Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1506: My waist is about to break

The sad and crying girl, the crystal tears slid down her delicate cheeks, like the broken rain in the sky.

Her cheeks were stained with tears, and the dark skin of the dark elves could not cover up her pretty and delicate appearance. She must have been the fair skin of the elves in the past, and she must have been the beloved little princess of the tribe.

Ye Lin, who had almost guessed the other party's identity, had complicated eyes, which turned into an unbearable sigh and a hint of pity.

Augustus, who was cursed because of his greed for gold and wealth, Aragorn, who killed Naxos and caused his soul to become immortal, and Rommel, who completed the trial and died angrily after being betrayed by Venus.

Even Nakosos, the only scumbag in history who dared to cheat on the goddess of beauty.

Their deaths, as well as their series of subsequent outcomes, are all determined by cause and effect. Those who live are clear, and those who die are also clear.

However, as for the heartbroken elf girl Letia in front of her, she was completely innocent and very confused at first.

Just because she fell in love with a human boy without her knowledge, the race behind her was implicated, and an evil curse was cast down by the jealous heart of the God of Beauty.

The originally fair and shiny skin turned dark and dark, and the beautiful hair began to turn gray. They used to love bathing in the sun, but now they are stung to tears.

The most sad and heartbreaking thing is that after Letia turned into an "ugly" dark elf, the lover who had sweetly talked to her before and made a promise immediately abandoned her, showing no mercy.

What vows of eternal love, what love is stronger than gold, it's all a joke from beginning to end, a heart-wrenching joke.

After losing her first love, the curse implicated the clan, Letia finally died of depression in an extremely sad state, without any smile on her face.

Now being resurrected is not a cause for celebration for her. Instead, she bursts into tears because she recalls all the sad past events.

"Everyone will come back, without exception. Why don't you ask him clearly?" Ye Lin beside him couldn't help but interrupt, which also made the sad and crying Letiya's eyes slowly focus.

"I...I don't know..." Letia lowered her head, looking sad, like a poor child abandoned by the world.

She didn't know everything that happened afterwards, what was the future of the dark elves, what happened to Lord Aragorn, where was the betrayed Nakossos, and so on.

"They are preparing for the last fight against Venus. You are innocent and bright. Let's go and see together." He carefully wiped the crystal tears on Laetia's cheeks with a handkerchief, but no matter how he wiped them, the tears would remain uncontrollably. flow down.

My heart is knotted and my tears are dry.

"Who are you?" Letia finally had some other thoughts besides sadness.

"Me." Ye Lin smiled lightly and said, "In terms of seniority, you are still my elder, and I fell in love with one of your juniors."

"No, no, you are human and we are elves."

Probably influenced by the incident that year, Letia had an instinctive resistance and worry about intermarriage between two different races.

"Love is sublime and great. Even if the seas and rocks die, and the earth changes, it can't stop our love from being strong." Ye Lin sighed secretly, but it was a pity that the two Meiyas were not here. Otherwise, this scene would definitely move them. There was an uproar, and then the queen took the opportunity to double her fun.

After being silent to him for a while, Laetia lowered her head and murmured with a bitter smile: "Back then, a person also said these words to me. It sounded very charming, but he was a liar."

The dense fog on the floating island is swept away by the night forest, and the field of vision becomes wider. You can look up at the white clouds and look down at the earth.

The golden mind shield that Mo Mei worked hard to build was also particularly conspicuous at this moment, and the resurrected Rommel and other beings cast strange looks.

It's interesting that someone can withstand the curse of Venus.

"Hey, hey, I'm back." Ye Lin smiled and waved, taking the thin and slender Laidiya back to the mind mask, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Siatt looked at him quietly for a few times, then poked him with her finger without leaving any mark, and asked in a low voice what was going on.

You just went out to investigate the situation and took a walk, but why did you come back with a pretty Loli girl in the blink of an eye?

Although everyone knows that you are a peach blossom tree with brilliant pink petals all over your body, this is too exaggerated, you are the queen of all females.

"She is Letia, the legendary elf girl."

