Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,363 Obtaining a Floating Island

Although the light and darkness that have troubled Tabors for a long time have finally returned to balance, the greatest warriors are once again flying freely in the sky. The blue and fast meteors are the spiritual pillars of the residents of Tabors.

But after a short period of excitement and cheer, we still had to face many embarrassing and dilapidated scenes.

Gadraken has just arrived in the far north, and has not yet breathed out the heat. The entire golden planet is still frozen on the earth, and the endless cold makes people shiver.

Thousands of plants have withered and withered, most of the water sources are polluted and cannot be drank, and earthquakes and storms occur one after another. The golden planet that was once rich and beautiful is now even more scarce in resources than the demon world.

Some of the fallen floating islands in the sky, including the ancient Sky Temple, a beautiful wonder of Tybors, have not yet risen to the sky again.

As the most distinguished guests, Yelin and the others received the most sincere and high-level treatment. They were welcomed by Bosem to a floating island in the sky that was fortunate enough to be well preserved.

The floating island is about a thousand meters above the ground, with flowers blooming and green grass fresh, spring water tinkling and crystal clear, and clouds and mist surrounding the island, where you can often see colorful rainbows. It is as beautiful as a fairyland in the sky.

In Tabors, only those who are powerful and kind-hearted and recognized by everyone are eligible to obtain a floating island and name it after him.

And the size of the floating islands they own are ranked according to their status and achievements. The current floating island named "Momei" is enough to rank among the top five in Tabors.

When Lu Fusong, the mother of Qing Yan, solemnly promised Ye Lin that the ownership of this floating island would forever belong to him, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​naming it after himself and handed it to Mo Mei instead, then knelt down. Proposal.

A floating island on the golden planet is indeed an unprecedented and unique souvenir of marriage proposal. Mo Mei was happy and shy, with a pretty face red and eyes like water, and she quickly nodded in agreement.

Amidst the blessings, Qianying's eyes couldn't help but look a little strange. It seemed that the wedding of cousin Siatt was only about a month away.


"It turns out that the floating island in the sky of Tabors is very similar to the structure of the hanging city." Siatt held a sea-blue diamond-shaped fragment in his hand, as if holding a struggling bird, and his arm was hit by a wave of The mysterious power pulls you up.

Gravityless fragments!

A material with very magical properties that could fly to high altitudes like a balloon. They had only seen it a few times in the hanging city left behind by Bakar.

If measured by conventional weighing methods, the weight of a gravityless substance would be negative. Just a piece the size of a fingernail can carry tens of kilograms of weight.

Because of its magical properties and almost zero output, Arad's only weightless fragments have become a luxury item among nobles. The price is higher than diamonds of the same volume, comparable to what Ye Lin once obtained from the Borodin ruins. Ningxiang stone excavated in.

In the hands of a skilled artist, it can perfectly present a naturally suspended work of art. When inviting tea and banquets, it is much more showy than colorful gems and gold.

According to Lu Fusong, there are thousands of floating islands in Tabors, large and small, all made of natural materials without gravity. Later, special barrier masters were arranged for maintenance.

Although most of the floating islands crashed during the war, including the most majestic sky temple, there is still a chance to recreate the beautiful wonders of the past when constructing Tabors as long as the weightless material is recollected.

"It's a pity that Saifu Po is not here, otherwise she would have to get some back and auction them off at a high price." Yuena teased, while using tongs to flip the fragrant barbecue in front of her, while Mo Mei was mixing a dipping sauce next to it.

Every floating island is maintained by a corresponding barrier master and dandelion elves, and this one is no exception.

The dandelion elf with transparent and thin wings, goose-yellow clothes, and a slender body is responsible for tending the garden. She is surprised and delighted that this floating island is so different and full of vitality.

It is said that when Bosem arranged the maintenance elves for this floating island, as soon as he heard that it was the floating island of the hero, there was an endless stream of applicants, almost overwhelming the threshold.

