Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,438 Mercer→Little Mercer

Dimension crossing will have side effects, ranging from dizziness and staggering to the severe case of losing some important memories like Agnes.

The sleepy Siatt was woken up by a chill. The sky was filled with thick and dark clouds, and light rain was falling. The coldness hitting the neck made people shiver.

And judging from these signs, it may not take long for the rain to become heavier. By then, the world will be cold and desolate, making travel difficult.

"Succeeded?" She reluctantly stood up and immediately noticed Tana and the others next to them, who were also holding their foreheads to wake up.

The landing spot was perfect and everyone was not scattered, but it wasn't perfect enough that we didn't recognize where it was.

The surrounding trees were densely covered with lush green trees, and some of them were so thick that the canopy of the trees was like a canopy. It was difficult for the two of them to hug each other. Although the ground was also covered with fallen leaves, the scene looked like early autumn.

What surprised Siatt the most was that there was a huge exposed crystal on the ground not far in front of him. It had an uncanny prism shape and a mysterious light golden color throughout.

Natural heterochromatic pure crystals have almost no impurities. If placed in an auction house, they would definitely sell for gem-level prices, but now they are just growing on the ground and no one seems to care about them.

"This should be the edge of the Yanofa Forest. We seem to have been disturbed by something, causing the landing point to be different from expected." Tana patted the dirt leaves on her body, and then propped up a magic barrier to block the coldness above her head. of rain.

Celia and the others were looking at it with curiosity, but for Tana, this place was so familiar that she couldn't be more familiar. She had lived nearby for more than seven hundred years. It would be an exaggeration to say that she knew every tree clearly. Chu.

"Astra, thank you." Tana waved to the sky. Astra in mini form has been carefully patrolling the surroundings to avoid getting dangerously close to them who are in an unstable state.

Astra descended from the sky, but a green ball of light around it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Because inside the floating light group, there is a very mini-Q version of a girl, about the same size as Astra, with a pair of big, clear eyes, green hair scattered behind her head, and a cute and elastic face, but now He pursed his lips, full of helplessness.

Astra seemed to be very interested in the ball of light. She opened her mouth to try and bite it, but Sophie immediately grabbed her by the neck and said in a strange tone: "Why, I think this little guy looks like Mercer?"

Not only does the blue-green light group resemble the telekinesis power of magic thunder, but also in terms of appearance, and also in the way she is dressed. She wears a white short-sleeved shirt and suspender hot pants. Messer's telekinesis power is so strong that it can insulate her from the heat and cold, so she wears it all the time. More casual.

"I am Mercer..." Little Mercer raised her slender arms. By comparison, they seemed not much longer than Sophie's middle finger.

"I was pulled by another telepathic force and fell into the passage with you, but it seemed that the power of dimension invaded my body in the middle, and it became like this." Little Arthur swayed in mid-air, and his body became smaller. , her telekinesis was also much weaker.

I really feel like crying without tears. It would be fine if I could cross dimensions normally, but I am less affected by the power of the dimension. However, the "culprit" that affects me is my other self. It's so strange that I can't blame it.

"It's really amazing~" Celia was surprised, then hugged little Arthur's light ball and placed it on the back of Mini Astra.

Dragon Knight—Little Arthur!

She remembered the little Luxi from before. Before Alice had her body massaged, Tiantian was still in mini form and could be stuffed into a bowl and go to sleep.

"It's not that I can't understand it." Gu Yu took out a bottle of mysterious black potion from his pocket and said, "Frog-changing potion. If you drink it, you will turn into a frog. The effect of the potion lasts for three days."

She exchanged this bottle of potion with Iqi. As a well-known magic scholar in the demon world, Iqi was outstanding not only for her talent, but also for her ability to make trouble.

Iqi's love for frogs is engraved in his bones. He is a maniac. He has frog patterns on his clothes and frog symbols on his jewelry. He even made this unique alchemy potion, which is the transformation... Frog potion.

Tana speculated that as time went by and the dimensional power gradually dissipated, little Arthur could return to normal, but before that, she had to make do with this.

