Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,376 Pathological

Alexandra actually regretted it not long after chasing her out. She went alone when her head was hot, but there were three enemies, and she was already suppressed in terms of numbers.

Moreover, the opponent's power was weird and powerful, and he had even injured Preseus, the guardian of the temple.

But if he just turned around and went back like this... Alexandra's face burned when she thought of her solemn vow just now and her arrogance that she would be able to take back the sacred tree with one arrow.

"If I shoot in the dark, I should have a chance. I have the range advantage."

After quickly cheering herself up, Alexandra showed off her fists again and carefully followed the traces left by Halbat.

The most beautiful fox has been eaten away by Isis's fallen aura. Its soft and beautiful white fur is now burning with black and red flames. The vegetation wherever it passes is affected and withered, leaving a strong evil aura.

Alexandra found it strange that the other party seemed to have no intention of hiding the traces after taking away the sacred tree. The traces left along the way were very obvious, and there were still evil flames burning in some places.

The light purple wings shone beautifully in the sunlight. Alexandra cleverly raised her height and took advantage of the sky. This was the reason why the golden planet was dominated by flying races.

As the most powerful archer on the planet, Alexandra has very good eyesight. She looked down from high up, and the breeze was blowing the hair of the laurel leaves, and she discovered the Harbat of the Bright Moon between a canyon. traces.

But the situation in the canyon was somewhat beyond Alexandra's expectations, as if there was civil strife.

The three guys who worked together to injure Preseus and steal the sacred tree saplings seemed to be strong allies, but now they were unexpectedly confronting each other, with fierce auras and fierce eyes.

In the middle of them, there was an uprooted green-red tree about the thickness of an adult's arm. Every leaf exuded an extraordinary and sacred luster. It was the seedling of the holy tree.


Alexandra was in a daze holding the bow and arrow, not knowing whether to take action now or wait a little longer.

And she also saw a familiar figure in the corner of the canyon, the fat penguin Sibeninos.

"Woo, you are so bad. Now I am really finished. There will be no place for me in the entire Tabors. You dared to steal the holy tree, and then I became an accomplice." Spinino Si was tied and lying on his side, tears streaming down his face, feeling wronged and regretful.

Tabols finally welcomed Master Prey, and everything in life was slowly getting back on track, and different races also had different living habits and territories.

Sibeninos's home was in the south. He didn't fly very fast or high, and he was walking slowly and leisurely. As a result, he was caught by Harbat the Jade's paw halfway.

At that time, Halbat felt very strange. She remembered that this fat penguin had obviously been infected by her, but now it was not only in a normal state, twisting its fat body, but also sometimes humming in an unpleasant voice. It was so beautiful. .

After questioning him with cold murderous intent and threatening his life, Harbat realized that this guy was lucky enough to take a bite of the original holy tree, and then he was cleared of Isis's nibbling aura.

But the true form of the original holy tree now landed on the floating island in the sky of Bosem, but she couldn't fly, so she couldn't help looking up, so she had to find another way.

Unexpectedly, after Bosem returned, he actually gave up the origin of his holy tree and planted a new Zema Kule, which gave the Jade Harbat a chance to recover.

Sibeninos originally thought that with Harbat's popularity in Tabors, if he asked Bosem, he should have a chance to be purified.

However, he never expected that Harbat would be infected by cannibalism, his temper would be violent, and his judgment would be seriously affected, so he simply took the new holy tree by force.

Zemakure is the sacred tree of Tabors. Now that such a big mess has occurred, Sibeninos sheds two lines of tears. He feels that he is going to be finished, has offended the public, and is in despair.

"Harbat! You owe me this."

Kepros' claws left traces and sparks on the rocky ground, his fierce look was revealed, his fangs were exposed, and the hair on his body was about to explode.

She and Halbat are of the same race, and they once had a close relationship, as close as lovers.

Kepros's hair is oily black and red, and her appearance is also very beautiful. Compared to Halbat's beautiful brocade white, she looks more blended into the deep night, with a mysterious and understated charm.

