Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,497 Serious and gentle yawning...

The eldest princess Celia has outstanding talents and elegant taste. Even among the many princes, princesses, and even the many noble children in the entire Vetalon, she is the most outstanding one and a role model for the younger generation.

At the same time, she also serves as an important diplomat for the empire. All complex diplomatic relations will become well organized in her hands. At the same time, she can also seek greater benefits for the empire and is deeply trusted by the emperor.

Although Count Mastiff was the leader of the mission that concluded a new peace treaty with Vanness, before leaving, His Majesty the Emperor also told him that he could listen to Celia's opinion.

The second princess, Nosadia, is gentle, well-educated, and has beautiful slightly curly hair. She often represents the emperor's identity by doing things such as visiting sick nobles, donating to Remedia's golden cathedral, and designing Banquets to entertain heroes and other things.

After all, there are often things that require the emperor to come forward to express his attention, but there is only one person in Lyon, so it is inevitable that he is unable to do anything. He needs a trustworthy spokesperson who can represent the face of the royal family.

The second princess Nosadia is a very suitable character. Now she is in her prime, her reputation is that of a lady and virtuous, her appearance is elegant and refined, she is tall and graceful, and she is not yet married. In the golden city of Vetalun, young talents Pursue your passion.

As for the third princess Isabella... Mastiff shook his head slightly and was speechless. This girl is the most favored by His Majesty the Emperor, so she has always been adventurous in nature and loves novelty. Although she is also very smart, she rarely uses it for serious matters. .

Just now, the eldest princess hit the nail on the head and explained the nature of the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The second princess was active in thinking and asked about the internal conflicts of the Dark Elves from a unique angle. Only the third princess was still thinking about the scenery of the Dark City and wanted to play.

Count Mastiff tidied up his clothes and attire, and with a calm demeanor, he took the lead in walking to the conference room.

Regarding the situation of this negotiation, the Empire was confident and had an absolute advantage. All he had to do was explain it step by step.

The three princesses followed behind and fell a few places behind. They were all beautiful, with gorgeous dresses, elegant temperaments, and very eye-catching.

But the three of them did not talk. They seemed to be thinking about their own thoughts. Although they were biological sisters, they did not spend much time together as adults.

The eldest princess frowned her slender eyebrows slightly and looked quite solemn, as if she was considering how to gain the absolute upper hand in the subsequent diplomacy.

The Second Princess' beautiful cheeks always had a gentle and family-friendly smile. She was very bookish and had excellent etiquette, but no one dared to underestimate her ability.

As for the Third Princess...she was yawning.


The meeting to conclude the New Covenant continues to discuss. After all, it is adding new items on the basis of the "Old Covenant", so the efficiency and progress are pretty good.

Whenever a detailed item is finalized, a dark elf with powerful magic will write it on magic papyrus, waiting for the final signature from both parties.

Celia lost interest after listening for a while. The content was boring and there was nothing particularly eye-catching.

The meaning of the so-called "peace treaty" is that when the strength of both sides is almost balanced, this treaty has great significance in binding the moral behavior of both sides and stabilizing the hearts and minds of each other's people.

However, when the gap in strength between the two pairs is too large, this contract is really just a piece of paper.

Although it has certain magical power, even if it suddenly and unilaterally breaks the contract, only Count Mastiff will be affected.

It is not similar to the divine curse of the beautiful goddess Venus. How could it have such infinite and astonishing power that could bring disasters and curse an empire with a vast territory of thousands of miles.

Therefore, the speaker of this mission was Count Mastiff instead of the First Princess, also out of special considerations in this regard.

At the New Testament Conference, Count Mastiff was confident and relied on the empire's powerful national power to firmly hold the initiative.

But Queen Meia is calm, calm, and tries her best to benefit Vanes in the entry. Her wisdom, talent, and queenly demeanor are quite admired by Mastiff.

