Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1248: Eaten by a dog

"Oh, because you no longer have the Eye of Darkness in your body, Silent City will not target you. Congratulations."

A very cold comfort, Ye Lin aimed his finger at the opponent's feet, bang~

A piece of rubble exploded. Although no one was directly injured, Charles Futz's instinctive desire for survival still made him step back.

He has been aloof and has been the king of Harlem for too long. The biggest fear for Charles Foz is not being defeated, but the mysterious disappearance of his own power.

Because he will become one of those "slaves" who are locked in a cage and allowed to be slaughtered!

Ugly slave!

A word that stings the soul and makes the heart ache, causing a mouthful of blood to vomit out.


Maybe there is still a chance. As long as he can find Dr. Giselle, he still has a chance, and his body is filled with powerful power.

However, the speed of mortals is so slow in the collapse of the terrain caused by the battle, and every movement is full of pitiful and tragic taste.

The Demon Emperor, who used to be aloof and aloof, is now as miserable as a rat hiding from the light.

Siatt stared coldly, made a gesture to Gu Yu, and wiped his neck to eliminate even one chance in a billion.


Guyu hid in the shadows, and just as he quietly approached the exhausted Xia Lefuzi, a magic circle suddenly flashed, covering the former Demon King, taking him away and disappearing.

"Can't run far."

Xiaoyu moved her fingertips, and the oracle's illusory dragon shadow also rushed to a place, pointing the direction to Gu Yu.

silent chapel

Rather, it should be said that this is a branch of the chapel under the Kaxiu sect. Its meaning is to silence all those who are disloyal to the organization and disbelievers forever.

Doerhead is the warden of the chapel and the executioner of the act of silence.

It was her black magic that took away Charles Foz.

After surviving the catastrophe, freed from the gaze of many strong men, Charles Foz was breathing heavily, with sweat on his forehead, and his clean eyes were filled with fear.

Black pupils are a thing of the past.

When he saw Duoheide, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had knowledge of Duoheide's black magic, was very powerful, and was good at teleportation.

If you deliberately run away for your life, ordinary strong people will have no way to start, and you can avoid it for decades.

"Dorhead, where are Giselle and Sisling?"

He stood up and straightened his clothes. After calming down, he seemed to have resumed his usual aloof posture, giving orders.

He urgently needs to find these two people and re-transplant himself with the Eye of Darkness. Without power, he is a dead creature and a slave in the demon world!

"They all ran away."

Duoheide lowered her head, seemingly still in a respectful manner, but no one noticed that there was something strange in her tone.

"Then hurry up and catch it for me!"


He promised, but Duoheide's body remained motionless. Instead, he slowly raised his head with fierce eyes.

"Go quickly!" Charles Foz was displeased and scolded him coldly.

"Lord Demon Emperor, are you deprived of all power?"

His face twitched, Charles Fuzi pretended to be calm and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I have mastered Ye Lin's weakness. The next time we meet again, he will die."

As long as Ye Lin's ability doesn't get close to him, his power should not be activated. Damn Taichu, he can actually restore a person to a completely ordinary state.

Now there is no magic left in his body, and he has a perfectly healthy body, but even the orcs cannot defeat him.

The feeling of emptiness is as terrifying as the receding tide of the sea, revealing a large open space.

"Lord Demon Emperor, how many times have you failed?" Duoheide suddenly asked a question, and at the same time, she raised her head.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, she seemed to have fulfilled her obligations as a subordinate and recalled to herself: "At first, during the battle in Harlem, your arm was cut off. I felt that you did not have a heart transplant and were not perfect enough."

"Dorhead!" Charles Foz subconsciously shouted angrily, trying to suppress him and kneel down.

However, the empty strength in the body is like a dry sponge that cannot squeeze out water.

"The second time, you replaced your heart and bones, but you were still stabbed through the heart by a sword, forcing you to ignite the Eye of Darkness and flee for your life in a hurry."

