Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,232 The woman destined to get

"It's useless, my life is like the bright sun, it is unstoppable when it rises!"

Schaller Foz screamed and reached out to grab it, crushing the sharp blade that passed through his heart. Then he punched the ground with endless magic power and smashed into the ground with endless anger.

The explosive energy impact, as if a meteorite fell under his fist, spread rapidly from him as the origin, passing a destructive magic power in all directions, instantly destroying the basic structure of the central arena.

The construction time is unknown. It has withstood countless battles from ancient times to the present. The central arena, which has survived even though it hosted the first league meeting, finally turned into a crumbling ruins amidst a series of rumbling collapses.

Fortunately, those who were able to run out early were lucky. The other spectators still in the arena suddenly screamed and howled. Some were trapped under the rubble and could not break free, but many more were instantly annihilated by the terrifying energy.

Charles Foz is very satisfied with his condition. The magic power in his body has been filled to the extreme. It seems that he can set off a shocking storm with just a snap of his fingers, causing the earth to explode tens of thousands of meters.

Endless, endless!

Yes, this is the feeling, everything is under control, omnipotent, and everything can be controlled!


Charles Foz felt that his soul had received a deep and extraordinary sublimation. The ultimate will after becoming a god should naturally be the invincible pleasure of looking down at thousands of sentient beings from a high place, and having the whole world trampled under his feet at will!

At the same time, some things that had been hidden finally began to emerge.

There seemed to be a mysterious substance crawling strangely in Charles Foz's deep and dark eyes.

His eyeballs were easily broken by the "apostle who made death retreat" a long time ago, when he was not the leader of the Kaxiu sect.

Later, his limbs were broken and his abdomen was ripped open. He passed out in despair, and then had a long dream.

The whole world was red and black, and the same color of rain kept falling from the sky. The water accumulated up to the knees, as if the world was slowly melting into a puddle.

Someone was calling his name, and he turned around. It was an abstract existence that could not be determined concretely, like a thick silver-gray fog.

That existence told him that he would be given a new life and act according to the destiny prophecy, using the spark eggs falling from the sky as a signal. Everything was for him, everything was destined.

They are omnipotent, but no one worships them,... Creation is destruction, and only destruction can lead to new life. Twelve gods were selected among them!

Sacrifice is glorious, and only a sharpened edge can pierce the heart and return the soul to the great will...

At the end of the sacrifice, when the new world opens, only two people still exist. They are fearless of death, and they have dazzling tears in their eyes.

At the end of that dream, he saw a long stone tablet recording everything he was familiar with now.

The Eyes of Darkness wriggled strangely in the eye sockets, like a ball of active black water. Charles Foz had torn the upper body of his shirt to pieces, and a layer of black and red veins suddenly clung to his strong and toned body muscles, creating a horrifying demonic look. Patterns, evil things arise.

As the most famous transplanter of the Dark Eye in the demon world, Schaller Foz seems to have been obsessed with the endless magic it brings.

Just like Tarakuta mocked, most of the owners of the Eye of Darkness are just idiots who throw their magic around randomly. It is better to expect them to understand the deeper mysteries than to expect a stone bone beast to become the leader.

Now, affected by the Demon King's extremely angry and intoxicated emotions, and some deeper hidden energy gradually revealed, the Eye of Darkness began to merge into his flesh and blood, completing a physical transformation!

"Look, this is the perfect posture of God. My body will evolve into eternal immortality. Then, my soul will resonate with the universe and become the ultimate God!"

He showed off his changes to Monica, Niwu and others, intending to make them surrender.

The Kaxiu sect cadre who drew lots before slowly stretched out his hand to Charles Foz, but his expression was not that of worshiping a god, but extremely distorted. His eyeballs ran to his cheeks, and the positions of his mouth and eye sockets were reversed. .


He exploded into a bloody mist, and only had an artificial eye of darkness the size of a soybean, which quickly rushed towards Charles Furze and became part of his flesh and blood evolution.

