Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1375 The strange XP system

"It's not that I want to start a bloody war, but I want to leave a space crack in a war land, allowing the cosmic demon to invade on a small scale and with low frequency..." Prey explained with difficulty, but still seemed to have some control over it. Uncertain, very hesitant.

He wants to use the cosmic demon as a tool to break out a war, but the impact should not be too cruel. It can be like a cantilevered sword to remind Tabors to be alert at all times.

"That may be difficult. Those guys whose brains are all about muscles never know how to use euphemisms or acting. Their only habit is to kill with iron blood." Ye Lin made it clear that this move was not the best idea.

They are happy to accompany someone to fight with a cosmic demon, but it is almost impossible to accompany someone to act falsely.

Either you kill me, or I destroy you.

Once the rift in another dimension is opened, Tabors will most likely be greeted by a full-scale attack by the cosmic demons. The earth will turn into ruins and scorched earth, and the newly green wilderness will once again be ignited with raging flames of war, stretching for thousands of miles.

It may even alert the prying eyes of space ruler Gaunis and even the ultimate cosmic demon Roche and other top transcendent beings.

Even if Quansheng Prey can win by then, he will pay a heavy price, which is not good news for Tybols, who is already seriously injured.

Prey remained silent for a long time and understood the reason behind it. Taking the initiative to summon the enemy to invade was a somewhat foolish approach.

To others, he seemed to be overly worried.

The two carvings of light and darkness have been rebalanced, the past grievances have been cleared, and the mysterious power of the Sky Temple has been obtained. He already has the absolute power to suppress all enemies with one force, and he will not be afraid of anyone who comes!

But before the Purple Rain disaster, Tybols basically thought the same way...

The world may be a cycle, rising in the east and falling in the west, repeating the cycle.

What has happened before will definitely happen again in the future.

Comfort is just an illusion.

Tybols relied too much on Prey, and even if he went to another world, he had to welcome him back.

In a sense, it is almost exactly the same as the mechanical planet Hyperion's over-reliance on Luke!

"This disaster has lasted for nearly a thousand years, and our population in Tabors has dropped by at least 80%." Prey sighed. The sight of vitality now cannot cover up the pain of the past years.

The grand and enthusiastic Holy Tree Ceremony not long ago was actually less than one-tenth of the scale of Tabors's heyday and prosperity, and it also lacked many familiar faces.

For example, Prey was actually quite sad about the mixed-haired bat Rosewall.

It was he who took the initiative to invite Rosewall out of the cave and allowed various races to accept it. Who knows in the end...

Eighty percent death!

Ye Lin was shocked, but he had already noticed some abnormalities and was mentally prepared.

It's just that the population density of Tabors is a bit scary, including the area around Bosem's floating island.

Like the grand scenes of the fields described by Alexandra, the sky is never silent and is almost never seen.

The purple rain of pollution, the eternal night of Isis, the aura of corruption produced, and the severe cold produced after Gadraken left, each of them are dangerous disasters that can affect the entire planet.

Even in Arad, a relatively mature civilization, it can still set off a devastating storm.

At the highest peak of Tybols, Yelin had a lot of chats with Prey, and he also told them all about the threat from Agulanda's other dimension.

"I will go after arranging for Tybols." Prey promised without asking for detailed reasons, and at the same time there was a faint murderous intention.

The reason why he was so happy was that Prey still had a misunderstanding, which was the Purple Rain disaster in Tabors. He thought it was Kahn's deliberate influence.

The battle once lasted for four days and four nights without a winner, and in the end it was settled, which was a pity.

So when he heard that Kahn was going to be encircled and hunted, Prey was surprisingly interested. He wanted to take revenge and comfort the lost souls of Tabors.

The apostles restrain each other, but Ye Lin is the blade of trial!

He was very enthusiastic and saved Ye Lin a lot of trouble.


next day

Just when the sky turned white, night and day alternated, and everything was resting and yet to wake up, an explosive incident happened unprepared.

