Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,498 When people sit in the house, disaster comes from the sky

Queen Meia politely declined the proposal just now. Since the Imperial Royal Academy is open to Vanes, Shallan's magic school will also accept imperial students with magical talents.

We are complementary to each other and we do not owe each other anything.

It wasn't that she was overly cautious about this matter, as it seemed that several dark elves were reluctant to send it out, but that something happened in history that was reluctantly accepted by both parties and was not very pleasant.

The first is the well-known concept. Human beings have always been very poor in the mysteries of magic. Human beings who know magic are definitely one in ten thousand, very rare.

But the magic and powerful power of magic have always fascinated people. Regardless of whether they have the talent or not, it has triggered the crazy pursuit of countless people.

At that time, there was no "Delos Empire" in Arad, nor was there the Principality of Belmare. It was the Peruvian Empire that unified most of the continents, which had turned into a wisp of dust in history.

In the year 348 of Arad, the strongest assassin of the dark elves, Mistral Haleth, accidentally failed while robbing the royal family of the empire. He was captured by the Perus Empire and imprisoned in an underground prison. He was about to be executed on a certain day.

The then king of the dark elves, Holy Lord Aled, was very talented. After hearing the news, he immediately wrote a letter to the then king of Perous, "Farmelia IV", expressing his willingness to pay the price in exchange for Hareth.

The thing called the "price" was some precious magic books and several dark elf magic teachers who went to Vetalon to give magic lessons for a period of time.

It was not until that time that humans could truly claim to have mastered some of the mysteries of magic.

And before that, the power of magic has always been the specialty and exclusive property of elves and dark elves.

Although the elves are gentle and kind and willing to teach humans some life magic, humans are far from satisfying their thirst for magical power.

Powerful and terrifying damaging magic is what the Peruvian Empire needs most.

The reason why the Peruvian Empire was willing to exchange Hales and was extremely thirsty for the power of magic actually had something to do with Ozma of Chaos.

According to legend, Ozma was raised by elves since he was a child. He was gifted with magic and was very compatible with the elements. He could learn powerful and lethal magic from the life magic taught by various elves.

At the peak of the Peruvian Empire's glory, Ozma was also known as the most powerful magician in mankind, and could be called a legend.

However, due to a series of changes, Ozma turned black... and then the most embarrassing thing for the empire happened. Although the empire and the priests won the Dark Holy War with difficulty for a hundred years, the power of human magic was almost cut off.

There has never been a powerful human magician like Ozma.

Hundreds of years have passed, and several generations of life have changed, but no one can match the proud grace of Ozma at the time, as if it will become the final swan song.

Therefore, the empire urgently needs more magical mysteries and cultivates more powerful magicians in order to revive the country of Perus, which was severely weakened after the Dark Crusade.

Powerful magical power is now the most intimidating trump card of the Kingdom of Vanness. After all, how can magicians among humans compare to the dark elves who have accumulated over hundreds of years.

The empire allows talents from Van Ness to apply for the Royal Academy, and Van Ness also welcomes talents from the empire to study magic. The proposal for cultural exchanges has been vague.

Count Mastiff's face was calm, and he seemed not to be surprised at all. The Delos Empire has always conducted special research on magical power, and the results have been fruitful.

Through mysterious experiments, some people can have the power to control some magic. That group of experimental subjects was later named "Magic Fighters."

What the empire needs is not a few dark elf elders, but the magic knowledge in their heads. Originally, they planned to use Meia's mouth to trick a few elders into going to Vetalon.

Although the proposal was vague, the worst possible outcome was to dispatch an elite assassination team and capture a few qualified dark elves.

Mastiff glanced at the entry text recorded on the magic paper, and then said: "The empire is preparing to expand the port area at Dia Cape and achieve more prosperous exchanges with Vanes. However, due to the influence of the rapids zone, it has always been There are restrictions, so His Majesty the Emperor is willing to pay generous remuneration for the production technology of Magadha."

Dia Cape is a prosperous trade port in Delos, and it is very close to the northern territory of the Dark Elves. The width of the strait is only about a hundred miles.

However, because the strait between the two countries is affected by strong ocean currents, it is filled with fog all year round, the currents are turbulent, and there are hidden rocks. Even a skilled captain with more than ten years of experience cannot avoid the rapids area.

Therefore, in recent years, trade transportation between the two countries has basically involved driving ships around thousands of miles to reach Delk Bay in the west of Van Ness.

Otherwise, the dark elves would drive the flying tool Magadha and transport it from the air. However, due to problems such as load and freight, air transport has never been able to reach a large scale and is only used for rare and valuable items.

The production technology of Magadha has always been top secret. Even those Magadha purchased outside have magic seals in their core parts and cannot be disassembled for learning and reorganization.

