Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1507: Ghost Swordsmanship·Venus Style!

Although Venus has not yet revealed her true face, her majesty and the resentment of a menopausal woman have been overwhelmingly suppressed.

It is reasonable for Rommel and others to be furious, and there is a reason for the incident, but now, she, the "violator", is even more angry.

"My understanding is that a stingy woman saw a dollar on the street, but another passerby picked it up first. She was so angry that she killed him with a kitchen knife, and kept saying that she was the first to do so. I saw it." Feng Ying used this metaphor to explain, and when she thought about it carefully, it was surprisingly vivid.

It sounds ridiculous to be fierce, but it actually means completely unreasonable.

Ye Lin immediately praised Feng Ying's intelligence and gave him kind words. Then he smoothed his hair and said coolly: "I've seen that Naxos, and he's not even worse than me, Venus." I admire you for your sharp eyes. "

"Tsk~ Shameless."

All the girls gave him the same middle finger, and Mi Gao, who had always been his best friend, also tried hard to lift a front hoof in Mai Lu's arms. It had no fingers, which was used to express contempt.

"Ahem, the show is about to begin!" Ye Lin didn't feel any shame at all. He stretched out his hand and condensed an elemental war spear. It was a seven-color brilliance with a vast ancient meaning and a hint of the beginning.

Venus, the goddess of beauty, hides like a cockroach. If it continues to be delayed, it will be very detrimental to Rommel and other resurrected people.

He originally intended to use Derich's resurrection plague to severely damage or even eliminate the immortal curse that haunted the dark elves.

"You, come out!" He shouted loudly, and the thunderbolt shook the sky. The elemental war spear was like a stream of light from the sky, attacking a seemingly empty space in the sky.

The bright light completely shattered the space, and large pieces of material like mirror fragments peeled off. Immediately, the whole world began to distort. Mysterious ripples appeared in the air, and invisible forces were spreading.

"That is the true realm of the beauty goddess Venus." Yuena's cross and holy book were glowing, and the divine power filled the air, shielding the realm of God that suddenly came.

The God of Beauty is actually a general concept for all beautiful things. The beauty of appearance, the beauty of material, the beauty of scenery... are all the purest and clearest manifestations.

The realm of truth does not allow any falsehood to exist.

However, the realm that should have been real and beautiful is now glowing with an evil dark red light, as if a huge eye slowly opens in the sky, staring at all the people on the vast land.

The entire sky was dyed dark red, which was a strong curse that made one feel very uncomfortable and nauseated just by looking at it.

Yelin's first full-strength attack in the mirror dimension revealed the location of Venus's body.

In the deepest part of the Real Realm, as if at the core of the storm vortex, there is a deep dark red human-shaped light, where the curse is so rich that it is almost substantial, tightly wrapped around the embodiment of a great god like an insect's cocoon.

"It's you! I remember you, the guy who dared to blaspheme my statue!" Venus's voice was even shriller, and it stung her eardrums. There was no trace of the beauty that a beauty should have.

"What do you mean?" Ye Lin raised his arms like warm white jade carelessly, and then with a thought, he grabbed two snow-white wrists and danced Venus's arms like a tiger, and he also had swordsmanship moves.

Oni swordsmanship (Venus style)!

Is he out of his mind? !

Siatt held her forehead and was speechless, embarrassed for him, blushing, and wanted to kick the guy, but as the rich cursed substance in the Realm of Reality flickered darker red, she immediately understood.

Exciting general method!

Although it is a very common and low-level move that everyone can use, it is often very effective, especially if the target is Venus, a woman with a heart as sharp as a needle's eye, so it is even more effective with half the effort.

Sure enough, Venus was so angry that she wanted to eat his flesh and blood alive. She raised her hand and shook it like a punishment. Billions of dark red cursed thorns were like a heavy rain from the sky, covering the entire floating island.

