Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 151 Detective - Tana

"This monster has such weird abilities..."

The moment the octopus's blue eyes flashed, her soul was stabbed as hard as a needle being inserted.

With such a conspicuous feature, she immediately figured out that the red octopus playing with a ball in the pond was a mysterious and terrifying monster, and it was also a weird spiritual type.

"What kind of monster? It's just a newborn game. It tastes pretty good."

Ye Lin subconsciously wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and tried his best to turn his head away from looking at Lotus. It was embarrassing and greedy.

Minette held the scabbard and was silent. She originally thought that after she came to Hedunmar, she could go to his house to do whatever she wanted.

But the red octopus in the pond frightened her as soon as she entered the door...

The woman holding Qin and basking in the sun on the lawn, with long purple hair and an unworldly temperament, must be the fortune teller Alice, a mysterious person that even the Senate cannot see through.

There was also this dark-haired woman who had just walked out of the living room. Her face was fair and pretty, but the dark elf's innate keen intuition made her hair stand on end and her scalp tingled.

How could she have the same fear as when she had the audacity to go to the cemetery to see the evil dragon Spitz decades ago?

There is also this team that is almost all Awakened. Oh my God, who are the people living here? If they gather together and mobilize all, it seems that it is not a problem to push half a van Ness.

"Welcome back."

Tana pursed her lips and smiled, moved lightly like a hostess, and greeted Minette and Viola, who were in a daze, to sit in the living room for a while.

"No, no, we still have to go to the city hall to see Queen Skadi, with the official documents."

Minette hurriedly laughed and completely put away her contempt for Hedunmar. Now it seems that the water here is not much clearer than that of Dark City.

"I'm familiar with the city hall. I'll take you there."

Siatt smiled and motioned to follow her, feeling very relaxed and satisfied.

Recalling when everyone first came to Hedunmar, Ye Lin said that he wanted a house where he could lie down and sleep without having to worry about other things.

At first, she thought it was a waste. She was used to wandering, and the concept of home was indeed a concept that she dared not think of.

Judging from his current mood, he indeed made a very good decision back then, but he was indeed a little worse in terms of vision.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you." Minette finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly escaped from the pond.

"Rice cake, little one, the smell of alcohol on your body has become a little thinner. It seems that you have been ordered to stop drinking."

Tapping the rice cake's nose with her index finger, Alice chuckled teasingly.

When she played the piano, rice cakes would always roll around her feet, and Mailu would move a small bench and sit next to her with a plate of biscuits. This peaceful and beautiful scene had not happened for half a month.

"Can you give me a place? I want to write down my unfinished experiences."

Isadora gestured to Tana with the book in her hand, her eyes a little impatient. She needed some time to sort out what she had learned about this trip to the Dark City.

Corpse thieves, undead weapons, ancient heroes, baroque demons... they are all knowledge that the GBL religion has not been able to record in detail, and she has the desire to write about it.

"Turn right from the living room, on the second floor. There is a sign on the study door. Use it as you wish."

"OK, thanks."

Isadora nodded in thanks and glanced at Lotus playing ball in the pond without leaving any trace. This terrifying apostle had begun to recover bit by bit.

Fortunately, it will no longer be the enemy of the GBL religion.

"Boss, I want to go back and see our Xu Ancestor's princess. I wonder if Her Highness Aska is doing well."

Yuena also hummed: "I have awakened to become a gospel preacher and need to report to Bishop Magello. Theoretically, I may be sent out to be responsible for the exorcism work in a city."

"That's a nice idea, you can consider treating my home as a city." Ye Lin teased, earning an eye roll.

"Gu Yu, you stay here tonight, and I will take you to find a temporary place tomorrow."


Gu Yu, who had been silently playing with his fingers, was stunned. Then he gritted his teeth and twisted his head, saying in a low voice, "I'll just stay at Minette's place. I won't bother you."

"Haha, I'm looking for a helper for you. Your awakening is going to be scary. I have to find you a real Hedunmar local snake, a guy who likes to knock people out, to complete the awakening with you."

He smiled and quickly explained that Gu Yu's somewhat arrogant personality often gives people the illusion that she is a cute dark elf girl, but the hidden bloody shadow dance can cut the enemy's throat in an instant.

It’s almost a 100% perfect match with Paris from Slums!

Sniff sniff~

Tana sniffed his shoulder suspiciously, frowned slightly, tapped her chin and muttered: "It seems that there is a very light fragrance left on you."

"It's not the members of the team or the curator. They are obviously pure bodies. I'm not familiar with the dark elves and it's hard to tell them apart. But judging from the scent of the perfume, it's not like this little sister is the same as the two who just left with Siatt. Bit."

Mo Mei and Yuena, who were waiting for him, blushed slightly, while Gu Yu blinked. She had no idea what the other person was talking about, and she didn't know that the age of a dark elf couldn't be determined by appearance, so she actually called her little sister?

I am two hundred years old!

"Give me kang kang (see)!"

After saying that, Ye Lin couldn't help but resist, and with force he tore the clothes off his right shoulder. Sure enough, there was a row of fine tooth marks with new scabs.

"This little tooth..."


Tana was like a dog-nose detective, slowly deducing who bit his shoulder based on a few clues.

"The snake-shaped dagger ring on your finger should be the symbol of a member or cadre of the Death Ball, but it cannot be a member of the Death Ball, because the smell of perfume will reveal one's body shape, which is a fatal mistake for assassins. In the same way, Ye The destroyers will be excluded.”

"Necromancers are possible, but these guys who play with soul energy and corpses, will Yaxing come to spray perfume? Ninjas are basically in Xu Zu..."

Tana's frowning eyebrows suddenly froze, and then she looked at the embarrassed Ye Lin in surprise. After exhaling, she murmured with some disbelief: "Since you didn't bring the other party back, it means that the other party is really busy. If you can’t leave, you should be in a high position, so if you are not the daughter of a certain noble... I heard that the Dark Elf Queen Meia is beautiful, noble and elegant... It just so happens that Queen Meia suddenly wants to have a peaceful exchange with Belmare..."

Ye Lin raised his forehead and was horrified. Is this Teemo still a dragon?

This ghostly appearance can be analyzed in a short period of time. It would be a pity not to be a detective!

Michelle, the one who can see through the truth, was so weak in front of Tana. Those holy eyes quickly poked him, and he changed his job to a perm guy.

Tana was shocked for the first time. After a long while, she breathed a sigh of relief and rolled her eyes: "You are really the messenger of peace. Go and do your work quickly. I will take care of you when I come back in the evening."

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