Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,234 Destined by fate, or a trick

Hell dimension?

It is a word that has never been heard before and is completely unfamiliar to many people. If we just talk about the concept and meaning of "dimension", we can still understand it a little bit.

Ever since the original planet Terra was shattered by a horrific war that cannot be described in words, the demon world, through Held's efforts, was lucky enough to escape from the vortex when the stars were annihilated, and has been wandering in various dimensions ever since.

Of course, the concept of this dimension is actually the stars of life in the universe, such as Hyperion, Solaris, Zhu Yajunpa, etc.

Among the strong men confronting the Demon King now, apart from Held who still had that annoying in-control posture, only Reitz and Monica were thoughtful after hearing "Hell Dimension".

One of them is a returnee who has been missing for a long time. In the eternal realm of the Holy Spirit, he has observed secrets that have never been told somewhere. The other is the director of the library and can read 20 million books originating from ancient Terra. Ancient books.

After a moment, both of them shook their heads gently to get rid of the distractions in their thoughts. Although the hell dimension represents a kind of fear, a threat to the demon world that is no less than that of the demons in the universe, the most important thing at the moment is the magic pattern in front of them. Black-eyed Demon Emperor everywhere.

At this moment, there is enough reason to issue the highest wanted order in the demon world to Charles Foz, start a new dragon war, and completely eradicate the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor and the Ka Xiu Sect in the Harlem area.

Of course, the most powerful and qualified caller must be the respected second apostle, Held the Tearful.

Once Held determines that Schaller Foz will cause major harm to the demon world, the two apostles who live quietly and alone may also take a strong move to annihilate him.

And, Ye Lin, who is now dimly glowing and in a mysterious state, does his third number "three" contain various killing powers? !

So no matter how you look at it now, it seems that it is a must-win situation.

It is a pity that the Apostle League cannot end perfectly, but as long as the ambitious Kaxiu sect disappears from the demon world, there will be room for compromise in many things.

When all the dust settles, what will the demon world look like? Although no one knows, it will definitely not be worse than it is now.


The broken heart was re-condensed by the powerful vitality, the drum beat powerfully, and the blood was still strong, but this was not what Charles Foz wanted.

His mood is angry and he doesn't understand, but he hates even more!

He resurrected from death with a broken body, possessing double transplanted black eyes with infinite magic power. The feeling of full power made him laugh with satisfaction, and his character gradually became more and more rampant.

After easily defeating the former leader Josla and seizing the leadership position, the Kaxiu sect sang his phantom song from top to bottom.

From then on, he was the chosen one, the man who, according to prophecy, was to become a god.

But why, those things that seem to be within reach are always just a hair away from my fingertips.

The Spark Egg that crashed in East Harlem, because Richard wanted to keep it for himself, so after getting the egg, he didn't give it to him immediately.

When I couldn't bear it any longer and rushed to the place where it fell, not only had the Spark Egg mysteriously disappeared, but the lavish mansion had also been demolished by Ye Lin.

At that time, he missed a hair!

Then, the time for him to replace the third transplant and the whole body's artificial bones also happened after his first collision with Ye Lin.

If by that time, the research on the Artificial Eye of Darkness had yielded results earlier, and Richard's heart matured faster, he would have had enough power to directly leave Ye Lin in East Harlem, kill him mercilessly, and then seize it.

But now, Ye Lin has obviously undergone a transformation and is much stronger than before.

The chance of killing Ye Lin was just a hair away!

He and Held had a conversation at Sugar Mountain in East Harlem, and they seemed to have a tacit understanding, planning to launch the ultimate rule of the demon world.

But now, he is only a few steps away from Held. The water of life is in her body. Drinking it can make the body immortal. A few steps away, it is also a trace that cannot be touched.

After three transplants and replacing all the bones in his body, he had become much stronger, but why, he felt that he was still far away from Ye Lin and could not touch him.

Just like in the previous battles in East Harlem, he knocked the opponent away, but his arm was severed.

It’s always just a little bit off, why is it always just that tiny bit off!