Naiyali threw away the apple core in her hand, touched her bulging belly and burped, and then wiped her red mouth inelegantly with the back of her hand.

Since the start of the arena, she hasn't been able to keep her mouth shut. Snacks, fruits, cakes and milk tea... her leftover garbage can fill two trash cans.

The fun gadget she has been waiting for is finally here!

On the other side, Held, whose long light blue hair was rolled up by the impact of the airflow, was also slowly smoothing her clothes and hair. Before, the focus of her eyes had been on Ye Lin. Until now, she was carelessly He glanced at Charles Foz.

Held subconsciously moved the half of the delicate tear mask on her cheek, but when her fingertips were about to touch the mask, she froze and stopped, slowly putting it down.

For now, everything is as expected. Charles Foz has completed the first half of the task satisfactorily. Next~


The flesh and blood are merging with the Eye of Darkness, undergoing extraordinary transformation, and a more powerful force surges out of the body, an unstoppable surge.

Obsessed, intoxicated, and with his soul in the sky, Charles Fozzi couldn't describe the wonderful feeling he was feeling now. His body was transforming and evolving, and what was born must be the body of a god, which no sharp blade could pierce.

The squirming and fused eyes of darkness did not hinder his normal vision. He saw the woman walking over. Very good, everything in the prophecy was about to be fulfilled.

Those who are not afraid of death and those who have tears in their eyes are the only ones in the new world!

"It's time, give me the water."

Schaller Foz stretched out his hand towards Held, he needed the water of life.

The evolution of God's body will definitely be more perfect if it can be embellished with a piece of malleable and eternal water of life.

All the conditions were almost fulfilled. Sure enough, he was the trial blade predicted on the stone tablet, a person who was not afraid of death, and a god!

In an instant, Niwu and the others took a few steps back, and with an expression of disbelief, their eyes continued to shift to Charles Futz and Held.

The tone of the Black-Eyed Demon King just now was one of joy and excitement, as if he had known for a long time that Held would intervene in the battlefield at this moment.

Especially when I think about it carefully, the person who proposed to complete the five apostles and hold a new alliance meeting was none other than the second apostle Herder!

Could it be that this is a conspiracy that has been planned for a long time and coordinated with each other?

Even Monica and Katie, who have always been elegant and ladylike, could not hide their shock at this moment. The changes and development of things were more complicated and terrifying than they imagined.

"At the end of the prophecy, a new world will open. Held, you are the one with tears in your eyes. You are the other person who walks with me. Come on, stand by my side now."

Charles Furze had a rare bit of patience. He sharpened the corners of his cold mouth and tried to squeeze out a hint of tenderness, but instead it made his face ugly.

Held is obviously another person in the prophecy, another god who joins hands with him to enter the new world.

Everything in the prophecy has already happened or is happening now, so the hidden link of Held will be no exception.

She is the one with tears in her eyes. According to the future revealed by the prophecy, she will become the founder of a new world together with herself, only herself and her.

Therefore, she is the woman he is destined to get!

Held, the second apostle of Tears, enjoys the highest fanatical popularity, and all races and residents of the demon world worship her with sincere respect.

She had countless admirers, but they all bowed their heads in shame in front of the noble "apostle", like wishful thinking ants, how could they dare to blaspheme the beautiful white swan.

Charles Foz felt that since he had begun to "deify" and would launch ultimate rule over the demon world, he should naturally enjoy the privileges of a god.

According to the prophecy, he would pierce the hearts of all the apostles, but Held was also an apostle, so Schaller Foz understood this to mean that Held would support the birth of God and provide important assistance in transformation.

In this way, she is qualified to join hands with herself and become the founder of the new world.

Held, who was regarded as noble and revered by the demon world, with divine brilliance, would be his woman. Charles Futz was very satisfied with all the enjoyment Held could bring to him.

Whether he obtains the water of life now or possesses her body and mind in the future and desecrates her noble and cool temperament, it is a great spiritual satisfaction for him.

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