Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,439 Memories of Sai Fu Po

Silver Village, before the disaster called the "Era of Destruction" occurred, this village or town did not exist.

Nowadays, survivors often think back to five years ago, that time that changed the direction of the entire world and the dusk of everyone's destiny. Even if they are basking in the warm sun, they still feel a cold feeling about the aftermath of a disaster.

It was a peaceful morning that day. No one could foresee that a catastrophic disaster was coming. They were still going about their own lives, worrying about the future of themselves or their families.

Merchants shout loudly in the market, farmers weed and catch insects in the fields, the flowing river rarely dries up, and the branches and leaves of the trees gently sway.

I can't say it's perfect as poetry, but it's very peaceful and peaceful, and that's the taste of life.

At dusk and evening, the sun was setting in the west, and when the day was about to come to an end, people were also exhausted, but the wind and clouds between heaven and earth suddenly changed, and then an extremely bright and blazing beam of light shot straight into the sky, shining brightly and visible for thousands of miles.

When you look up and stare, what is reflected in your pupils is called fear.

The sky and the earth were easily torn apart like soaked white paper, and the terrifying energy shock roared across the entire world. The continent of Arad seemed to be cultivated by the gods and plowed carefully. No matter how prosperous the city was in the past, All wasted.

The majestic sky city on the west coast was destroyed by the collapse, and the sea water was rolled up and poured into the sky. The mountains in the snowy area of ​​​​Ston trembled, and the ice dragon was buried. The underground kingdom of Vanes was forcibly exposed to the ground by the power of heaven and earth.

In that terrifying era of destruction, the leafy silver holy tree showed its power of protection. Its leaves were wrapped with sacred and powerful power, protecting a pure land in the disaster of world destruction.

The surviving people and some elves began to rely on the holy tree to survive with uneasy hearts, and gradually formed a gathering village nearby, which was later named Silver Village.

However, as time passed, the disaster calmed down. Over the past few years, many people have chosen to go out and start a new life in a land with richer resources, or go to the wasteland of a big city to carry out reconstruction work there.

At present, the number of people in Silver Village is about half less than when it was at its largest, but as a result, there are fewer extra troubles and it is peaceful and peaceful.

There was an icy and cool rain falling in the sky, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, splashing a mist and making the leaves make a crisp sound. I didn't see many people along the way.

The silver village is surrounded by mountains, and outside the mountains are forests and more mountains. In the Arad continent of the main dimension, this area is just a remote barren mountain with few traces of people.

Celia flipped through the map for a long time, and finally got some impressions. She pointed to the mountains in the south and said: "Go further there and you will enter the Lorraine Forest, then the Elvin Defense Line, the Gran Zhi Sen, Huttonmar.”

Feng Ying was originally very interested in those different-colored crystals, but she saw too many along the way, and the gems were just like clods of soil on the ground, so it was not surprising.

Tana explained that the different-colored crystals exposed on the ground actually originated from the elemental elves living in the forest, and their power formed one continuous vein after another.

Because the output is too abundant and crystals are not necessities of life, the seemingly expensive crystal veins are actually not worth a lot of money at all, and it is too heavy to give away for free.

Crossing the valley that was the only way to go, Siatt and the others stopped one after another, looked up and looked ahead, with incredible expressions on their eyes.

Surrounded by mountains, there is a huge sacred tree growing in the center. Its thick trunk is like a pillar supporting the sky, a real dragon standing upright, and the lush silver-white crown looks like a flower when it is supported. Vast white clouds are eternally fixed over the silver village.

In comparison, the silver holy tree in Grand Forest can only be regarded as an ungrown seedling.

Siatt felt a very powerful force from it, as strong and blazing as the sun. Even her transcendent realm was frightened by it. It was worthy of being a holy tree that could withstand world-destroying disasters.

"Let's go quickly, it's raining heavily." Tana waved, she was the most excited now and eager to return home.

The buildings in Silver Village are basically made of wooden materials, which are convenient and light, and the style has a natural and simple atmosphere, a bit like Xuzu's Yuexi Town.

