Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,496 The First, Second and Third Princesses

Mount Afariya Camp Afariya

In the past, this was the buffer area between Vanness and the Principality of Belmare. Both countries had heavy troops on this border to guard against each other, but they also conducted trade and exchanges delicately.

At that time, the Dark City had not yet surfaced. The Dark Elves hated humans and were all arrogant. No humans were allowed to enter the Dark City.

Belmare is also in a state of prosperity and development. Huttonmare, the capital of freedom, is well-known in the Arad continent.

Until the sudden advent of the Age of Destruction, everything was changed. The Principality of Belmare was unfortunately destroyed in the disaster, so Vanes continued to station troops in Afalia, and it lost its original meaning.

The current Afaria camp is just a small border town, a very simple exchange and trading market, where humans and dark elves live.

However, without the cold atmosphere of the original confrontation between the two armies, the Afalia camp developed unexpectedly well after the Destruction Epoch. Although it was not as prosperous as the top of Dark City, it was still prosperous.

And few people know that Meia, Queen of the Dark Elf of Vanes, and the real envoy of the Delos Empire held a secret meeting at the Afalia camp to conclude a new peace treaty.

The representative of the dark elves is Queen Meia, her direct messenger Krent, and her entourage, as well as protective guards and so on.

The representative of the empire was Count Gustav Mastiff. He was a loyal minister loyal to Lyon and a confidant of the emperor, comparable to the bitch Schumann.

Count Mastiff is a rare minister who only obeys the orders of His Majesty the Emperor.

In other words, when other nobles treat Vann Franz, the direct successor of the imperial royal family, they will treat him with a level of respect second only to His Majesty the Emperor.

Flattery and compliments are inevitable.

After all, Prince Vann Franz is the nominal future emperor of the empire. Serving the prince is equivalent to serving the future emperor.

This is an investment in the future that is almost impossible to go wrong. If you give respect to the future emperor and make a good impression, you may get rich returns in the future.

The emperor and his ministers are like this.

Although the current Emperor Lyon has a strong desire to control, he also understands the subtle "unwritten rules". Therefore, he was also an imperial prince before and was complimented by his father's ministers, so he turned a blind eye to it. .

However, Count Mastiff only respected the prince, but never deliberately flattered him, flattered him, or anything like that. His philosophy and creed was to serve the Emperor of Lyon absolutely and stubbornly.

Although he lost a future investment, it also made Count Mastiff a confidant of the emperor and a powerful right-hand man. Compared with some marquis and dukes, his status was completely uncompromising.

Sending Count Mastiff to negotiate a peace treaty was, in a way, considered serious.

However, Meia in the lounge is now very displeased. Under her noble, delicate, cold and beautiful appearance, there is a trace of true anger hidden, not against Count Mastiff, but... Chapron.

The original treaty negotiations should be held in the palace of Dark City. As the queen of the Principality of Vanes, she would host a banquet to receive the visiting envoys from the empire, be polite and considerate, and then discuss state affairs.

However, Shapron played both sides. He first informed Queen Meia that the imperial envoy wanted to change the venue of the meeting to Afalia, the border of the kingdom, due to travel time issues.

Then she sent a confidant to inform the imperial envoys in the name of the principality that there was something strange happening on the floating island near Dark City. For safety reasons, Queen Meia wanted to set the meeting location in Afalia.

It was just a change of location, which was not really a serious matter. However, in order to ease the atmosphere during the meeting, Count Mastiff once asked with concern: "I heard that the black nightmare is spreading on the floating islands in the sky near the Dark City. How is the situation? "

Although the current peace between the Empire and the Dark Elves is 70% true and 30% false, the Black Nightmare incident is related to the safety of the entire Arad continent. Mastif's inquiry is sincere and does not have political intentions.

Queen Meia was instantly surprised, because the information on the floating island was related to the survival of the dark elves, and it needed to be reported to her as soon as possible.

The empire knew the news, but she knew nothing?

After some insinuations, she realized that Xia Pulun actually dared to hide it from her and cheated the king!

Meia's pretty face was cold, her towering justice hidden under her gorgeous dress rose and fell astonishingly with her breathing, and her beautiful eyes shone with an unknown light. She had always respected this senior who was almost a thousand years old, but what he did was really It offended her emotionally.

Of course she understood that Xia Pulun "looked down" on her, thinking she was just a girl, too immature.