Before Meia could refuse first, Count Mastiff said: "The empire is willing to spend one billion to purchase Magadha technology, and then use it to strengthen our trade exchanges. I hope Her Majesty the Queen will be enlightened."

One billion!

Isabella, who had been in a daze, also blinked and muttered that her father would be so generous. As for it, it seemed to be just a flying prop.

The price was generous and it was in the favor of the empire. Most people really didn't dare to disobey it. They would probably just do it as a favor and sell it.

However, Meia smiled and shook her head. Not to mention one billion, but even ten times ten billion, she would not be tempted at all. Although Magadha can be used by civilians in Vanes, it still has strong strategic significance. .

With the vast financial and material resources of the empire, if Mogado can be produced in batches, tens of thousands of Mogado will descend on major cities carrying ten times the number of people and weapons. It will be like a scene of divine soldiers descending from the sky, and there will definitely be no one left. Blockable.

She didn't believe that Count Mastiff didn't know the true meaning of Magadha, so she didn't need to verbally refuse to offend the empire. A gentle shake of her head was enough to express her position.

First the secret of magic, and then the flying Magadha. There are so many things that the empire desperately wants. It seems like a new treaty to maintain peace on the surface, but in fact it is secretly greedy.

"Two billion!" Count Mastiff calmly and calmly raised the offer. He seemed not to have noticed Meia's hint just now. He said with a sincere attitude: "The popularization of Magadha is beneficial to our Trade exchanges are beneficial to both of us and are a win-win situation."


In other words, if we can't reach an agreement, a win-win situation will turn into a loss for both parties.

The empire will next impose trade sanctions on Van Ness. Her Majesty the Queen please consider the consequences carefully.

It has only been seven years since Vanes floated on the surface, and Bellemare, which used to be adjacent to it, unfortunately perished, so many aspects of the industry have not yet formed their own strength.

Life is not just about having firewood, rice, oil and salt. Many fine tools, handicrafts, etc. need to be transported from the empire.

"Also, the Delos Empire hopes to set up a special office in Delk Bay to manage cargo ships from Delos. I hope Her Majesty the Queen can give permission."

"The Black Nightmare is also related to the safety of the Arad continent. His Majesty Lyon has the world in his heart and has boundless love. He heard that nightmares have appeared on the floating islands near the Dark City, so he is willing to provide the support of the Iron Wolf Knights to Vanes."

Count Mastiff continued one after another, speaking out the New Testament items that seemed reasonable but were actually ambitious.

It's not like he's asking for advice, it's more like a paraphrase, a flat declarative tone.


Such a fraternity has no bounds, but he just said the words "under the whole world, could it be Wang Tu" directly. Meiya's pretty face turned cold and her heart was full of anger.

"If the black nightmare spreads and rages in the Drifting Cave, it will affect the safety of millions of residents in the Dark City. Her Majesty, you must be cautious."

Mastiff suddenly had something to say, and the topic he talked about was very sensitive and powerful. Once the black nightmare of the Drift Cave cannot be dealt with and affects millions of residents, Queen Meia will immediately become the "sinner" of the dark elves. !

But now the empire is willing to share this risk. After all, it is all for the peace of Arad continent~

Meia, who originally thought that the Delos Empire just wanted to take advantage of the New Contract, suddenly smelled something called "conspiracy".

"We, Van Ness, are also part of the Arad continent. Of course, we will do our best to eliminate the black nightmare." Meia calmed down and tactfully tactfully expressed her confidence in Van Ness.

What's the difference between letting the empire's knights stationed in the capital Dark City and surrendering the Kingdom of Vanness to others?

As for the special office in Delk Bay, it is not impossible, but it needs to limit the number of people on the other side and know the specific origin.

Otherwise, only a ghost would believe a team of tall, thick men with scars and cold breaths claiming that they work as port civilians.

But suddenly, Meia felt an uneasy feeling spreading in her heart. She wanted to end the meeting immediately. She urgently wanted to know what changes had happened in Dark City when she was not there.

However, Count Mastiff suddenly looked sharp and aggressive, asking Meia to give a corresponding reply to the proposal just now.

"Dong dong~"

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the conference room. The crisp sound directly interrupted this critical meeting, but it also gave Meia a moment of respite and some time to think.

"Come in." She said quickly.

Immediately, a dark elf and an imperial emissary were wary of each other and felt strange. They walked in one after another, and then handed a note to the heads of each family in a secretive manner.

"The dwarf king Augustus is resurrected. The bard Alice predicts that disaster will befall the Dark City. Elder Shaplen personally attacks Augustus." This is Mea's note.

"The garrison of Hedunmar was besieged by the Namlun race. The centurion made a mistake and the entire army was destroyed! The missing Queen Skadi of the principality appeared. She was supported by a mysterious strong man. The principality of Bellemare is being rebuilt!" This is! The note in Count Mastiff's hand.

"What's going on?" Both of them felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

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