However, most of the Tybols advocate light, so Kepros's popularity is obviously much lower, but she still likes the shining of light, and black is warmer.

However, after Harbat was cannibalized, the first thing he did was to bite Kepros unawares, turning him into the same state as himself, with an evil aura surrounding him, a drastic change in temperament, and an ugly appearance.

In a sense, Harbat seems to have a morbid "love" for Kepros. We can't coexist in the light, so let's fall into the abyss together.

"How about we divide the holy tree equally?" Yunyi Yaris still maintained a trace of calmness.

She used to be the assistant of Lu Fusong, the mother of Qingyan. She had a graceful body and wings as soft and clean as white clouds. However, she was affected by the aura and now she has become very evil and dirty.

"Equally divided, hehe, who knows how many sacred trees will be needed to restore." Harbat seemed to have lost his patience and took a step forward.

A tight string is about to break, all it takes is the last spark to ignite.

Unfortunately, the fat penguin Sibeninos on the side tried to escape with his legs, twisting his fat body and accidentally hit a stone, "Ouch~"


The wind was strong and black flames filled the air. The three people who had cooperated to fight for the saplings of the sacred tree in the early morning immediately turned against each other and fought fiercely. Their claws and fangs clashed, leaving each other with horrific wounds.

As for touching the sacred tree of Tabors, which is tantamount to provoking the tolerance of Bosem and Lufson, and there are thousands of racial bottom lines, and there is almost no room for it, they seem to have completely ignored it. consider.

Alexandra, who had been hiding in the clouds, brightened up her beautiful eyes, took out her sky bow, and aimed at the thieves in the underground civil war from a distance, hoping to make a profit.

The green arrow was dazzling, but the moment Alexandra wanted to let go, she suddenly hesitated.

Yunyi Yaris is Lufusun's assistant. Harbat is very popular in Tabols and is known as the most beautiful being. Moreover, his arrow will definitely shatter the earth. What if it hits the holy tree.

Suddenly, at the moment Alexandra hesitated, the three guys who were fighting fiercely on the ground quickly separated and rushed towards her.

Harbat and Kepros breathed out large flames into the sky, covering her sight. Cloudwing Aris bypassed the flames and drew a graceful arc, with sharp claws flashing with a cold light, and several sharp slashes. The wind blade has already fired in advance.

Could it be an ambush!

In desperation, Alexandra hurriedly fired an arrow, and hurriedly adjusted her body to avoid the attack of Cloud Wing Aris, a trace of panic appeared on her pretty face.

She could be ruthless against her enemies, but the three people underground were all familiar faces from the past, and her momentary hesitation led to a fatal mistake.

"If you persist, get out!"

There was a sudden roar in the air, and the attacking posture of Cloud Wing Yaris seemed to be hit hard by invisible force, and flew away instantly, scattering a large amount of feathers in the sky.

The black flames of the breath were also washed away, revealing the shocked looks of the two foxes, and the world fell silent.

Ye Lin arrived in time and stood solemnly in the sky. The huge pressure was like a mountain collapsing, shocking the two foxes below. They bared their teeth and lowered their bodies, seeming quite uncomfortable.

The reason why he didn't kill these guys instantly was because the stolen sacred tree was actually fake.

It can't be said to be completely fake. It is a mold made by Bosem from the branches of the original holy tree, slightly hidden using the space ability. Although it has the aura of the holy tree, it is not the one planted yesterday.

"Tiangong, are you okay..." Ye Lin was startled, and then quickly grabbed the fair and tender Rouyi of the Holy Maiden Tiangong to check if there was any injury.

Alexandra's eyes were filled with tears, and she was sobbing and choking. Her pretty face was almost bloodless. She didn't know whether she was frightened just now, or was moved by his timely heroic rescue of the beauty.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Ye Lin comforted her while taking out a tissue and gently wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. Now was a good time to show her sense of security.

"I'm not afraid."

Alexandra sniffed and raised her hands with a bitter look on her face: "But my baby bow is broken."

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