The group of people was quite conspicuous, including Astra in a half-flying state, the sparkling dragon knight Little Arthur, and Mi Gao who was just joining in the fun, but maybe because of the rainy weather, we didn't see many people along the way.

Occasionally, some residents cast curious glances, but they came over to ask without being too troublesome.

The village was built around the sacred tree and was well-proportioned. Because the sacred tree was so majestic, some houses were built directly on the ground floor close to the tree trunk, where Tana lived.

A long wooden bridge meandered around the sacred tree several times. Tana was passionate about being close to her hometown, but when she stood at the door of her residence, she suddenly remembered that the room seemed not enough.

"We can only squeeze in tonight. Let's see if the rain will stop tomorrow. Many people have chosen to leave Silver Village, so there are a lot of vacant places." She pointed her finger in the void, and a layer of magic array dissipated like ripples, opening it. opened his own door.

It was a two-story wooden building, but the rooms were not very spacious and were filled with books and potions.

She is the guardian of the dragon clan who is responsible for guarding the great magic circle. This is actually her later residence. The real hometown of the dragon clan is still somewhere further away and more hidden.

Just when Tana opened the door and invited them into the house, a middle-aged and slightly fat woman suddenly hurried over from the other side of the wooden bridge, panting and saying urgently: "Miss Celia, you are back safely, found Have you taken the herbal medicine? My husband's condition has worsened again today after he came back from the contaminated crystal mine, so I have to trouble you to go and have a look."

When she arrived, the woman was suddenly surprised, and immediately bent down and said respectfully: "Lord Guardian of the Blue, you are back too."

Tana's status in Silver Village is very respected, but she hides her dragon identity to avoid being coveted by evil people.

When Tana left before, it was under the pretext of traveling to the mainland for adventure.

"Huh?...Oh." Sai Fupo was startled for a moment, then touched her cheek, only to realize that she forgot to wear a mask or something, and was mistaken for Doctor Sai by others.

Tana signaled Siatt and the others to go to the room to rest first, and she and Celia followed to take a look. The people left in the Silver Village were very friendly. Everyone helped each other after the apocalypse, and the friendship was deep.

The middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed had a dark face and a frown. Although his eyes were open, they were unfocused and blank.

Celia could tell at a glance that there was a dark power accumulated in the opponent's body, eating away at his vitality. If he only relied on normal medical skills, unless there were some magical herbs, he would not be able to recover.

"It's a small thing."

Celia's soft white and slender fingers gently touched, and a few rays of light fell, easily annihilating the darkness in the opponent's body. She was not only a rich woman, but also a powerful apostle of tears.

The man's frown slowly relaxed, his eyes became focused, and he coughed a few times.

The woman sent the two of them away with great gratitude and stuffed them with some vegetables, but she always felt that there was something weird about Celia.

Before she collected the medicine and left, she also said that this situation was difficult to treat and that some kind of herbal medicine was needed.

On the way back, Celia took a well-washed carrot, took a bite, and said vaguely: "I kind of recalled the days when we opened a hotel on the Elvin Line of Defense. The price was fair, and there was no need for children." Hey, it’s also well received in the neighborhood.”

"Well, good reviews..." Tana was speechless and raised her forehead. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this rich woman was a shady businessman at first. She occupies the most convenient location in Elvin's defense line. The price of the hotel is not inferior to that in big cities. .

But later, Zai Yelin was killed, and he lost his life.

But the rich woman's Chamber of Commerce has always been very helpful to public welfare undertakings, so it was made up for later.

"But, Celia." Tana stopped and asked curiously: "Just now, the aunt said that you came back so soon. In other words, another Celia went out?"

"Yeah." Celia nodded and recalled: "It seems that I went to collect medicine. No, I have to wear a mask first, and then get a pair of sunglasses like Qianying."

In view of the possibility of dealing with Doctor Sai in the future, in order to distinguish the two Celia, Tana suggested that when they call their rich woman, they call Xiao Min, that is, Celia Crumin.

Doctor Sai doesn't know the existence of parallel dimensions yet, and is a kind-hearted and simple girl.

"It's raining so heavily. If Doctor Sai goes out to look for herbal medicine, he won't be in danger, right?" Siatt suddenly reminded him.

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