The reason why she is respected is because the relationship between monarch and subject has been established and fixed in the era of Eled, and there is also the influence of Aragorn's blood in her.

In other words, Chapron was not convinced by herself.

"Your Majesty the Queen." Someone knocked on the door gently, reminding her that the second meeting was about to begin.

The Queen and Count Mastiff have negotiated many peace treaties, with mutual respect, courtesy, and good spirits.

But the second half of the meeting is the most important, and will expose the true purpose of the empire!

People with a discerning eye have long speculated that the empire suddenly abandoned the old covenant that had been in use for seven years and wanted to establish a new covenant. How could it be that it had not changed compared to the old covenant? Some new treaty would definitely be added, and it would definitely be more beneficial to the empire.

Queen Meia has made corresponding preparations for this, but to be honest, Vanes' comprehensive strength is far inferior to that of the Empire, so she lacks confidence in many aspects and cannot come up with the capital to challenge.

But she also knew that if there was a problem with the new contract, Chapron would definitely take the opportunity to criticize herself. Even if he couldn't take away the title of "monarch", he would take advantage of the situation to vacate the power in his hands.

The burden on her shoulders was heavy, so heavy that she could hardly breathe, but she had to find a glimmer of hope under the intense pressure in order to live up to the name of Aragon's blood.

She considered Dark City's open-door policy to have her own way, but the results were gratifying. Dark City suddenly became a metropolis comparable to that of Vetalon, with an influx of adventurers and huge wealth.

On a deeper level, I also hope that adventurers can let the rotten people in the Senate take a good look at how much Arad has changed.

You are loyal to the dark elves, and no one doubts your sincerity, but your eyes are still focused on the days of the evil dragon, which is a bit out of step with the times.

Just as Meiya was getting ready to go to the conference room, her beautiful eyes suddenly focused on a gemstone and jade pendant on the dressing table.

The material of the jade pendant is dark sapphire, and its shape is a six-pointed star. In the center of the six-pointed star is a hollow ring. The overall structure is simple but grand. This is the emblem of the Kingdom of Vanness and the identity of the royal family members.

"It's strange, when did I take it off?" Meiya picked up the jade pendant and looked at it suspiciously. It was hers, but time was running out, and she didn't care to think carefully about it, so she had to put the jade pendant away.


Meia's slender jade fingers froze, because there was an identical jade pendant on the waist of her dress.

"Meia, listen to me. When you face the Delos Empire's unreasonable demands later, you can be stronger. Besides, Xia Plun will not succeed in the Dark City, so don't worry."

She quickly turned around and looked at the room where she was resting. There was no other person except herself, but the familiar voice just now didn't seem like an auditory hallucination.

Out of caution, Meia walked out of the room and asked in a low voice: "Senior, did someone enter my room just now?"

"I'm looking for him too. He's very strong, but he shouldn't have any ill intentions towards you, otherwise you would have died just now." The dark elf with one cheek covered said a female voice, but it was old and surprising.

She is Meia's most mysterious protector, and even Xia Plun doesn't know her details.


At the same time, the Delos Empire envoy

Count Mastiff's forehead showed some wrinkles carved by time, and he had some beard on his chin. He had the perseverance and steady temperament of a middle-aged man.

Someone next to him made tea. After thanking him, he looked around and asked, "I believe you should have noticed and understood the first meeting. The various items in the New Testament are completely based on the strength of our empire."

"A weak country has no diplomacy, and a strong country has no friends." The eldest princess Celia said calmly, exactly what she said, and she said the same thing as Ye Lin.

"Meia is an outstanding monarch, but I heard that the Senate and her don't seem to be of the same mind?" Nosadia, the second princess, took a sip of hot tea and asked thoughtfully.

Count Mastiff nodded and mocked slightly: "So, this is the difference between us and them. If the country wants to be prosperous, we can have different opinions politically, but the general direction must be the same. The queen is open-minded and accepting, but the elders It’s ridiculous that the hospital sticks to the past, which is the foundation of a country, and problems can arise.”

It seems that there will be no surprises when the empire launches its army in the spring next year.

"Isabella, what do you think?" Mastiff asked sideways.

The personnel of the imperial envoy did not originally include the three imperial princesses, but not knowing what His Majesty the Emperor meant, he suddenly asked the three of them to follow him, and asked himself to observe their specific performance.

The third princess who was in a daze was stunned for a moment, and then replied seriously: "I want to go to the Dark City to see it. I heard that there is a floating island in the sky there, but I have never seen it."

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