Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,233 Should be dead, but not dead

Schaller Fouts was in high spirits and seemed to have everything going according to plan.

Prophecy, can't go wrong!

The already tense atmosphere suddenly became even more tense. Now, as long as there is a small mistake in attacking, no matter who strikes first, it will immediately trigger a big melee!

Held's unexpected stance, whether she was on the side of Charles Foz, now, it seems that everyone is waiting for her to make a sign, even a small movement of nodding or shaking her head.

Like an iron plate scorching one's feet, there is no time to strike. If Held fails to express his position, a battle may break out at the next moment. Niwu and others have already made a tacit understanding and will directly include the second apostle as an attack target.

Reitz, the same thought!

Charles Foz's rationality seemed to be going crazy. He was flaunting his prophecy about "god", and his emotions were like a volcano erupting lava, venting to his heart's content.

Instinctively, they still want to believe and respect Held. She is the only local apostle of the demon world, and she is the one who can fall into long-term sadness and shed tears because of the ruined environment of the demon world.

However, respect and goodwill are not reasons for unconditional trust.

The companions of the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor can be directly condemned as "evil".

Held, who was being watched closely by everyone, her delicate appearance was unexpectedly calm at the moment, and her beautiful left eye, which was only exposed, was as deep as usual, and there was no trace of surprise or uneasiness.

"Charle Foz, did the Kaxiu sect take in one of the disbanded demon girls, the White Rust Xislin who stole all the research materials?"

Rather haphazardly, Held did not give him the water of life, but asked a very strange question first.

But it was this weird question that made Monica relax a little and feel relieved, because Held was firmly against artificial human experiments!

Among them, Xislin of White Rust is the only person in the demon world who was personally named by Held as a wanted person. Even Ye Lin did not receive such treatment at the beginning.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it is more like an "excuse" before Held takes action!

"Xislin? If you want it, just go to Harlem and take it away. Give me the water of life quickly."

Monica, who had a keen mind, noticed something strange, but Charles Futz, who was addicted to the pleasure of becoming a god, could not react to the meaning at the first time.

He began to get a little impatient. Why was his future woman still standing on the other side and unable to come over? He also asked those ants who were destined not to reach the new world inexplicably.

Trivial things are just random wild flowers and plants on the road, so you won’t pay too much attention to them.

With Herder's unrivaled wisdom, she naturally knew where Xislin was. However, Xislin's laboratory was right next to the Spiral Throne. At that time, it was not easy to openly fall out with the Demon King.

Now, it's time for everything to happen.

It is true that she has other motives, but the artificial human project must also be terminated.

"Charler Foz!"

Her tone was rare and solemn, and her cold gaze finally made the Demon Emperor, who was addicted to the transformation posture, sober up a little.

"When I sealed the Eldin Memorial Hall, I announced an ironclad order to the entire demon world. The artificial man Homonkuluz is a forbidden area that no one can touch!"

One sentence alluded to two people at the same time. Monica heard it, but she blinked and pretended not to hear it. Even elegant ladies can be willful.

The Eldin Memorial Hall had actually been sealed by Held, but later they would sneak in through some secret passages.

Charles Foz slowly raised his head. The previously squirming black eyes had been reshaped into a pair of deep black eyeballs with powerful vitality. He finally noticed something strange.

According to the predictions on the stone tablet, although certain events actually happened, they did not proceed exactly as predicted.

For example, the Spark Egg fell from the sky. This was a factual event, but he could not find the Apostle Egg to devour. It once fell into Richard's hands, but eventually disappeared without a trace.

Now, Held is the one with tears in her eyes, but she did not choose to join hands with herself and become the god of the new world, as predicted.

Held was standing in front of him, a subtle distance that was neither far nor close, but he never came closer to him, not even half a foot away.

If we look at it purely in terms of distance, her current position is closer to Ye Lin.

Damn it!

What is going on with her!

Suddenly, Charles Foz felt a chill in his heart, and he smelled a smell called "uncontrollable".

