Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1505 Venus and I are innocent

"What year is it today?"

Among the churning mist, someone asked a question loudly, with a bold and unruly meaning, as if coming from unknown ancient times, blurring the era.

He originally didn't think anyone could answer here. He was just expressing his emotions after his resurrection, but he never expected that someone would suddenly reply: "Things have changed, things have changed, and people have changed. It's already... a thousand years later."

"Really? Hahahaha, a thousand years, a thousand years! Venus, you are still so jealous and refuse to let us go."

The man's laughter was soaring to the sky, deafening, but he could not conceal a majestic anger, and his endless killing intent surged fiercely, like frost on the cold moon, quickly passing over the entire floating island.

The terrifying monsters that had been mysteriously resurrected before were now all surprised. They fled and hid in various ways. The golden scorpion that Feng Ying was thinking about quickly dug a hole in the ground with its two beautiful pincers and buried itself. stand up.

Boom, boom...

The sound of footsteps was like the dull beat of a cowhide drum. The fog was pushed aside, and a proud and unyielding knight came slowly, riding a handsome unicorn.

He wears a slim-fitting silver-blue armor, and has long blond hair in a free and uninhibited style. He has a handsome face and his skin color is not dull, but a fair complexion. However, because he is the resurrection of the dead, there is still a layer of dark gray. .

The number one hero of the Dark Elves, Elf Knight Rommel!

Since the Dark Elf was cursed, Rommel was the only one to restore the original appearance of the Elf. It was because Venus thought of his supreme bravery after his death that she gave him a trace of mercy.

"We are back, and she will be no exception. Now we meet for the second time by chance. Aragorn, what do you think?"

Rommel raised his arm and raised his knight's spear high, condensing a wind-sweeping momentum, and suddenly pointed diagonally at the earth. The next second, the deep soil and remaining temples all exploded.

In the deepest part of the floating island, there was an illusory figure in a gorgeous robe. He lowered his head and bound his limbs with chains. There was a bright purple ball of light floating above his head, exuding a strong curse. Yuena even felt a little... Discomfort.

After hearing the questioning voice, the illusive figure slowly raised his head, and his gradually solidified face had the handsomeness of a mature man. He smiled lightly and said: "If everything comes back, then I will not forgive the person who ruthlessly abandoned you! "

He violently moved his arms to break free from the shackles of the chains, and then he braved the curse of Venus above his head and walked to the surface of the floating island with extraordinary grace, without showing a trace of pain in the process.

"All dimensions, all dark elves, no one is spared. I am very surprised. What belief is supporting that crazy woman?" Rommel laughed. Although he was dead, it was not bad to see his old friends. .

"Just ask her later, if she still has sense." Aragorn responded, and then adjusted his state.

"Haha, keep pricking her sore spots, I like it." Rommel continued to laugh, then suddenly turned his head, stared at a fog, and shouted: "Augustus! What a person and person back then, there was really no one like him. fall."

"No, there are still two people left." There was no emotion in the voice of Augustus, the first king of the dwarves.

Except that Aragorn's own soul was tortured forever because he killed the person who betrayed him, unable to live or die.

Augustus was the one who was most severely cursed by Venus. The bright and charming gold in the gold mine strongly aroused the insatiable greed in the hearts of the dwarves, but every gram of gold carried an extremely painful feeling. curse.

The entire floating island is covered by a thick white fog, which is getting thicker and thicker. The visual distance is no more than a few meters away. When viewed from a distance, beautiful silky white clouds hang down from the floating island, making it look like a fairyland in the sky.


The sound of extremely sour teeth came from the thick fog, and a huge skeletal dragon stepped majestically. White thunder and lightning surrounded its bones, its back was spiked, its eye sockets were hollow, and every inch of its bones was filled with powerful thunder and lightning energy.

"That's Karloff, one of Venus's creations, the Dragon of Bones." Ye Lin said, and the other party was also walking aimlessly in a daze.


The angry roars that resounded throughout the world, and the howling and violent air currents, dispersed the thick clouds in the sky. The eardrums of Ye Lin and others were instantly numb and bulging from the shock. The residents far away in the Dark City also looked up, momentarily surprised and suspicious. Uncertain, anxious.

Could it be that the immortal dragon was resurrected?

Astra, in her mini form, stared at the dense fog with great interest. The scales on her body began to glow with a light that was about to become larger. The apex predator's momentum refused to give in and was eager to try.