Celia seemed to be writing notes on the table, recording the key points of the meeting, but in fact her mind had always been on Meia, and her eyes intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the head of the table many times.


The noble and supreme monarch who truly represents the face of a country is respected and loved by all people.

Although Queen Meia is still far from being the one she promised, and the Senate still restricts her power, she is the queen of the dark elves after all, and she already has the most basic and important identity.

"If I were in Meia's position, how should I reduce the power of the Senate?" Celia's thoughts couldn't help but wander a little.

"In order to demonstrate the friendly relations between our two countries, His Majesty the Emperor has specifically ordered the Imperial Academy of Delos to break its past rules and welcome young talents from Vanes to apply for admission." Count Mastiff proposed a new motion, this is Entries not found in the Old Testament.

However, Queen Meia immediately became very vigilant. A quick look at this proposal seemed to show Lyon's broad mind, his education in education, and his generous monarch's mind.

But for no reason, could he really have such good intentions?

Delos Imperial Academy, the full name should be Delos Imperial Royal Military Academy, formerly known as Delos Imperial Swordsmanship Academy.

The college was founded by Leon himself and has the most abundant educational resources in the empire, but its threshold is so high that people once ridiculed it as a noble college.

Because one of the thresholds is that he or his elders must be nobles with formal titles in the empire. This alone is enough to deter most people.

Later, due to certain needs, the threshold requirements were slightly lowered. Applicants must be official knights of the empire, and those who pass multiple examinations can also enroll.

Meia did not deny the value of the Royal Academy. The style there was elite education, and every enrollee was a proud son of heaven. After graduation, they would be enthusiastically recruited by major institutions and departments in the empire, and their status was in high demand.

Some people lamented that it was an incubation base for imperial nobles. As long as there were no problems after graduation and they made some outstanding achievements, they would have a good chance of obtaining the title of baron.

Nowadays, the Imperial Academy is willing to recruit students from Van Ness, which means to further deepen the cultural exchanges between the two countries, but a serious question has also arisen... Will the students studying there be fascinated by the prosperity of the empire? Eye?

If the empire takes the opportunity to make rich promises, the Kingdom of Vanness will lose one more point for every person who has a weak mind.

What's more, if there is harm done secretly...

Although her idea seemed a bit petty and not generous enough, Van Ness was already in a weak position and couldn't afford to deal with it.

"I admire your country's extraordinary magnanimity, but I don't know what its threshold requirements, accommodation fees, etc. are."

Meia thought quickly and considered many aspects before she was ready to agree.

If the empire really wants to recruit some dark elves to serve as moles, there is no need to focus on young students.

Moreover, the dark elves have now been forced out of the ground. Dark elves come in and out of the Dark City every day, and she cannot focus on all her people.

Worrying too much is tiring.

"It's like this. Our empire is vast and rich in resources. We don't care about some external possessions, but we have long admired the dark elves' magic and profound knowledge. Therefore, we would like to invite a few elders to serve as teachers in the academy, and at the same time, they can take care of each other with the students."

Count Mastiff finally revealed his true purpose. The empire wanted to invite dark elves with particularly outstanding magical talents to teach the students the secrets of magic at the Royal Academy.

Meia is really familiar with this kind of request. Many years ago, she intentionally sent a person with profound knowledge of magic to teach magic to the Principality of Belmare and consolidate the relationship between the two countries.

The Queen of the Principality, Skadi, also gladly accepted it and specially provided various policy supports, which temporarily eased the relationship between the dark elves and humans.

The magic savvy was named "Shalan". After the Age of Destruction broke out, she returned from the principality and opened a magic school of the same nature in the Dark City.

After calming down for a while, Queen Meia smiled and nodded, and said: "There is a magic school opened by our dark elves in the Dark City. All talented people are welcome to enroll. Of course, it is also open to your country."

A perfect counterattack, Mastiff was slightly surprised, and then nodded slightly.

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