring deadlock restricted by the rules." The corner of Ye Lin's mouth raised. Since it was a pool of muddy water, let's make the muddy water even muddier.

"What solution?" Azerra asked expectantly.

"I'm going to openly challenge Held. The one she left in the demon world is a substitute, and her strength is definitely not as good as mine. If the real body comes back, Sirocco will take revenge with monstrous fury. If she doesn't come back, her status will plummet. From now on, I will be the second apostle."


Rossello's beautiful cheeks were full of astonishment, and he looked at the equally stunned Aizela, and then they both put their hands on their foreheads, as if it was really possible.

In order to complete the position of the five apostles, other players may fight each other to death. It would be better for him to challenge the established apostles in turn, which is equivalent to challenging the referee on the playing field.

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