Although the prestige of the genius Prey is deeply rooted and cannot be shaken, Ye Lin, who awakened Prey's consciousness and was recognized by Tabors, is absolutely comparable in status to the polar king Gadraken who can bring warmth and heat.

"The flowers and green plants on this floating island seem to be more spiritual than those on other floating islands."

"Yes, it looks a bit like the floating island of the Flower Queen."

Several dandelions were chatting quietly while watering the garden, while Xiaoyu touched her chin and stared suspiciously at a plant with no flowers and only a few green buds.

It looks like a black vine shrub with dark and shiny skin. It doesn't look surprising, but it is treated very noble and is tightly protected by bricks, stones and fences.

"That's Ulimuin cotton, a crop that can keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, and also has magic power to nourish your body." A dandelion smiled sweetly at her and said in surprise: "It's strange to say that it has already passed It’s harvest season, but the cotton on this island is starting to sprout again.”

Lord Bosem's beautiful dress is elegant and dignified, luxurious and restrained, and the material used is Ulimun cotton.

Ye Lin came over and looked at it for a moment, and gently touched the cotton branch with his finger. In the shocked eyes of the dandelion elf, the cotton buds quickly grew into palm-sized leaves, pulled out beautiful goose-yellow buds, and then formed fruits. When mature, The fruit is split open and the pure cotton wool is endearing.

The dandelion elf hurriedly harvested the cotton carefully and explained: "If you water the cotton with special magic water during its growth period, it can also form different colors."

It was so amazing that in just a few minutes, a whole season of cotton had been harvested. Moreover, based on her own elf talent, not only was the cotton body not damaged, but it was actually stronger.

She had heard from other dandelion elves that this hero seemed to have the same magical abilities as the Queen of Flowers, Bossam.

Now I am lucky enough to see it with my own eyes, and it is indeed the case.

Dandelion handed the harvested cotton to Xiaoyu, bowed respectfully and left. He couldn't wait to tell his friends about the magical things, which was also a small show off.

In the past, everyone liked to go to Lord Bosem's floating island, but now we may have another choice.

"That's it..." Xiaoyu tried the weight of the cotton in her hand and muttered: "It feels like it might not even be enough to make a vest."

The 10,000 tons of cotton that Ye Lin proposed when rescuing Lu Fusong in Arad seemed to be gone. Tabers' productivity was not enough to pay, and it happened to be the cold season.

"But a pair of cotton underwear should be enough." Ye Lin teased, then took the cotton and nodded, deciding to take action.

The beautiful floating island garden is filled with flowers, plants and trees of different heights. The dandelion elves have left after routine maintenance, so as not to disturb the private rest and leisure of the island owner.

His fingers tightly clasped Xiaoyu's slender fingers, and his soft arms were forced to lift back, as if he were controlling a beautiful and noble peacock with spread wings.

The light gauze and silk witch dress is tied around the waist as graceful as a willow, as fat as snow. Xiaoyu is holding an ancient tree in the flower bed and frowning, her beautiful cheeks are red and hot.

Ye Lin rubbed a little jade dew with his fingertips, licked it on his lips, nodded with satisfaction, and then squeezed into the cup of jade dew.

The kind-hearted witch who helps the world and saves people spreads a little warm water of blessing to nourish the flowers and green plants, which shows her compassion for all things.

Ye Lin gently held her in his arms and turned around to sit on the edge of the flower bed. The whole process was quick and without separation. The jade cups seemed to be intertwined, tight and elastic.

Affected by the acceleration of gravity, the mortise and tenon structure reached the limit. The dirty girl trembled violently like an electric shock, her beautiful back stiffened, and then she was stunned and dazed for a long time, and her eyes were blurred.

The witch gave him sweet rain, and he responded with the spring water under the pressure of the tongs, and the jade cup overflowed.

By the time Xiaoyu returned to the barbecue party tremblingly, she had already put on a brand new hairband made of Ulimun cotton. The original one was used to wipe her legs.

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