They were a little lazy at first and had nothing to do. They immediately cheered up and quickly gathered around Letia to inquire about her health, caring about her physical condition, whether she wanted to eat or drink, and whether she was cold or not.

As if in the blink of an eye, she became everyone's sister.

The subtle resonance of emotions between the girls, coupled with the poignant love story, has long been familiar to them, so they all sympathize with Letia, who obviously did nothing wrong but suffered a heavy price.

She is really just a very simple girl who longs for love.

Yuena, who liked the love poems written by Pipiman and was very emotional and easy to move, rubbed the corners of her slightly red eyes, choked up a little, and muttered: "It's so scumbag, unforgivable!"

"I agree." Sophie nodded with deep understanding, then glared at a certain scumbag and hummed: "Anyone who has two legs should be made into fried food."

"What a blessing." Ye Lin hurriedly patted his chest, seemingly frightened, and said happily: "Only those from two boats should be fried, and I am no longer two."

A black line of anger appeared on Sophie's forehead. She was angry, proud, and confident.

She directly raised her round and tight legs, and with a precise kick, she kicked the shameless man several hundred meters away.

Ye Lin came back in a flash and patted away the footprints on his waist. As if nothing was wrong, he touched the tight thighs wrapped in leather pants with his trembling paws. He couldn't put it down and continued to discuss the problem of leg strength with Sophie.

"Sophie, your legs are very strong and your shape is very beautiful, but your skills are average. Come to my room tonight and I will give you a private lesson."

"Oh, why didn't you remember last night?" Sophie raised a faint sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, raised a slender white middle finger at him, almost piercing her nostril, and said scornfully without mercy at all: "Yes. Who keeps saying that his waist is going to be broken, his waist is going to be broken?”

Sophie, who has always lived by fighting, is a level stronger than Tana in terms of strength, which Wei Wei can't bear.


"I didn't expect that you would have the courage to face God directly."

The voice came from nowhere, a female voice, slightly hoarse, and the words were filled with a strong sense of arrogance.

Although the other party has not shown up yet, it can be clearly noticed that this person is looking at them through his nostrils and disdainful of the scene.

They felt that this was a gathering of pitiful ants, and they actually tried to join forces to take revenge on the gods.

"Vicious woman, you secretly exchanged my tears, and you still dare to claim to be a god! Haha." Rommel laughed angrily, and no longer had the respectful attitude of the past, pointing his spear into the sky.

After the dark elf was cursed, he found Venus, the goddess of beauty, and accepted seven trials. After completion, the elves can return to their original appearance.

One of the most difficult trials is called "Tears of the Heavenly Curtain Beast". It is said that the true tears of the Heavenly Curtain Beast will only flow once every thousand years. Even with the long lifespan of the dark elves, they can't afford to wait.

But Rommel was lucky and obtained the materials needed for this trial.

Afterwards, as is widely known, Venus went back on her word and did not lift the curse.

However, God's true words and promises cannot be violated at will, including herself, otherwise she will suffer a stronger curse of corruption.

Therefore, Venus slipped the tears of the Heavenly Curtain Beast, causing the trial to fail. Rommel eventually died of grief and anger due to excessive injuries.

"Every time you place a curse on the dark elves, your own corruption will become more serious. Venus, let's stop." Aragorn wanted to solve it through peaceful methods.

More than a thousand years of torture, whether it is for the Dark Elves or Venus, is the same.

"Shut up! Aragorn, you still dare to speak." The voice suddenly became sharp, and his emotions fluctuated violently.

"Hey~ Her voice is so scary." Mailu held rice cakes in her arms, full of disgust for Venus.

Lord Nimer, the God of Wisdom, is very gentle and kind, and her voice sounds warm and clean. Being able to drink a pot of afternoon tea and chat with her is an auditory pleasure.

Venus, who is still jealous, has a voice that sounds like... He-Man who didn't know how to sing before, but insists on singing.

"Ah sneeze!"

Ximan suddenly sneezed, rubbed his small nose, and muttered: "Is Xu Zu too cold?"

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