Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1362: Twins of one body, two parts of the sculpture, merged into one

"That's nonsense!"

Isis' eyes that had been closed in resignation suddenly opened sharply again, and anger suddenly rushed into her heart, almost losing her composure.

In his opinion, since the Sky Temple gave power to Prey, the cup is empty, and it is an indisputable fact that he will be treated differently.

Now that Prey said, "The temple has given you its power a long time ago," isn't it a deliberate slap in the face and an act of malicious mockery and contempt?

"There is no need for me to lie, or I should say, you have ignored it yourself. You have never taken a serious look at yourself. Isis, you have focused all your attention on me."

Prey quietly looked at Isis who was struggling to get up. Apart from the big difference in the color of her feathers and the aura in her eyes, one was calm and the other was violent. They were indeed carved from the same mold.


On the other side, Ye Lin observed the current situation of Prey and Isis through refraction, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Now the last link is almost closed.

"Hey, what did you see? Master Prey absorbed Isis?" Alexandra was particularly curious, her delicate and beautiful face full of anticipation.

Although she was the master archer of Tybols and her vision was precise, Master Prey's energy was still chaotic and there were piles of rubble, so she couldn't see clearly at all.

"Alexandra, how about making a bet? Just bet on whether Isis will..."


He was interrupted forcefully mid-sentence. Alexandra puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction and hummed: "I can see through you. Whenever you are sure of something, you are so confident." Your full look makes people feel at ease, but you always want to take advantage of the situation, so I won't fall for your deception."


Ye Lin, who was choked and embarrassed, touched his nose speechlessly. He often complained that Held, the bikini apostle, covered up half of his face with a mask, and the other half of his face always looked like Gujing Wubo.

But I didn't expect that one day, I would be criticized by others. I was full of confidence and always wanted to take advantage of myself.

Fortunately, the idiot Gan Lin accidentally gave up the steps and hurriedly came down from the clouds. Feeling surprised and weird, he said: "I saw Mr. Prey and Isis looking at each other across from each other. The atmosphere was tense, but they didn't start fighting."

"Yeah, it's just as I expected." Ye Lin nodded and smiled, and then he noticed that Alexandra was obviously very concerned about it, but he said proudly that he didn't care, and his eyes kept drifting to him, telling him the whole story. Come on.

In fact, the most important key is the chronological order!

At the very beginning, on the day when Prey successfully flew to the highest point in the sky of Tabols, the ancient Sky Temple took the initiative to open its closed door, and the fortress guards personally greeted him. Prey received some kind of mysterious blessing from the temple.

This matter is not a secret in Tabors, and it is even regarded as a glorious achievement of Master Prey, and it is widely circulated.

Later, the light and dark environment in Tabors gradually became unbalanced, and Isis, who was in charge of the night, awakened malice and anger. With Prey's three roars, Isis separated from the body and grew blood, bone, and feathers.

After the battle, Isis was defeated and sealed underground.

Then, the Purple Rain disaster struck, Prey left forever, Isis escaped, and the aura of depravity infected some of the Tabors natives.

Isis searched the golden planet but could not find any trace of Prey, but the special connection between the twins made him realize that Prey was somewhere in the universe!

Before Tybols got relatively close to the Demon Realm for the second time, Isis also successfully reached the highest point in the sky, but the door of the Sky Temple was closed tightly, and it seemed that he was not welcome to come.

Isis wanted to destroy the temple, but was stopped by the fortress guards... Everything that happened next was that Isis suddenly sensed Prey's approach, he arrived in the demon world, the Spark Egg descended on Harlem, and so on.

Twins in one body, two parts of the sculpture, in charge of darkness and light. When Prey received the blessing from the Sky Temple, Isis had not yet left Prey's body!

In other words, the extraordinary blessing from the Sky Temple seems to be only given to Prey, but in fact, another portion of Isis is also enjoyed.

After Ye Lin explained, he pondered for a while before conjecturing: "I suspect that before Isis was separated, the state of Prey and Isis might be like sleeping and waking up."

