Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,247 Power: Everything returns to zero

The sky was in complete chaos, the wind and clouds were rolling and changing, exuding an ominous and oppressive atmosphere. The entire demon world began to cast worried eyes on the Harlem area.

"Don't hide!"

Charles Foz laughed proudly. He enjoyed the endless power in his body, and he was able to suppress Ye Lin throughout the whole process, unable to fight back. The other party couldn't even say a word.

However, Ye Lin's annoying air and calm demeanor remained unchanged.

As if he finally heard his call, Ye Lin slowly stopped in mid-air, stared at the Black-eyed Demon King who was approaching quickly, and then slowly raised his arm.

"You die!"

In the sky behind Charles Foz, a huge and ferocious black devil's face appeared, with an extremely distorted expression that was exactly the same as his own appearance.


The air waves suddenly exploded, the wind and clouds dispersed, and the colliding air currents exploded in mid-air, roaring in all directions. The pressure caused many strong men to raise their hands to use energy to resist.

The once luxurious and noble manor collapsed into a 100-meter-deep pit. The royal entertainment not far away was torn apart by strong winds. Buildings representing the accumulation of wealth collapsed one after another.

After this day, the vitality of the Harlem area was severely damaged. It may take a long time for residents to flow in again and restore the prosperity that was once comparable to Brooklyn.

However, facing the terrifying punch, Ye Lin firmly grasped the Demon Emperor's fist in his palm. His tiger's mouth cracked open and blood dripped. As it dripped from the air, it turned into a sacred aura and dissipated.

"Have you ever seen a real god?"

Ye Lin once again asked this question to the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor, very seriously and purely.

Whether it is the song of the phantom that must be sung, or the high spiral throne, it is all imitated by Charles Foz, the image of God in his mind.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, looking down on all living beings, every word and deed is filled with the supreme brilliance, and the heaven and earth resonate with it, and all living things kneel down and tremble.

"You haven't seen it before, then I'll teach you."

The open wound healed quickly, and Ye Lin's arm, which didn't look very strong, was filled with more powerful power. His five fingers slowly exerted force and directly crushed the phalanges of Charles Fuze's right fist.


Screaming in severe pain, before he could struggle to fight back, Ye Lin grabbed the opponent's neck with his right hand, and then threw him down hard, like a meteorite falling from the sky, throwing down a cloud of dust.

The opponent's limbs and torso were all cracked, and he was coughing up blood from the corners of his mouth.

"God! Omnipresence means that even if He disappears in the long river of time, His legend is still circulating in the world. His power remains. His name is Ushir! Are you qualified?"

He swooped down from the sky, his eyes were indifferent, and he stepped hard on the earth with his right leg. The blow shattered the ten thousand meter field, and the cracks in the spider web twisted and spread under his feet.

Charles Foz managed to avoid the fatal position, but his energy and blood were still shaken by the shock wave, his leg was completely broken, and his eyes were panicked.

Damn it, Held only said that there was Taichu in his body, but he never said that it would be so strong.

"God! Omnipotent means that no matter where a devout believer is, he suffers all kinds of sufferings and curses, even if he falls to the end of the dark hell with the intention of death, what greets him will be a new light of love. He It's Remedios! Do you have this mercy?"

He flipped his hand and unsheathed the sword, and a shocking sword rainbow suddenly appeared, leaving a huge wound directly in front of the Demon Emperor. What overflowed was not blood, but a deep black liquid.

"They are cold, they have never appeared in the world before, they are gentle, maintaining the most basic foundation of the universe, looking for one of thousands of possibilities. But you are only limited to the ultimate rule of the demon world, a lowly tyrant!"

Ye Lin's speed has exceeded ordinary people's understanding. By the time Charles Fuzi heard it and reacted, he had already lost a lot of teeth, blood foam was flying everywhere, and his thoughts were divergent.

Although there was endless anger in Charles Foz's heart, he wanted to fight back, but for some reason, the power in his body dissipated every time he was attacked.

Grabbing the Demon King's neck again, Ye Lin's gaze was surprisingly calm at the moment, without anger, sarcasm or the ridicule of the winner.

