Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,510 It’s not too much to kowtow to everyone.

Letia, the elf girl who watched her race suffer and fall because of her unfeeling lover, and the first generation king of Nakossos who was fearless, wise and wise.

Now, after so many years have passed, I am reunited with sadness. The years, people, and even the heaven and earth around me are all completely different, and I no longer recognize them.

Siatt and the others watched silently without making a sound, for fear of disturbing the bitter encounter at this moment. Yuena, who was particularly emotionally sensitive, had twinkling eyes.

Because of the "Narcosus Incident", the word scumbag is inevitably mentioned frequently, and it also implies a shameless person intentionally or unintentionally.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm different from Nakossos." Ye Lin spread his hands and seemed innocent, then quickly came to Gu Yu's side, wiping oil from top to bottom along his waist and thighs, and said with satisfaction. :

“When I was young, I didn’t know that dark skin was good, and I mistakenly regarded fair skin as a treasure. I felt that the skin color of dark elves was very interesting, full of lust and aura, especially because their bodies are very flexible and can perform many difficult movements. "

"Get out!"

Gu Yu was ashamed and angry, and couldn't help but have an evil look on her face. She grabbed Ye Lin's shoulder and threw her over her shoulder.

One blue meteor after another bravely crashed into the Realm of Reality, the curse aura became more and more intense, and one after another tall and elegant figures slowly climbed up into the sky and disappeared in the dazzling red light.

Using the dead souls in exchange for Venus' own curse to be aggravated, they laughed and were shocked, full of freedom and heroism.

The thin thread strangling the neck is slowly tightening, and the representation of Venus is tightly entangled, unable to break free in the quagmire.

The jealous heart of Venus placed a curse on the Dark Elf, causing her to become a cocoon herself, but not every silk cocoon that binds has the future of breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

She has fallen deeper and deeper, and has tasted the bitter fruits she has sown.

Siatt first glanced at the fallen beauty god in the sky, then glanced at Ye Lin who was dusting himself off, and said lightly: "Suddenly, I felt that it wouldn't be too much for you to kneel down and kowtow to us to thank you for not killing. "

Ye Lin nodded angrily in approval, lowered his eyebrows and whispered softly: "Don't we often kneel down and communicate with each other~"

"Shameless, shut up!" Siatt's pretty face froze and she glared at him fiercely.

"Dear Liao, even if you become as thin as a hairtail, I will still love you~"

They are obviously earthy love words, but when I hear them, I want to hit them more and more.


"You are so arrogant! You are just ants, do you want to defeat me just like this?" Venus's tone was full of anger, and there was a lingering sense of arrogance.

She was once the goddess of beauty, Venus, who was aloof and worshiped and respected by countless people. This noble and arrogant spirit that belonged to the gods was engraved in her bones, but it seemed that she had not yet recognized her true state.

The goddess who was tightly wrapped in the red cursed air, like the stick in the marshmallow, raised her hands high, and a dense and almost substantial ominous aura spread across the earth.

She now wants to curse these ungrateful humans and send "the grace of Venus, the goddess of beauty" to the millions of humans in the dark city on the earth.

Human beings' teeth will turn yellow, their hair will wither, and misfortune will forever haunt them. From then on, their fertility will decrease, the infant mortality rate will increase dramatically, and adults will lose their physical beauty and become frail and sickly in the future.

"Venus has been aggravated by the curse, and may have gone crazy." Yuena said hurriedly, quickly opening the holy book in her hand.

A pair of graceful holy angel wings spread out from her back, and a sacred and peaceful light bloomed brightly over the floating island. Then, a huge cross like a mountain holding up the sky slowly emerged from the void, majestic and suppressive. Resisting the "favor" that Venus wants to bestow.

Cross of the Word!

But then Yuena's cheeks turned pale. She was in a bit overwhelmed by the angry curse of a fallen god. If she didn't think of some effective methods, she might not be able to last long.