"As expected of you, Venus." The unrestrained Rommel laughed loudly. He first faced Ye Lin and patted the plate armor on his chest. This is the etiquette and virtue of a knight.

Then he raised the knight's spear high in his hand, rode the unicorn Eunyosis, and shattered a large piece of the cursed thorn with one blow.

Rommel's eyes ignited with blazing red flames, and his burly figure became a little illusory, distorted, and a little unreal, as if he could disappear from here at any time.

He boiled all his power, including the resurrected soul source, because only in this way could there be any chance of hurting and touching Venus.

More than a thousand years have been verified, and Venus's small-mindedness has really not changed at all. The seven great trials, the lifting of the curse and reconciliation, are all ridiculous scams, just like a stone-bone beast. Evolving into an apostle is just as ridiculous.

"Our humble body contains true dignity. The enemy who blocks our progress will fall into eternal despair. My spear is engraved with my anger, my soul, and my immortal fighting spirit!"

A pair of beautiful white wings sprouted from both sides of Eunyosis's ribs, stepping lightly into the void, carrying Rommel towards the real realm of the dark red sky with an indomitable and determined spirit.

"For the glory of the dark elves, for the curse of Venus!"

Rommel bloomed with his last brilliance, turned into an immortal arrow that pierced the sky, climbed all the way to the sky, and faced the core of the crimson field.

The light was so dazzling, like the holy sun, that Ye Lin and others had to temporarily close their eyes and turn their heads to avoid it.

A strong wind suddenly exploded and roared, as if a ray of unwilling consciousness slowly dissipated.


Only half of the tip of Rommel's spear fell and hit the rock.

"Lord Rommel!" Letia's tears were like broken raindrops, overflowing with sadness, and her little hands were unable to grasp the sky.

Why did the dark elves suffer so much? Why was the goddess so jealous?

"Don't think it's so easy to be free and easy!" Venus grabbed the void and condensed some broken spiritual light: "I want you to be like Aragorn, unable to live or die."

Although Hiatt and others have long been familiar with Rommel's story, but now they have seen with their own eyes that he gave up everything again and could only curse Venus, but they are still affected by his heroic spirit.

Life will eventually dissipate, but this will will definitely be passed down forever.

Aragorn closed his eyes silently, remembering the greatest hero of the dark elves. When he opened his eyes again, he also ignited and boiled the origin of his soul.

Everything that happened now was an accident. If he could do something more for the dark elves, he would be worthy of the glorious name of "Lord of the Holy Spirit".

"My will, my choice, and my ending are all without regrets. Venus, even if you give me billions of choices, I will kill the person who betrays me."

Aragorn was majestic and climbed the ladder to the sky. He wore a gentle smile, and even though his soul turned into cracked porcelain halfway, he did not stop heading towards the core of the Realm of Reality.

"Aragorn, you cannot die before you break the neck of the last dark elf!" Venus mocked, shattering the soul of the Lord of the Holy Spirit, and then condensing it again.

"It's useless." Siatt's eyes showed a look of intolerance, and he sacrificed his life twice in succession, but Venus did not seem to be affected in any way.

"It works. The curse on Venus is strengthening." Yuena is very sensitive to changes in breath.

Venus wantonly cursed the Dark Elf, which also caused her to be affected by jealousy, her power was corrupted, and her pure and flawless body was covered with ugly red patches, just like a natural birthmark.

"Is it over here?" Gu Yu gripped the dagger with her fingers so hard that her knuckles turned white. She was a dark elf, so she felt particularly deeply about the scene where her ancestors had sacrificed their lives just now.

"Ashamed." Someone suddenly sighed. The first dwarf king, Augustus, looked up to the sky with mixed emotions. He thought Aragon and Rommel would kill him a second time, but they didn't.

"Through informing and coveting gold wealth, although the dwarf kingdom prospered for a time, it was short-lived in the end, but the curse of gold will last for thousands of years."

Augustus hesitated on the spot for a long time, and finally soared into the sky with his evil axe.

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