"You were beaten to pieces by Kahn, but you were lucky enough to survive. The prophecy appeared in your mind, and you thought you were the chosen one."

The Black-Eyed Demon King Charles Foz was once just an ordinary cadre of the former Kaxiu sect. He was a double-transplanted dark eye of unknown origin, which gave him powerful power. He defeated the leader Josla and assassinated the deputy leader Mo Ya.

The contents of the prophecy are slowly happening. He naturally believes that he is the chosen one, the destined person, and the god of the new world!

With his arrogance and arrogant and cold character, he has never doubted that there is a big hand behind the scenes controlling everything about him.

After a near-death encounter, he underwent a double transplant and became the leader of the Kaxiu Sect and one of the most powerful people in the demon world. He named Workman his emissary, indirectly metaphorically calling himself the "Emperor"!

Everyone in the demon world knows that Charles Fuze relied on the Eye of Darkness to become a blockbuster. His successful examples have provided the Kaxiu Sect with a steady stream of "ambitious people".

"Have you ever thought about it, there are tens of thousands of residents in the demon world, and geniuses are common, so why would this effortless luck happen to you?"

Ye Lin's tone finally showed strong sarcasm. He was deliberately attacking Charles Foz's always arrogant thoughts. You are not a destined god. You are just a person who got something for nothing and gained great power after being selected by Held. "Ordinary people"!

"Why only me? Isn't this the best proof of being chosen by fate!" Charles Foz roared, and could only desperately burn the Eye of Darkness again, and a ball of compressed energy exploded, knocking back the opponent's position.

“Everything is for me, it’s all paving the way for God!”

Singing the song of phantom demons, communicating with hell, the furious Schaller Foz wanted to destroy the entire demon world.

"You have forgotten your original appearance, Charles Foz." Ye Lin turned and left, ignoring the other party's attack.


The fluttering word was "three" that was stopped by Held in the central arena.

Just when Charles Foz was suspicious and angry, and was about to raise his hand to attack, his body was shaken, and he looked down at his palm in disbelief.

The nails and flesh on his palms fell off quickly, like mud that couldn't stick to the wall. After two breaths, only the dark red finger bones were left, with clearly defined joints.

Later, these dark red bones turned into powder and flew in the wind, and new bones were reborn underneath, pearly white and smooth.

After a while, new blood vessels, nerves, and flesh and skin began to appear on the surface of the bone, and the fallen nails also grew back.

The strange changes were not only happening in his hands, but also in Charles Foz's whole body.

All the flesh and blood on his body was falling off, and the bones of the artificial crystalline eye of darkness were reshaped, and then new flesh and blood was regenerated, and the whole person's temperament also took on a new look.

The dark circles near the eye sockets have also disappeared, and all the flesh and blood in his body, including the bones, have been replaced. He can be said to be very healthy now, without even a trace of mosquito bites.

However, this healthy body made Charles Fuze fall into despair for a moment, as if he had fallen to the bottom of hell.

Yes, although he is now in very good physical condition and very strong, able to lift a hundred kilograms, he is still regarded by the standards of ordinary people.

But whether it was the eyes of darkness or the infusion of the hell dimension, they all turned into nothing at this moment and left him.

He became an ordinary person, the most original and true self.

This is one of Wuxuan's powers that Ye Lin realized, which is to restore the opponent to the most "perfect" pure state and deprive him of all sources of external power.

If he was a genius like Feng Ying, he might have a chance to return to the top after spending several more years practicing hard.

However, all of Charles Foz's powers are transplanted from outside, so there is no possibility of returning to the top!

Charles Furze, who had always believed that he was the chosen one and destined to be destined, has now lost all the support for his power. Even if he is given a chance to transplant the Eye of Darkness, the final answer is self-evident.

Faced with an extremely high mortality rate, it would have been impossible for him to survive without Held's help.

"Black-Eyed Demon Emperor Charles Foz" is completely dead.

What Ye Lin deliberately left behind was just an ordinary person who was very healthy but had no use value. He might be good as an experimental material.

Held abandoned her chess piece, and the hell dimension also wouldn't pay attention to an ordinary person. Now even Harlem can't move.

This is what Schaller Fouts is.

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