Did fate choose him, or was it a trick of fate?

The sudden rise of various senses of absurdity, as well as the weakness of losing an eye of darkness, almost caused Charles Foz's sanity to completely collapse.

Fortunately, the eyes of darkness squirmed in the eye sockets and merged into flesh and blood, giving him a negligible but very useful confidence. He was not completely defeated yet, and there was still a chance for a comeback!

God's path must be full of hardships. He had already predicted it. How could he fall so easily here? !

"My eyes were blinded by darkness, like the black moon, full of death...

This is a bottomless abyss, which makes people shudder. When you hear these desperate sounds, is death about to come?

Put aside the fetters of the world and complicated emotions, you are no longer you, cruelty is your nature!

There is no laughter, no pain, darkness takes over your body, and new life is about to come! "

Charles Foz was singing the "Song of the Demon Emperor" calmly and slowly with a specific syllable, also known as the Song of the Phantom Demon!

Alice and Tana had carefully studied the syllables and content of the "Song of the Phantom Demon" and came to an important conclusion. The weird spell syllables can invigorate all the magic power of the Eye of Darkness, and the so-called praise of the Demon Emperor is actually just a powerful person. The content of the spell has been modified to suit Charles Foz.

Sitting on the Spiral Throne, overlooking the entire East Harlem, listening to the people kneeling on the ground trembling with fear, and singing this song of praise to himself at the top of his lungs, was one of the few joys Charles Fuzzy had.

However, the world is changing, and spring is coming and autumn is coming in the blink of an eye. Who would have thought that one day, Charles Foz would have to sing the song of the phantom by himself to unleash the most powerful magic power.

He is full of anger and unwillingness!

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would become the next Dragon King."

Charles Foz combed his short gray hair with his fingers, combing it back to make him look energetic. As soon as his fingers left the hair, black and red flames burned.

His lime-gray skin gradually became transparent, but the flesh and bones under the skin seemed to be ignited, surrounded by a layer of gauze-like flames.

"Be careful! He ignited the magic power, and now it has become an explosive and dangerous product." Held warned, his voice and expression became rare and dignified.

Schaller Foz was a trial blade that she had deliberately cultivated. Her pre-planned goal was to bombard Tybols, and she was a prodigy who threatened both bodies.

But for some reason, the ambition of this blade is more difficult to control than Ye Lin. He is obsessed with God's prophecy. Not only is he extremely flamboyant, but he also targets himself.

Is the prophecy on the stone tablet given to Charles Furze wrong?

It's not entirely wrong, some things did happen, but of course, it's not entirely correct.

Even though the development of the situation was within her expectation, Held did not relax his vigilance towards Charles Foz.

Even an inconspicuous piece of straw has the potential to strangle someone.

Previously, when Bingjie Master Fu Bai left, he handed Ye Lin a copy of Moya's notes.

Moya is the discoverer of the Eye of Darkness and the former deputy leader of the Kaxiu Sect. She is one of the people who knows the most about this energy system.

In the notes, a theory of the "Eye of Extreme Darkness Bomb" was recorded.

The Eye of Darkness bomb, as its name suggests, is a powerful container that can hold a large amount of magic input by the owner of the Eye of Darkness, and then turn it into a terrifying weapon that can be easily carried and used by anyone.

Only the Eye of Darkness can afford such wasteful behavior. Likewise, it can be called one of the ultimate moves of the Kaxiu Sect!

However, due to the influence of the container itself, the power of the Eye of Darkness bomb can never break the limit of a certain peak.

Therefore, Moya proposed two research directions. One is to continue to search for the ideal material container and input endless magic power. After a long period of time, it can theoretically be like a compressed sun that can shatter the planet.

Secondly, it is to artificially ignite the Eye of Darkness, complete the painful transformation process with great perseverance, and use one's own body as a carrier of the Eye of Darkness bomb!

Schaller Foz now also has double transplants and a pair of artificial crystalline Eyes of Darkness skeletons in his body. Once they are all ignited and detonated, the demon world may suffer the same fate as Terra's explosion without any defense measures.

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