Although she herself is immune to the curse of Venus after the fall, she cannot just watch the millions of innocent residents on the earth being cursed and weakening and withering from then on.

"Jealousy is causing trouble, and you are trapped in a cocoon, but you still refuse to repent." Ye Lin looked solemn and took a step forward, and his powerful aura began to surge.

However, Aragorn suddenly stopped in front of him, smiled at Ye Lin and shook his head, saying: "If you go to prevent the curse from coming, you may be exposed to the curse, so let me do it."

Ye Lin was surprised for a moment, but he didn't have time to ask carefully. He quickly used the Wuxuan essence in his body to grow wide emerald green leaves in the sky. They were layered on top of each other and covered the sky above the Dark City. The light in the entire world dimmed.

After all, the "benefit" of the beauty goddess Venus is a divine means. Even if he is pregnant with Wuxuan, he cannot achieve perfect purification, otherwise the dark elves will not have to continue to suffer from the curse.

"If it is the purification power of Archangel Michelle, it should be possible to forcibly purify Venus' curse and her jealous heart." Ye Lin thought, but the distant water could not save the near fire.

They were all curious about what hidden and powerful means His Majesty Aragon, who came from the main dimension, would find to launch a fierce revenge against Venus.

"Legend has it that Venus, the goddess of beauty, has the most beautiful appearance among women. She can make the sun and the moon eclipse, the stars dim, and the flowers bloom without even being able to smile. But now she looks like an ugly crazy woman. It's really sad." Allah He had a calm demeanor. Faced with the strong curse sweeping before him and the sad and angry past, he actually felt a little sympathy for Venus.

"Aragorn, I will break the neck of every dark elf before your eyes!"

"Yes, but only if you still have a chance." Aragorn took out a sealed scroll from his sleeves. In fact, he did not expect that this thing could follow him to the mirror dimension.

Originally, he planned to burn the source of his soul, go to the real realm of Venus like a moth to a flame, and die without fear or regret.

But after discovering that the scroll was still on him, he immediately changed his original mind and had a bigger plan.

"What is that?" asked the other "Aragorn". His whole body was filled with illusory flames, and he had obviously ignited all his power.

"A medium of communication with the impious gods."

After Aragorn finished speaking, he resolutely unlocked the seal and slowly opened the mysterious and ancient scroll in his hand.


A rolling muffled thunder, but it did not explode out of thin air, but resounded deep in everyone's heart. The sky turned completely dark in an instant, the wind and sand howled, and the endless evil ghosts wailed sadly.

An unspeakable terror is coming, and the whole world seems to be frozen by mysterious power.

The whole body was shaking and dull, like the suffocation of drowning in the deep sea, tightly strangling everyone's throats, and a sense of horror and trembling rose in the soul, as if the next moment it would turn into a fragile glass thrown at a hard stone, shattering into pieces. land.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Aragorn, the earth erupted with several unknown and strange purple energy, forming a dizzying magic circle. At the same time, a delicate silver scale slowly emerged from the center of the magic circle.

It was also at this moment that Ye Lin was able to see what the scroll in Aragorn's hand was. It was an extremely weird oil painting.

The painting is not a human landscape or graffiti, but a goat skull wearing a golden crown!

The gray-colored bones have a pair of devil-like twisted horns. At the base of the horns hangs a string of pearls, jade, and gold gems that symbolize wealth. Its eyes are shining with an evil light, as if it can penetrate people's hearts. The two rows are jagged. The ugly uneven teeth showed a scary smile.

Just a casual glance made him shudder.

"I do not have the approval of Moros, nor do I have the Key of Styx. I cannot shake the balance of the sacrifice scale, and I cannot gain real power. Therefore, I can only rely on this painting of my true appearance to borrow part of the terrifying power." Alaa Gong threw away the hanging painting in his hand, and then walked towards one end of the sacrificial scale.

He stood on the tray at one end, treating himself as a sacrificial offering. With this breath of terror from the beginning, he would definitely be able to shake the true realm of Venus.

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