"By the way, where is Ye Lin?" Siatt looked around, thinking that Ye Lin had fallen far away and would be back soon, but they waited there for ten minutes and saw no one.

"It should be time to repair the dimensional loopholes. After all, we can't delay that matter. Why don't we go back to Silver Village first." Tana pointed to the sky, indicating that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and that she should go to her house to stay first.

With the effect of the water of life being completely absorbed and the protective attribute blessing of the silver holy tree, Ye Lin has gradually developed the perfect prototype of physical immortality.

Now, even if he is thrown directly into the Void Storm, or faces the Destruction Epoch, nothing may happen.


On the other side of the starry sky, the original planet Agulanda.

Ye Lin looked solemn as he carefully explored the remaining traces of energy and deduced the past.

Countless huge meteorite fragments float aimlessly, leaving icy traces in the dark void. They were once part of the planet, and a mysterious battle took place here, shattering Agulanda in this dimension.

One of them should be Kahn, but the other person who fought with him was at least the transcendent realm, and he did not cause fatal injuries to Kahn.

"Is he the old man with white hair and beard?" Ye Lin recalled that there was once a form of Caroso that was directly sacrificed to the ancient passage by Kahn, thus returning to the beginning.

The number of Death Stars accounts for the vast majority of the billions of stars in the universe.

Ye Lin waved his hand to push away the group of broken meteorites. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and look horrified at what he saw.

In the boundless void, two huge planets collided together. The point of collision has been completely shattered. The remaining part of the earth has also cracked with ferocious irregular cracks. The land that was once extremely solid is now like two fragile stars. Glass ball.

And the impact has not disappeared, it is still going on, shattering and annihilating bit by bit.

These are two identical planets, one is the mirror dimension he is currently in, and the other is from the main dimension.

Ye Lin got very close to the planets that were pulverizing each other. A translucent barrier appeared in front of him. The edge blended with the void. It was like a huge and magical kaleidoscopic prism, reflecting thousands of objects in the refraction of light. self.

This was the dimensional barrier that Kahn shattered with one full blow. The wound was too large and could not be fully repaired, leaving a very bad impact, causing two identical Death Stars to annihilate each other.

Ye Lin stared at the Void Prism and fell into silence. At this moment, on the other side of the mirror, that is, in the main dimension, Nimer, the God of Wisdom, had a worried expression. She was also looking at the mirror.

But her mirror did not reflect countless versions of herself, but Ye Lin's reflection, which meant she was "peeping".

"Pushiya, she doesn't seem to approve of what you did." Another woman's voice came from nowhere. It was calm and quiet, like a piece of white paper, and seemed to contain no emotion.

"I'm surprised and grateful that she can choose to wake up." Nimer nodded lightly, and then asked: "Usiel, what about you?"

After a long period of silence, the blank voice said again: "We were born due to the great will, but we are not the later creations of the great will. We all come from the nothingness of chaos... But, I Hate death."

Ushir, the god of death and darkness, actually hates "death". It sounds surprising and weird, but the fact is that Ushir maintains the cycle of life and death, but strongly hates the abnormal death of life.

Such as horrific disasters, cruel wars, and...the age of destruction.

Nimer was silent after hearing this, and Usiel's position hinted that in fact, it basically represented the position of another most powerful primordial god, Remedios.

Despite the fact that these two goddesses are always light and dark, life and death, it seems that they can never get into the same water, as if they should fight each other when they meet.

However, morning and sunset, dawn and dusk, life and death are never tit-for-tat attributes, but like a constantly rotating Tai Chi diagram, reincarnation continues.

However, although Uhir hinted that he did not like some of Caroso's ways and was not optimistic about the great will that had "died" once, he would not stop anything.

At the end of the destruction of the river of time, she and Remedios also tried to stop it, but unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

The way Nimer and several lion heads looked for Caroso was indeed the last resort on the surface.

But now that Pushia is awake, Usiel has new and additional expectations.

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