Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1509 It’s not waterproof today

Nyari controls everything in the hell dimension. She communicates with multiple parallel dimensions with her infinite divine power. Just like all rivers returning to the sea, the entire universe also has its source.

All "Aragon" and "Rommel" will arrive in the mirror dimension, and this place can now be called...the place where the heroes return!

This determination to avenge Venus, the ancient heroes of the Dark Elves who woke up from their sleep, are so unanimous and unwavering, how can it not be deeply moving?

"Hahahaha, it turns out there is still a chance. My fighting spirit is immortal, and I have been silent for thousands of years just to curse Venus." A heroic laugh resounded through the sky, and in the distant sky, a blue meteor pierced the sky and came towards it, vigorous and vigorous The handsome Eunyosis landed steadily on the floating island in the sky.

The other Rommel was heroic, full of fighting spirit, pointing his spear disrespectfully at the God of Heaven.

He will no longer fear the majesty of the gods. The true glory of Venus has fallen to the mortal world with his jealous heart.

As Rommel stepped into the "Realm of Reality", his body began to become illusory and flicker, as if he would completely disappear from this world at any time. He was originally buried in the past years, but now resurrected, he is half a false person. body.

"Again! Euonysis, my mate, kill!"

Rommel raised his head to the sky and screamed, tightened the reins of Eunyosis in his hand, condensed his immortal fighting spirit with his spear, and conquered the sky without fear, moving forward indomitably, hitting the real realm of Venus.

"Actually, a question has been lingering in my mind, and you should have noticed it." Ye Lin looked up at the "red cocoon" with a solemn expression, and did not make any excuses. He was very puzzled and said: "As long as dark elves exist in the dimension, they will definitely exist. The first monarch, Aragon, seven trials, Rommel, of course, including~"

He silently looked at the tearful and grief-stricken Letia. It goes without saying that there must be multiple Letias and multiple Naxos.

The birth of the parallel dimension came from the beginning of ancient times. After the Battle of God Terra, Caroso tried to recall all his scattered and wandering embodiments at once. The huge power produced irregular turmoil, and the long river of time branched into many tributaries.

Then, due to the influence of certain events and choices, the development of these dimensions gradually followed a fixed track, each heading towards a completely different future, and many different flowers bloomed.

Forbidden Heaven, Land of Demons, Beautiful World, Planet of Chaos...etc.

However, Venus is the great deity in charge of the concept of "beauty". She is the only existence in countless middle dimensions, so she should have a transcendent status and be very sacred.

Her eyes can look across multiple parallel dimensions at will, overlooking all living beings on the earth. In other words, a world where dark elves were born due to the "Narcossus Incident" should theoretically not affect all dimensions.

But now Ye Lin is completely sure that the "Nakossos Incident" occurred in both the main dimension and the mirror dimension, and then the beauty goddess Venus cursed the dark elves with her strong menopausal resentment.

The "Narcossus Incident" happened in all dimensions, which means that Venus did not curse a dark elf and affected all dimensions.

Otherwise, the situation should be that Venus cursed an elf in the main dimension, and then the elves in other dimensions also mysteriously mutated, but for no apparent reason, it became an eternal mystery.

Another way to explain it is that if he goes to Vetalun now and chops up the Emperor Leon in the mirror dimension and feeds it to the dogs, it will not affect Leon in the main dimension at all.

What is affected should be the subsequent future development.

Siatt and the others also nodded their chins in thought, but for a moment they really couldn't figure out the reasons behind Venus's weird, extreme, and jealous behaviors.

However, upon careful consideration, these things seemed absurd and bizarre, but once they came into contact with the jealous Venus, everyone felt that they were not surprised.

"Probably just like we did before, when we encounter bad things that we don't understand, just blame it on Held and let her take the blame." Feng Ying complained, and everyone immediately nodded in agreement, as if That makes sense.

"Niyali, do you know?" Ye Lin patted the delicate calves at his waist. The invincible beautiful girl kept lying behind him, as lazy as a cat.

"How can I know this? Maybe you can ask Xiaodou? She can open the time node and see what Venus was thinking at that time. Maybe she was kicked by Eunyosis?" Nyari muttered. , made a cold joke.

Although it sounds like a method, Xiaodou probably won't do it either. Venus in that era was at its peak and powerful, a true ancient god, and her every move was filled with the majesty of a god.

Naiyali frowned slightly again, jumped down dissatisfied, a rosy blush appeared on her pretty and elastic face, kicked Ye Lin in the side after landing, and raised her middle finger while humming.

His paws are always massaging restlessly, eating tofu in the open and secretly. Really, today's band-aid is not waterproof, what if it falls off.

"Your Majesty Aragorn!" Ye Lin bowed slightly in greeting. The elegant and graceful soul in front of him came from Vanes in the main dimension and was also his nominal "grandfather".

For him, in terms of seniority, Aragon and Bishop Magello are of the same generation, although they are thousands of years apart...

"Our curse started from humans, but unexpectedly, it will end with humans." It is not difficult to hear the strong gratitude and sigh in Aragorn's tone. This jealous curse of the goddess is too cruel and too long to bear on the dark elves. .

In fact, the current atmosphere among the dark elves is that although they still hate Venus, they have no expectations or illusions about whether they can take revenge on Venus.

As long as they can think of ways to reduce the effects of the clan curse, it will be a huge thank you to the dark elves and a huge surprise.

It's not that these younger generations have failed to live up to expectations and lost their passionate fighting spirit, but that they can't find a target for revenge, which has lasted for a long time and evolved into a gradual numbness.

For example, just now, if Ye Lin hadn't made an insight, shattered Venus' disguise, and revealed the realm of reality, the resurrected Rommel and Aragorn could only roar and sigh, but they had no choice but to slowly rot into the ground again.

Not afraid of dying again, but afraid of a worthless death. Kong Liu was filled with anger and regret, turning into a mirror.

"You're so complimentary, I'm just giving it a try." Ye Lin's attitude was very respectful.

Although he is already halfway to the Supreme Being and is extremely noble, he is still a well-behaved son and grandson in front of his father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather and others...

"Lord Aragorn, I'm sorry." Letia choked with tears. Everything that happened to the Dark Elf was because of her love with the human boy.

"Laydia, we have never blamed you." Aragorn knelt down, a soft smile appeared on his strong and handsome face. He wanted to hug this poor and wronged child.

However, because he was in a spiritual state, he could not give Lydia substantial and gentle comfort. He could only consolidate his soul power a little and wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"No matter how many times I am given the choice, I will not hesitate to kill the person who betrayed me. Letia, we have never complained about you."

Nakosos fell passionately in love with the beautiful elf girl, and immediately left her heartlessly after she turned into an "ugly" dark elf, causing Laidia to bear the blame for the degradation of her tribe and die in depression.

As a witness to the original incident, Aragorn had never been very fond of humans. However, as a monarch, he had a wise and wise demeanor. After learning that Meia was also in love with humans, he chose to wait and see for the time being.

Ye Lin also lived up to his expectations, growing to a point that surprised him, and even helped the dark elf break through Venus' disguise.

He was really satisfied with this human grandson-in-law.

Today he has another chance to conquer Venus and vent his anger. Even if his soul falls to the bottom of hell forever, he will have no regrets.

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