As Duoheide took a step closer, Charles Foz's eyes widened in shock. He had very bright and beautiful eyes, but they did not have the endless coercion of the black pupils in the past.

"The third time, only your brain and spine were left in your body, and your whole body was replaced. You inherited the power from the hell dimension, but you still failed and were reduced to the most incompetent appearance."

inability? !

The extremely ironic words instantly made the Demon King angry and tense his muscles, but he had no strength and nothing.

Everything he relied on was reduced to "zero" by Ye Lin!

"Now, Lord Demon Emperor, Charles Foz, you are extremely weak and have lost your dog. Are you qualified to be called a god? Are you worthy of Lord Held?"

Duoheide no longer concealed the ferocious look of the beast, and grabbed the Demon Emperor's collar, salivating in his fangs. She was both mocking and strongly dissatisfied.

How could the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor, who once claimed to be "fearful of even death" and the supreme king of Harlem, end up in such a tragic end!

Duoheide is a unique magic user among the orcs. Her people were easily slaughtered by the Demon Emperor. They died tragically in front of their eyes, and their eyeballs were dug out and used to brew wine.

Her extreme fear of the Demon King turned into extreme worship.

However, what she admires and is loyal to is the Dark Demon Emperor who is even afraid of death, sitting high on the Spiral Throne, looking down on all living beings, not the incompetent "loser" who has been defeated three times in a row!

"The prophecy predicts that your destined fate actually refers to Ye Lin, right? He is the one who is not afraid of death. He is Lord Held's man, and now you are just a destitute...slave!"

When Duoheide taunted loudly, tears of sadness and anger flowed from her eyes. She could not accept that the black-eyed Demon Emperor, whom she respected and feared in the past, had become such a slave.

In the devil world, strength is king!

This is the eternal iron law!

Extreme fear turned into extreme worship, and extreme worship gave rise to an even more twisted psychology.

"My respected Demon Emperor, how could I just watch you become like this? The black-eyed Demon Emperor overlooking the entire Harlem should be an engraved image that will be remembered by time. His ending will either be to become a god. Develop the ultimate rule, or cause huge terror and leave an indelible shadow on the demon world!"

Duohead grabbed the shoulders of his former lover, her eyes were sad and weeping, but in Charles Foz's eyes, there was an unspeakable fear.

"Dorhead! Back off!"

He tried to use his former power to scold the other party, but he didn't understand the other party's extremely twisted psychology, because he had never been so weak or in such a miserable situation.

A person who sings the song of phantoms will be evaporated with a snap of his fingers if he doesn't get his way. The lives of weak people are no different from nothing in his eyes.

"Dorhead, I have mastered Ye Lin's weakness. As long as he is transplanted again, I have a hundred, no, ten thousand ways to defeat him. He controls the Silent City, and he is the public enemy of the demon world!"

However, the more Charles Foz struggled to defend himself, the more disappointed Douhead felt. What was the difference between the current Demon Emperor and the slaves who had begged for mercy in the past?

"Lord Demon King, you respect the glory, you are the King of Harlem, and you are afraid of death. Please let me leave the last glorious dignity for you, so that we can be together forever!"

"Dorhead, ah...!"

The screams were so horrifying that Gu Yu, who was hiding at the door of the chapel and watched silently, also felt a chill running down his spine, and a layer of coldness climbed up his spine.

People from the demon world are all perverts.

Gu Yu was speechless and hurried back to the main battlefield. According to time estimates, Xiaobing's nuclear bombs should have been blown up, and Ye Lin, Monica and others might have broken into the hell dimension.

Siatt, who was waiting outside, nodded when she saw Gu Yu returning safely, and asked, "Did you wipe your neck?"

Although I completely believed in Gu Yu's power, hearing the news of his death with my own ears was the most reassuring thing.

There can be another Kaxiu sect in the Harlem area, but there must not be another ambitious Demon Emperor.


Guyu shrugged and curled his lips and said, "He and Duoheide will be together forever."

"Huh?" Siatt was confused.

"He was eaten by dogs."

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