The roar of the evil dragon has not affected this floating island. The sudden sound of the dragon comes from the swamp dragon Krasus. It is one of the natural enemies of the dark elves. It once lived in the dark mud of the underground cave. He was extremely cunning and insidious, but he was eventually killed by Rommel.

Krasus is not the creation of Dragon King Bakar. He is a native dragon tribe born in the continent of Arad. His back is covered with sharp and thick blue bone spurs. However, he cannot fly without dragon wings, so he looks more like a dragon than a giant dragon. Some are lizards.

"It's not urgent yet, let's wait a little longer." Sophie hugged the dragon and its blood began to boil again. Astra, who had a warlike personality, stuffed a fragrant fried chicken leg into its mouth.

People from the past, events from the past, reunited by chance, several parties involved in the past will definitely make big moves.

"We have nothing to do with Venus now. It is indeed not a wise move to directly offend the wrath of God." Siatt carefully analyzed the situation at hand. Although Venus herself has fallen and her power has declined, she is after all an ancient God, there is nothing wrong with being more cautious.

"Uh, cough..." Ye Lin scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed, and said, "Well, I think I had a little disagreement with Venus."

They were stunned when they heard this, then turned their heads in surprise, silently watching with subtle eyes, when did this guy get into trouble with Venus?

"It was about a year ago. I also went to the temple underground in the main dimension. I went with Alicia at the time. There was a blood-red door underground, guarded by a bone dragon, leading to a secret realm..."

"Get to the point!" Siatt interrupted, rolling her eyes at him angrily.

At that time, he probably didn't have the power of Taichu yet, so he probably dared to offend the ancient gods because he had Naiyali's backing.

"I have seen the real statue of Venus. She is indeed stunningly beautiful. Then I accidentally broke both of her arms."

"Boss, you were careless? Really?" Mo Mei still doesn't know her boss. She accidentally broke one of her arms and still can barely understand that two of them~

"I did it on purpose, Mo Mei, what do you think? The beauty goddess Venus is flawless from top to bottom, every inch of her skin is impeccable, eye-catching and intoxicating, but if I break off a pair of arms, everyone can It’s easier to focus on the stunning beauty of the beauty.”

He stood confidently and put his hands on his hips. Not only did he not feel scared, but he looked like he was asking for credit.

"What about the arm?" Siatt suddenly asked.

"At this."

Ye Lin took out two arms that were warm and jade-white. They were so lifelike that they were startling to look at, but they did feel like some kind of hard jade material, not normal soft skin.


"Hey, you bunch of thorny roses, Venus and I are innocent! I really didn't do anything like that to her statue."

Ye Lin was politely "invited" out of the mind mask. He actually broke off the arms of the real statue of Venus and put them away.

There is reason to suspect that he is secretly hiding the real statue of the Goddess of Beauty and then doing evil things.

With Venus' extremely petty character, she would definitely remember this incident for hundreds or even thousands of years, and then come to him to settle the score.

Ye Lin scratched his hair helplessly, complained a few words of dissatisfaction, and then deliberately walked away from the Nian Qi Mask. After he remembered what happened to his arm, he actually planned to stay away from them first to see Weiner. How will Si react?

Suddenly, Ye Lin's pace slowed down, and someone was crying in the mist, sobbing and whimpering intermittently, as if he could not catch his breath due to excessive sadness.

"Really, I'm fed up with the fog that covers my eyes." Ye Lin frowned slightly, raised his palm, and swiped in a random direction.

As if the world had changed, the fog covering the entire floating island dissipated instantly, and the world returned to the clear sky, clean and refreshed.

Not far ahead, behind a huge stone, there was a choking and crying voice. It was very weak and helpless, like a child who ran away in anger after an argument with his parents and wandered into the forest.

A piece of black lace skirt with fluttering material was exposed at the edge, and a dazzling golden hair lay on the trembling shoulders. Judging from these features, it should be the dress of a girl.

Ye Lin did not let down his guard at all. Every one of the people who appeared on this floating island had a big background, and they were by no means just ordinary people.

The mysterious girl is leaning on a stone and sitting on her knees. She has slim body and limbs. She is wearing a Lolita-style lace black dress. She has very beautiful and thick golden hair, with a cute rabbit tied on her head. Ear ribbons.

A pair of big eyes were like the brightest amber gems in the world, but at this moment they were filled with crystal clear and sad tears, which couldn't help but slide down her pretty face.

She is a cute and cute girl like a doll, but her skin is a deep dark color, which is quite incompatible with her beautiful golden hair.

"Yes...I'm sorry, everyone...I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's Laidiya's fault. I didn't expect that it would turn out like this..."

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