The new green Preseus, who was responsible for guarding the sacred tree Zemacure, was attacked by an enemy in the early morning and was injured. If not for Alexandra's timely support, Preses would have almost died.

But the sacred tree seedlings that were just planted were snatched away!

"It's Harbat of Jade." Preseus was in a depressed state. His armor was scorched black and had deep claw marks. It was obvious that a fierce battle had broken out.

He was deeply ashamed and blamed himself, and regretted it so much that he wanted to pay for it with his life.

Just one day after it was planted, the holy tree, which symbolized prosperity and hope, actually happened in his hands. The high platform was destroyed and the tree disappeared.

Although he blocked the news in time, he would definitely not be able to hide it for long. If it spread out, it would cause great turmoil in people's hearts and cause panic.

Harbat, the Jade Jade, is known as the most beautiful being in Tybols. His every frown and smile can captivate all living beings. The flowers in the entire field are not even half as beautiful. Even Prey admires him.

Although her overall status is not too high, because she is not a flying race after all, it is difficult for her to have an impact on major events in Tabors.

But Jiaoyu Harbat's popularity is still top-notch in Tabols, no less popular than Queen of Flowers Bosem, and he has admirers everywhere he goes.

Tybols respected Bosem more, the Queen of Flowers, but he truly fell in love with Halbat because of his appearance.

That's why Ye Lin muttered that Tybols' XP was a bit weird.

"I don't blame you, Harbat and his accomplices. I shot and wounded Keples, so he must not have been able to run far." Alexandra comforted her. No one expected that the other party would launch a sneak attack that night, aiming directly at the sacred tree. .

In fact, this situation is to be expected. Although the environmental state of Tabors has returned to balance, many entities that Isis awakened from the underground and infected with the cannibalizing breath have not had time to deal with it.

Among them are Harbat and his friend Kepros, and even the fat penguin Sibeninos who came to life after taking a bite from the sacred tree.

Harbat, who was once the most beautiful and brightest being in Tabors and was known as the pure "Bright Moon", is now infected by the depraved aura of Isis, and his clean and soft white fur is also burning with terrible black flames. Her followers also began to fear and loathe her.

Probably because the gap between his own situation was too extreme, the hatred in Harbat's heart reached an incredible level. It was superimposed with the encroaching aura of Isis, and it was like pouring a bucket of gasoline into a fire, making the black flames grow stronger.

It was only then that Harbat's sneak attack not only shattered Bosem's barrier, but also injured the guardian Preseus.

According to Plessers' recollection, at that time, the two foxes on the other side were in a desperate posture, one on the left and one on the right, with black flames raging into the sky.

He had to deal with two foxes and guard the saplings of the sacred tree. He had to do three things at once, and he couldn't take care of them.

Although Alexandra rushed to support in time and shot the black fox Kaipulos with an arrow, she never expected that there was also a helper of Halbat hidden in the sky, Cloudwing Aris!

Cloudwing Aris' wings are as soft and pure as white clouds. He can fly freely among the clouds and has a certain degree of power to control wind and rain. He used to be the helper of Lufusong, the mother of Qingyan.

The three joined forces and although they later alerted Bosem and others, it was still a step too late.

"We have to hurry up and get the sacred tree back!" Alexandra's thin purple wings trembled slightly as she followed the blood trail of Kaipulos.

"Wait a minute!" Plessus shouted anxiously, but the other party had already flown far away.

Although Kepros was shot and wounded, Harbat was in full condition. Besides, there was also Cloudwing Aris who was hiding in an unknown place. It would be dangerous for her to go there alone, as she would be too hasty and reckless.

After yesterday, the clouds of sweet rain began to bless various places, the rain went smoothly, the golden winged lion also went to the wind road it guarded, and the breeze was harmonious.

Although Master Prey should have some free time, Precious blamed himself even more when he thought that he failed to relieve Master Prey and instead caused trouble.

"Sir Adventurer! Please chase Alexandra quickly. This girl is like this. She is simple and straightforward, but also a little careless." Suddenly, he saw Ye Lin landing from the floating island and checking next to the holy tree. All I can do is please hurry up.

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