Diaoge Pule wakes up, summons the day, opens a day of vitality, and all things multiply.

When Isis wakes up, darkness falls, all things can rest, and those who have come to the end of their lives will have a peaceful destination.

It wasn't until Isis awakened to anger and evil due to imbalance that this part of the body took the initiative to leave the body and achieve the true form of twins.

Therefore, in the initial fusion state of Prey and Isis, they may not know much about the other "self" in their bodies.

Just like when people wake up in the morning, they don't know what they did while sleepwalking last night. It's just that Tianjiao Apostle has two independent consciousnesses, each of which is awake and in charge of the body for a certain period of time.

Therefore, Isis didn't know that he had also obtained the power of the temple. As soon as he left the body, he fought with Prey for several days without stopping. Finally, he was buried underground and almost disappeared with the passage of time.

The blessings of the temple had been given long ago, so when Isis came with her wrath, the door was naturally closed.

The fortress guard chose to confront Isis because he was very impulsive at that time and wanted to destroy the temple.

All of Isis' actions are strongly dominated by the subjective emotions of "injustice and resentment." He hates Prey and Tybols so much that it is engraved in his bones.

As for rational thinking ~ it seems that I have never had it.

If Isis was still the king of the night who controlled the night and listened to the rest of the dead, he might have a chance to discover the blessings of the temple.

Isis, who is violent and depraved, wants to destroy all things, and plunge the world into a desperate situation of eternal night. Naturally, Isis is not worthy of the blessing of the Sky Temple.


"Isis, I admit that I have neglected the principle of the balance of all things. The beauty of eternal daylight turns out to be an illusion. Tabors, who has only a new life and no destination, will eventually be swallowed up like the planet Cloncula."

Prey sincerely faced up to his past mistakes to the dumbfounded Isis. He has experienced a lot since Purple Rain until now, and he has gradually matured and grown a lot.

In the past, when he reached the highest point, the unruly prodigy Pule finally returned after more than a thousand years of vicissitudes and great changes. Facing his devastated hometown, he gained tremendous mental growth.

Not long ago, Ye Lin's nagging talk about the "Light and Darkness of Hyperion" was not actually a deliberate attempt to flatter Isis, but rather, a message for Prey to listen to.

Prey took off the brightest and most beautiful feather on his wings and gently threw it in the direction of Ye Lin. He was secretly grateful that there was a solemn promise attached to the feather.

If you ask for something, it will be granted.

And now...

Twins are one body, but only when two become one, they are the true genius, the most powerful and brilliant warrior of Tabors.

Prey's hand gently rested on Isis's shoulder. This was the first non-aggressive physical contact between them, who were closer than "brothers" and were one body in a long time.

Isis silently stared at Prey deeply again, as if there were thousands of complicated emotions, and then his body turned into a powerful black-red energy and sank into Prey's chest.


The sky exploded, the earth trembled, and the stars swayed. Destructive black and red thunder flashed between Prey's wings and arms, and an extremely powerful force quickly filled his body.

The grudges were eliminated and the misunderstanding was resolved. The terrifying power blooming at this moment, Prey felt, was even more powerful than when he faced off against Kahn in the demon world!

One body and twins, two parts, but one body after all.

Prey was not in a hurry to announce his return, nor did he go to repair the dilapidated environment of Tybols. After the integration, he sat quietly on the top of a mountain for a whole day.

There was a hazy beauty in the dusk, and Bosem and other aborigines looked at the great figure on the top of the mountain, worried and uneasy, but still smiled knowingly.

Then, night fell.

Prey's wings quickly turned black and red, and his aura became as sharp as a knife. Then, Isis, with complicated eyes, also sat alone on the top of the cold mountain all night without saying a word.

Until a certain moment, Prey wakes up again, dawn breaks in the sky, and the dawn shines on the earth.

The whole day's cycle, the reincarnation of light and darkness, continues in balance.

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