This woman, wearing half a mask that cannot hide her stunning appearance, has always been the most well-known in the demon world, but she is also the most mysterious apostle.

Has anyone really seen the true face hidden under the tearful mask, her other eye?

A certain thought that made Charles Furze unbelievable, and even felt a faint sense of fear for the first time, suddenly rushed into his mind uncontrollably, occupied most of his thoughts, and began to echo continuously.

Could it be that the person predicted on the stone tablet, the person chosen by Held, was not him, but Ye Linbucheng? !

Angry blood suddenly rushed to his head, and a strong feeling of being "betrayed" caused darker demonic lines to appear on Charles Foz's forehead. More barbs began to appear from his bones, and his aura became darker and more sinister.

The Kaxiu sect places great emphasis on "loyalty". The door of the organization is open, welcoming all capable and ambitious people to join, and it tolerates some sins.

But if someone dares to leave the organization, no matter what the reason is, it will be regarded as betrayal, and he will immediately be hunted by the "assassination team" until death!

Every member of the organization will sing the "Song of the Phantom Demon" to show respect and unparalleled loyalty to Demon Emperor Xia.


Maybe it was because he listened to too many songs, but Charles Foz had never considered such a thing happening. The guards, housekeepers, and secretaries around him were all absolutely loyal to him, and he could trust his left and right hands completely.

So now, Charles Futz, who is obsessed with prophecy, thinks that Held has betrayed him, so unforgivable!

"Sure enough, the prophecy is still correct. I will kill all the apostles. As for those with tears in their eyes, just let anyone cry."

He spread his hands, his chest rose and fell rhythmically with his breathing, and he looked around. In his hands, he quickly condensed the infinite magic power of the Eye of Darkness bomb. This full blow could detonate Central Park!

When he completes the prophecies one by one, no matter who it is, Held, Monica, Niu, Katie, etc...

Whoever cries out of fear under the crushing force of his own absolute strength is the one who sheds tears. This is the correct understanding!

As expected, there should be only one God who ultimately rules.


He has declared and launched a strong prelude to the offensive, but why didn't Niwu and others take the opportunity to join forces to attack? Are they already feeling desperate?

Charles Foz frowned suddenly. Why did he feel that the concentration of the Eye of Darkness bomb unexpectedly revealed an obscure feeling of weakness.

The attack method of compressing the infinite magic power to the limit and then detonating it is the most basic skill for every person with the Eye of Darkness.

Use magic extravagantly, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's lethal.


A large mouthful of blood was suddenly spat out. The black and red color was mixed with an ominous aura. Charles Fuze's face became paler and his expression was horrified. The infinite magic bomb condensed in his hand was also quickly dissipating.

How is it possible to feel weak and powerless? Ever since he obtained the Eye of Darkness, the surging magic power has been washing his body all the time.

"Did you underestimate my heart-piercing sword too much?" Ye Lin shrugged. He was the most relaxed at the scene.

Charles Foz lowered his head suddenly, because the bloody hole where his heart was punctured had never healed at all!

The magic power started to leak out like a leaky barrel. The reason why he felt more and more weak turned out to be the broken heart.

It was the fusion of the dark eyes into flesh and blood, and the endless refreshing magic power that made him ignore or be numbed, and did not notice that the third transplanted heart was actually completely broken.

If it weren't for the existence of his eyes and the replacement of his bones with artificial eyes of darkness, which gave him strong vitality, he would have died three minutes ago when his heart shattered!

The Eye of Darkness has regenerated a complete heart. It is no longer the blood-red heart that provides magic power. It looks normal.

"Charler Foz, if my guess is correct, you have obtained the power from the hell dimension through some way, right?"

Ye Lin took the initiative to reveal the opponent's last hidden trump card. The devil's pattern on Charles Foz was not the influence of the Eye of Darkness, but the power from the hell dimension.

This is also the reason why Naiyali is interested in squatting here for half a day.

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